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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
macOS reports a damaged app
Posted: 30 Sep 24, 21:21
Sometimes, new releases and jAlbum don't play well with a new release of macOS, and an installation will fail with a message, is damaged and can't be opened. This is a red herring, since there's nothing actually wrong with the app, and David will usually fix this fairly quickly. Parts of the app may need to be re-packed and re-notarized.

But in the interim, you can bypass Apple's paranoia in one of several ways.

  • From Terminal, you can execute
    xattr -d /Applications/
  • You can download the DMG file to another device, do a network copy to your Mac, then install it.
  • You can copy the downloaded DMG to a thumb drive, delete it from the Mac, copy it back from the thumb drive, then install it. (Not tested.)

The real cause of the install failure can be revealed with this Terminal command:
spctl -a -vv /Applications/
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