Hello everyone
Please see attached pix.
I'm hoping someone can explain to me the difference between:
folder name and title.
folder title and description.
Folder name is the same as the folder’s name in your os’ file system. Folder title is the name you enter in jAlbum’s title field, as in the explorer view with ‘Titles’ selected to be displayed.
Description is like the comment for files, some skins support both folder description and comments. See
I know that the theme image is, but where, if anywhere does the thumbnail show up?
The folder thumbnail is used as the thumbnail in the album for that folder, if Settings > Advanced > General > Use thumbnail for folder icon.
I fumble around when I want to set the folder thumbnail for a parent folder (as opposed to a folder with photos in it). What is the best way to do that?
If you want to use an image from within a subfolder for a parent folder you could copy that image, then in the parent folder paste it as a link, exclude it and then drag it to the folder thumbnail placeholder. You can also drag an image from outside the project directly onto the placeholder.