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Permlink Replies: 7 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 9 Dec 19, 18:06 Last Post By: apeterd

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rq make Lucid navigation visible in a Fully-like way?
Posted: 7 Dec 19, 22:13
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i've failed to find a way to make a Lucid hierarchical folder structure be visible via a mouse-over, rather than a click.

i'm a Fully fan so was excited to see Lucid as a maintained alternative. Unfortunately my layout works best with a Fully-like folder navigation scheme. Grateful as I am for Laza's excellent skins, yeh tiger, I wonder if it would be possible to have the image displayed full screen but with navigation control and image description/numbers etc visible on top of the image with controllable opacity via a mouse-over and/or setting.

regardless, could Lucid provide some way of including a subfolder thumbnail in the (3x3 matrix icon) thumbnails display. this would be provide an additional navigation control perhaps.

again thank you Laza for your contributions. i'm not the best at reading documentation so apologies if I've missed the answers to my questions.

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Re: rq make Lucid navigation visible in a Fully-like way?
Posted: 8 Dec 19, 09:28   in response to: apeterd in response to: apeterd
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Yes, I was pondering to implement this feature. It's only useful if you have max. 5-6 subfolders, but probably many users has albums like this. I will add an option, like "Visible by default" with a new release.

The captions are glued to the images, so a fixed positioned captioning like in Fully is not really possible. You can choose the bottom right corner though. I tested it now, and it seems the alignment doesn't work for some reason. I'll fix this too.

Adding the folders to the thumbnail panel? I'm not sure about this but will think about.

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Re: rq make Lucid navigation visible in a Fully-like way?
Posted: 8 Dec 19, 14:57   in response to: Laza in response to: Laza
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Laza wrote:
Adding the folders to the thumbnail panel? I'm not sure about this but will think about.

At that point, it starts looking like a different skin, one that starts with a page of thumbnails, including folders. In other words, like most other skins.

I've never seen a thumbstrip that includes folders. That starts getting into Wonkavator Navigation™.

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Registered: 14-Feb-2010
Re: rq make Lucid navigation visible in a Fully-like way?
Posted: 8 Dec 19, 22:41   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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to JGromit (wensleydale?) and Laza ...

thank you for not trashing the idea(s) out of hand. i guess my "folder as a thumbnail icon" #2 idea was a backup/alternate way to make the navigation easier. if idea #1 (making the navigation (folder/subfolder tree) visible) works then folder-as-a-thumbnail is moot.

(so instead of shutting up and being grateful for "Visible-by-default" in a new release, i ramble on .... )
i'm certainly not fluent when it comes to Jalbum/skin terminology but naively i thought that the subfolder as a thumbnail icon is what happens in Tiger when at a particular hierarchical level where there are image thumbnails and subfolders - see attached screenshot. i think those thubnail-looking icons aren't really thumbnails per se.

losing fixed position captioning isn't a show stopper for me.

again thankyou, we all really benefit from your expertise and contribution.

wallace the wonkavator

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Re: rq make Lucid navigation visible in a Fully-like way?
Posted: 8 Dec 19, 22:52   in response to: apeterd in response to: apeterd
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It's a subtle distinction, but consider a typical Tiger album. The visitor starts on a page that has thumbnails for whatever images are at the top level, and thumbnails at the top that lead to the folders. If he clicks on a folder thumbnail, he's taken to the page for that folder, and again, there are image thumbnails and maybe thumbnails for subfolders.

When he clicks on an image thumbnail, that launches the lightbox that shows the slide image. Now, while he's looking at the slide image, he can call up a thumbstrip that contains a thumbnail for each of the other images in the current folder. But there are no links there to any other folders - the thumbstrip shows only the other images in the current folder.

In Lucid, that first type of page isn't present - there's no "thumbnail page" as there is in Tiger (and most other skins). There are only slide images and an optional thumbstrip. Navigation to other folders is handled entirely by the menu tree on the left.

To a skin developer, these beasties are all very different, mostly because each of them requires a different approach to the variables that the jAlbum core makes available to the developer. Not so obvious to a user, who, thankfully, doesn't have to deal with it. ;)

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Registered: 14-Feb-2010
Re: rq make Lucid navigation visible in a Fully-like way?
Posted: 9 Dec 19, 02:54   in response to: Laza in response to: Laza
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i was really screwed up! i am hoping to replace web pages generated with the Fully skin with ones generated by the Lucid skin. For Lucid testing I used the same image directory hierarchy in place for my Fully web pages. Whereas Lucid would like a directory hierarchy with images only existing in folders at the lowest level of the hierarchy. Previously, to make Fully a little more friendly i included a solo image in directories that otherwise would only contain sub-folders. This was to avoid blank screens while navigating Fully generated pages. Now in the Lucid world these solo images unfortunately had the effect of suprressing the nice Lucid-generated round cornered sub-folder-image-labels (icons? but i need to be careful with this word) anyway, i "hid" all those solo images and now, with the round-cornered-subfolder-labels Lucid navigation becomes obvious - all the lucid generated round-cornered-subfolder-labels are there to show me around. phew. i completely understand now why my questions weren't really making sense. Now, i don't have to click on the hamburger icon to navigate the tree. as for my original request ... i suppose having it only appear on a mouse hover-over would be nice but lnot essential anymore. before i removed my solo images i had no other way to navigate. mystery solved.

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Re: rq make Lucid navigation visible in a Fully-like way?
Posted: 9 Dec 19, 07:30   in response to: apeterd in response to: apeterd
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I understand now. Perhaps this method of choosing folder icon and excluding is not obvious - I agree. Still I guess this is the better approach: i.e. not showing images selected for folder thumbnails in the lightbox. Perhaps jAlbum should show a tip when it's only one image if the user wants this image be excluded. It's hard to implement though, as every folder starts with the first image added. :)

Posts: 4
Registered: 14-Feb-2010
Re: rq make Lucid navigation visible in a Fully-like way?
Posted: 9 Dec 19, 18:06   in response to: Laza in response to: Laza
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Attachment IMG_4211.jpg (380.8 KB)
got it: round-cornered-subfolder-labels are "folder thumbnails"

so now i have things working closer to how you intended my initial requests are not useful - i like the way it works as is. thank you.

a couple of other points/observations/requests ... compared to 3 yr old Fully, Lucid generated pages work (i.e. display and navigate) very nicely on iPadOS/iOS devices as well as in Catalina hosted, Firefox or Safari (Chrome is too scary for me).

taking a look at the attached iPad screen snapshot and i realize iOS is challenging to develop for, but is it possible to:

a) make the top light blue "horizontal bar" transparent in "full screen" mode (as usual, i'm looking for maximum visual real estate here). btw this very thing works perfectly in macOS firefox/safari browsers.

b) notice i attached a portrait orientation to emphasize the issue with the item caption conflicting with the iPadOS "dismiss handle" (horizontal white bar for page management). the caption does not conflict on a page with landscape orientation - but this is just dumb luck in terms of image aspect ratio (3:2=1.5) and iPad Pro screen size (2388:1668=1.41) - is it possible to reposition the caption "up a little"?

c) again it would be great if the caption had variable opacity but i bet the caption is "integrated" in to the image at this stage and this is not possible.

thanks for your time on this...
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