Odd. When I wrote that plugin I set it explicitly to allow videos as well. It's a rather long "ramp-up-time" for wading into the plugin code so I don't know if it's worth it. The source code is available within the plugin, should you wish to have a go at it.
Here's a reference to the code that SHOULD make it support videos: jAlbumExportServiceProvider.lua:283
--- (optional, Boolean) When plug-in defined value istrue, both video and
-- still photos can be exported through this plug-in. If not present or set to false,
-- video files cannot be exported through this plug-in. If set to the string "only",
-- video files can be exported, but not still photos.
-- <p>No conversions are available for video files. They are simply
-- copied in the same format that was originally imported into Lightroom.</p>
-- <p>First supported in version 3.0 of the Lightroom SDK.</p>
-- @name exportServiceProvider.canExportVideo
-- @class property
exportServiceProvider.canExportVideo = true