Last Post:
22 Mar 24, 03:36
Last Post By: nigel-aves
After "Make Album" there are colour changes to the photographs.
22 Mar 24, 00:31
I've run into a bit of a puzzler, and this is not the first time, it happened to me a couple of days ago. But prior to this, I saw no colour changes at all.
If you look at the attached file (colour_differances) , the photograph on the right is the master after processing. It's a .webp using no compression at all.
The photograph on the left (using 85% compression in Tiger settings) is what I'm seeing in the "preview local album" Notice how red it has become. This is especially noticeable if you look at the "Nigel Aves" tag at the bottom right—no, the other right!
When this happened before I found that I could correct it by starting off with an uncompressed .webp and changing the jAlbum compression from 80% to 85%.
This colouring effect has happened to all the photographs in this series. So I took three of the originals (already .webp - no compression), ran them through XnConvert using an 85% compression, and as expected, no colour change was noticeable to the eye.
Has something changed in the software, or am I losing my mind? (Don't answer that!)
I'm using the Tiger skin and have included the original photograph. All software is up-to-date.
Re: After "Make Album" there are colour changes to the photographs.
22 Mar 24, 01:58
in response to: nigel-aves
I opened in the original WEBP (and more on that in a moment) in both Windows Photos and in Irfanview. Not even remotely similar - see screenshot. Like Irfanview, paint.net renders the image with a greenish cast. Opening it directly in a browser, on the other hand, preserves the proper tint.
I'm not sure why you think the "redder" version is incorrect - it's the "greenish" version that looks sickly. Flesh tones are horribly wrong.
I have no problem adding that WEBP to a project and letting jAlbum produce a JPG from it. The color balance remains just fine. The JPG slide image has the same balance as the WEBP had. The degree of compression makes no difference. Pretty much the same result if I tell jAlbum to produce a WEBP slide image, instead of JPG.
So where did that WEBP come from? AFAIK, there's no such thing as a "WEBP original." No camera produces WEBP files.
Re: After "Make Album" there are colour changes to the photographs.
22 Mar 24, 03:36
in response to: JeffTucker
Hi Jeff, hoper I'm finding you well.
Original: All post-processing of the RAW image is finished. The final step is to convert using XnConvert to .webp with no compression, which I now use in jAlbum. This is my workflow, and I have not had any issues up until now.
I'm not seeing any green tint on my monitor, skin tones look all OK. Original image displays correctly using Irfanview and also MPC-HC 32 and 64 bit and (movie player) / Media Player Classic. I even tried Libre Office. In all of those, it displayed as expected. (I don't use MS Photos).
I then created a new project, Tiger Skin, imported settings from the album I'm having issues with, and added a few photographs, including the one in the original message. AND. After Make Album and using preview, It worked perfectly, no red tint at all.
All on the same machine. makes no sense.
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