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Permlink Replies: 1 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 22 Oct 23, 18:49 Last Post By: JeffTucker Threads: [ Previous | Next ]

Posts: 8,392
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Image Inclusion Options
Posted: 11 Aug 10, 17:59
The Images > General > Include section of the UI offers several choices about what images to include in the completed album.

The Thumbnails choice is grayed out. They're either always included, or a skin might do some internal coding to eliminate them. This isn't under the user's control.

If you check Scaled images, the album will include those that jAlbum has reduced to fit in the image bounds you've set under Album > Settings > Images > Image bounds. jAlbum will also apply whatever image editing you have done within jAlbum (like cropping) and whatever image filters you've chosen, either in the image editing window (on the right when you double-click a thumbnail) or by using skin settings or user variables. The images that land in the album end up being much smaller files than typical digital originals (like maybe 300KB vs. 4MB). So, when a visitor clicks on a thumbnail, the image he sees will be that scaled-down version. Given the resolution of monitors, the quality will be excellent, as long as you've chosen the Smooth scaling method, and JPEG Quality of 75%-85%.

If you check Originals, but not Scaled images, jAlbum won't do any scaling - in fact, it won't touch your original images even if, for example, you have told jAlbum to use filters on the images - those requests will be ignored. It will simply use the image you have added to the project in the final album. When a visitor clicks on a thumbnail, it will display the original image that you have fed into jAlbum, unaltered. This is the choice for someone who's doing all of his image processing outside of jAlbum, including scaling it down to a manageable size. If, for example, you use an application like Lightroom to work with RAW images from the camera, you could export the final result as a resized JPG, and then tell jAlbum to use that image without any further processing.

If you check both Scaled images and Originals, the album will include both. When a visitor clicks on a thumbnail, the image he sees will be that scaled-down version. Most skins then either automatically or optionally include a "download" icon of some sort, so that the visitor can download the full-sized original.

If you check only Scaled images, you can make some choices on an individual image basis. Right-click on a thumbnail in the Explore view, and choose either Include original or Use original. If you choose the former option, the visitor will see the scaled image, but will be offered the choice of downloading the original. If you choose the latter option, the original will be the only version of that image in the album - there won't be a scaled version, and it's the only version the visitor will see.

A word about the Settings > Images > Advanced > Copy originals if needed checkbox. With the current version of jAlbum, it's best to leave it checked all the time, regardless of the image inclusions you've chosen. And if you're using videos in your album project, this box should always remain checked. Choosing this option never results in unneeded originals being copied to the output.

Edited by: JeffTucker on 22 Oct 2023, 12:25, to reflect changes in jAlbum 33.

Posts: 8,392
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Image Linking Options
Posted: 22 Feb 13, 15:55   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
Where do the various types of images end up in the final album?

Originals - these are in the root of the album, e.g.:

Scaled - these are in the slides subdirectory of the album, e.g.:
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