Permlink Replies: 8 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 4 Dec 24, 20:11 Last Post By: MarkusD

Posts: 103
Registered: 18-Jun-2010
Preview: keeping the displayed folder
Posted: 26 Nov 24, 22:24
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The preview with the new embedded browser is really great, thanks for the work done. It's also great to see the rendering in real-time when you change a setting :-)

IMHO, one point could still be improved: I use the preview in windowed mode, and I sometimes need to hide this window either by closing it or by minimizing it in the taskbar. In both cases, I just have to press F12 to make it visible again.

That said, when I work in a subfolder and I press F12, it is always the root of the project that is displayed, even if the subfolder was shown. I understand this behavior when you reopen the window after closing it, but I find it abnormal when you restore the minimized window. It would be great in this case if the previously displayed folder was preserved :-)

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Re: Preview: keeping the displayed folder
Posted: 26 Nov 24, 22:59   in response to: phil44 in response to: phil44
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If you are editing a subfolder many levels down from the root you could copy the path from the root in the explorer address bar, then paste it before the 'index.html' of the preview bar.

Not what you are asking for but it might be a quicker way of getting there than navigating the album in the meantime.

Posts: 8,431
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Preview: keeping the displayed folder
Posted: 26 Nov 24, 23:17   in response to: phil44 in response to: phil44
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I think the difficulty is that F12 means, "launch the preview." It has no clue where you were when you minimized it. F12 does not mean, "restore a minimized window." I have to wonder whether the OS would even let an app do that.

Easily worked around - if you've just minimized the window (rather than closing it), noodled with settings, then want the window back, just maximize it again. Mouse-hover on the icon in the taskbar, and click on the preview window.

Posts: 103
Registered: 18-Jun-2010
Re: Preview: keeping the displayed folder
Posted: 27 Nov 24, 17:21   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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JeffTucker wrote:
I think the difficulty is that F12 means, "launch the preview." It has no clue where you were when you minimized it. F12 does not mean, "restore a minimized window." I have to wonder whether the OS would even let an app do that.
In my opinion, as a former developer, the operating system has nothing to do with restoring a minimized window, especially in Java applications. The code to close a window or to minimize it is not the same. Moreover, re-creating a previously closed window is much more expensive (in terms of CPU and memory) than restoring an iconified window. In the latter case, the application usually still has the previous state in memory. It is this last point which motivates my request.
Easily worked around - if you've just minimized the window (rather than closing it), noodled with settings, then want the window back, just maximize it again. Mouse-hover on the icon in the taskbar, and click on the preview window.
True, but it is often faster to press a key ;-)

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Preview: keeping the displayed folder
Posted: 27 Nov 24, 17:30   in response to: phil44 in response to: phil44
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In this instance, I think you're probably correct. The window, in this case, is a frame that jAlbum has created, so it can "horse it around" at will. Doing something to a window coming from a different application, on the other hand, starts to get very messy, and would require platform-dependent code.

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Preview: keeping the displayed folder
Posted: 3 Dec 24, 14:27   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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David, have you given this one any thought?

Quick summary: in the windowed browser, if the user minimizes the window (not closing it), then hits F12, it launches a fresh instance of the browser, rather than just maximizing the window. So it loses its "place" in the album, i.e., which folder was being viewed.

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Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: Preview: keeping the displayed folder
Posted: 3 Dec 24, 14:43   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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JeffTucker wrote:
David, have you given this one any thought?

Quick summary: in the windowed browser, if the user minimizes the window (not closing it), then hits F12, it launches a fresh instance of the browser, rather than just maximizing the window. So it loses its "place" in the album, i.e., which folder was being viewed.

Yes, I want to address this, but bumped into some tech issues (resolvable but requires some thinking). Would it be ideal if the browser detected that you're previewing the same gallery and then simply reload the currently loaded page?

Posts: 8,431
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Preview: keeping the displayed folder
Posted: 3 Dec 24, 15:11   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
Would it be ideal if the browser detected that you're previewing the same gallery and then simply reload the currently loaded page?

Offhand, I'd say, "yes." But I'll let regular users of the windowed browser chime in. I always work with an external browser, so it's F9, ALT-TAB, F5. ;)

Posts: 682
Registered: 13-Apr-2006
Re: Preview: keeping the displayed folder
Posted: 4 Dec 24, 20:11   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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JeffTucker wrote:
davidekholm wrote:
Would it be ideal if the browser detected that you're previewing the same gallery and then simply reload the currently loaded page?

Offhand, I'd say, "yes." But I'll let regular users of the windowed browser chime in. I always work with an external browser, so it's F9, ALT-TAB, F5. ;)

Exactly what I do too, Shortcuts are fantastic. :-)
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