Tool to traverse the current folder in explore view mode and create code with JSON data from included pictures and videos. Write the result in a file 'points.js' in the image directory. The 'points.js' file can be used to populate a leaflet map with markers.
Don’t use '"' in comments or titles, use '„' (<Alt><0132>) and '“' (<Alt><0147>) instead.
Author 'MarkusD' Markus Drück created 25 September 2022
Co-Author 'RobM'
Last modified 28 October 2022
Rev. Date News
0.9 25/09/2022 • Initial release
1.0 26/09/2022 • First working version
1.1 27/09/2022 • Processes also videos
• Exports "rating" and "altitude" only when available
1.2 27/09/2022 • The value for "f" for a video is not the preview thumb, but the video itself
1.3 28/09/2022 • New value "ca" for "category". "0"=picture and "1"=video
1.4 29/09/2022 • 'points.js' will not be copied to the output folder, you have to handle that yourself
• File extension of videos is now "mp4" instead of "MP4"
1.5 30/09/2022 • Replace space characters (" ") in file names with "%20"
• If "originalDate" is not set using "fileDate" instead
1.6 23/10/2022 • now writes points file to output folders, fixed bugs
1.7 24/10/2022 • rewritten to support nested folders
1.8 25/10/2022 • excluded excluded folders, tidied up debug printout
1.9 26/10/2022 • now also works if the last object in a folder has no GPS data
2.0 28/10/2022 • The file extensions are now correct regardless of which output method (webp or jpg) was selected.
Edited by: MarkusD on 28 Oct 2022, 18:55