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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : Java heap space
Posted: 7 Apr 11, 04:41
If you receive this error, it usually indicates that your album project includes some very large original images. The error simply means that Java has run out of RAM, and needs more to handle these images. To increase the amount of memory allocated to jAlbum, choose Tools, Open Directories, Program directory, then quit the jAlbum application.

The program directory on Windows will contain a Jalbum.ini file. Right-click it and choose Edit. If there is no such option, choose Open with... and choose a text editor (Notepad, for example).

Find the line that begins:
Virtual Machine Parameters=-Xms64M -Xmx8000M ...
Change the -Xmx value from 8000M to 16000M. Save the file, close it, and launch jAlbum again.

On macOS, the program directory will contain a JAlbum.cfg file - open it in a simple text editor.

In the [JavaOptions] section, change the -Xmx value from 8000M to 16000M. Save the file, close it, and launch jAlbum again.

In Linux, locate the Jalbum.desktop file and edit it. Look for a line like this:
Exec=java -Xmx8000M
Change it to a higher value.

If you are using Console Mode, do the same thing by editing the -Xmx8000M parameter to –Xmx16000M, for example.

Leaving the -Xmx setting at a very high value all the time is discouraged, as it tends to mask memory leaks, and these need to be found and fixed. In some circumstances, it can also lead to unnecessarily high RAM consumption, can slow down the computer when it's forced to swap memory, and can deprive other applications of RAM. So, when you return to creating albums with more typical image files, reset the value to its default.

There is also a way to reduce the amount of memory the application requires. Choose Tools (jAlbum on macOS), Preferences, Advanced, and reduce the Number of threads setting. This will slow down album generation, but it will demand less RAM.
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