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Permlink Replies: 9 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 6 Nov 19, 15:42 Last Post By: JeffTucker

Posts: 14
Registered: 3-Sep-2007
jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 3 Nov 19, 12:36
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I have a statement which relates to notifying as well as being presented on each of the index pages for the galleries within the albums. Works fine for Projector but for Lucid, the jAlbum Advanced feature is negated for "Notes" and there is no function within Lucid where this statement can be placed for each index page within the skin. It has everything to do with Copyrights and I'm thinking that many photographers might want to be able to have their style of the statement in their Albums one way or the other.

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Re: jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 3 Nov 19, 13:37   in response to: fotofun2 in response to: fotofun2
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The Notes tab in jAlbum is the place where you can leave information about the album project for yourself, things like, "I customized this album for Joe Blow, email address, phone number 800-555-1212." It never appears in a finished album, no matter what skin you're using.

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Registered: 3-Sep-2007
Re: jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 5 Nov 19, 21:58   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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I know that however that is not what I need to have posted. What needs to be posted is what a viewer can and cannot do with any images they view. Projector is one of the skins which allows the statement to be posted at the bottom of each of the index pages within an album. Lucid does not have that provision.

Right now, the statement resides in the jAlbum Advanced section under the Notes subsection which states (if the check mark is inserted) "Notify on project load". Since that section is suppose to stay in place for about 10 seconds, it doesn't always do it if the skin doesn't support it. The same verbiage is in the Projector skin under the "Cover page" section and is stated in the "Footer" sub-section where it states "Custom content: will be added at the bottom of the cover page"

I could place the statement in the Lucid "Site" section within the "Custom code" <BODY> sub-section along with the jAlbum banner code that is there. Unfortunately, as stated in another posting the instructions for that section reads: "Will be added at the end of the page" doesn't always work correctly - sometimes it is at the top and sometimes not shown at all because the slide image covers it up. Until that gets fixed for the banner ad to be displayed properly, I'm not going to add anything else to that section. URL:

Edited by: fotofun2 on 05-Nov-2019 21:59

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 5 Nov 19, 22:09   in response to: fotofun2 in response to: fotofun2
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fotofun2 wrote:
Right now, the statement resides in the jAlbum Advanced section under the Notes subsection which states (if the check mark is inserted) "Notify on project load".

You're still confused. The Notes notification stays in place for 10 seconds when you open an album project.... in the jAlbum application. The content of the Notes tab doesn't appear in an album. Ever. No matter what skin you're using.

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 5 Nov 19, 22:12   in response to: fotofun2 in response to: fotofun2
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Yes, the Lucid setting to plant text at the bottom of each page is not currently working properly. That option may be eliminated, rather than fixed. We've already discussed this. Bringing it up again isn't going to change anything.

Posts: 14
Registered: 3-Sep-2007
Re: jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 6 Nov 19, 00:57   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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I don't think I'm "still confused". The reason being the information which is written in the jAlbum directions on how to use the Advanced area. Ref: it is written for "Notes
SettingsAdvancedNotes.png" (image reference)

"Notes" (Title)

"This is a text area for making notes or reminders on the project. The text field is plain text, no bold, italics or underline etc.

"There is a single option, 'Notify on project load', of having a notification message appear when the project is loaded, provided there is content in the notes field. Uncheck the notify box if you do want to keep some notes but don’t want to see the reminder message. Clicking on the message’s 'notes' link, after 'This project has', will open the notes window."

My interpretation is that once an Album was made and uploaded to the server, then anyone opening the Album (project) would see those notes. Obviously, my misinterpretation is just that, not confused though interpreted incorrectly. Oddly, on earlier version of jAlbum, I actually had popups being displayed for less than ten seconds, on published albums, which bugged me but not to the extent to report it because I perceived it to be something like an operating system caching causing the problem. Now, I get a "Flag" tag which when opened says "this project has notes". It never dawned on me that it was the Notes section under Advanced because I have files in the project directories which have a suffix in the file name such as "notes.txt" which I perceived being picked up from the editor. Keep in mind that there is a sub-section of Advanced titled "Metadata" in which Comment sources for jAlbum is a Text file such as "notes.txt" which easily throws a wrench into the differences between what you understand and what I perceive that "Notes" flag is indicating within the Editor. I think the issue may be because I think like a user you think as a developer. I'm not a developer of jAlbum albums. If I was, I'd create exactly what I need instead of having to use what is available in the best way possible; which is why I do live tests on new skins. Another reason why I moved from the Saturn skin for my albums to the Projector skin. Though I continue to use the Saturn skin for my shopping carts because Projector isn't the skin to do that process. Lucid looked promising, for my next Project phase, though I'm not sure when it will evolve to the point I can use it in my next phase of Album creation.

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 6 Nov 19, 02:04   in response to: fotofun2 in response to: fotofun2
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fotofun2 wrote:
My interpretation is that once an Album was made and uploaded to the server, then anyone opening the Album (project) would see those notes.

No. The project is on your PC, in the jAlbum application. No site visitor can open the project. All they can see is the album that the project has created.

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 6 Nov 19, 02:09   in response to: fotofun2 in response to: fotofun2
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fotofun2 wrote:
Keep in mind that there is a sub-section of Advanced titled "Metadata" in which Comment sources for jAlbum is a Text file such as "notes.txt" which easily throws a wrench into the differences between what you understand and what I perceive that "Notes" flag is indicating within the Editor.

Again, no. The text file that can be used as a comment source is, which is created when you enter comments within jAlbum. In other words, an external file, rather than metadata that are embedded within the JPG's themselves (like xmp metadata).

Though I continue to use the Saturn skin for my shopping carts because Projector isn't the skin to do that process. Lucid looked promising, for my next Project phase, though I'm not sure when it will evolve to the point I can use it in my next phase of Album creation.

As long as you persist in trying to load up your album pages with extraneous stuff like banners and long-winded explanatory text, you're going to have problems. The skins are evolving. What isn't keeping pace with current page design philosophies are your expectations. You keep trying to produce something for the bold, new, 1990's. Not going to work.

Posts: 14
Registered: 3-Sep-2007
Re: jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 6 Nov 19, 15:15   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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Again, I admit that I misinterpreted the instructions for the Notes. As far as the banner is concerned, I'll continue to use that because I've been quite pleased with being and using jAlbum long before you came onto the scene. The banner is my way of giving back to the team that made my life in creating photo albums very easy over the last 17 years. It's far easier for me to advertise the best Album process to those who see my work with a banner that was designed specifically by the developers of jAlbum for me to use on the new skins.

I will put in a support request to figure out a way for that banner to resize if viewed on a Smart Phone. Although, with the jAlbum app available, it's a bit ludicrous to use the URL process to view photo albums when the person wanting to see an album has an easy to use APP for Android/iOS. One really needs a much larger screen to do any justice and to get a good experience via the URL address - more like 13 inches or larger - thus one of the purposes for Tablets and Chromebooks.

Your statement "As long as you persist in trying to load up your album pages with extraneous stuff like banners and long-winded explanatory text, you're going to have problems" is your perception. It isn't mine and I don't buy into your explanation either.

Posts: 8,438
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: jAlbum Advanced-Notes Function Negated
Posted: 6 Nov 19, 15:42   in response to: fotofun2 in response to: fotofun2
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fotofun2 wrote:
Your statement "As long as you persist in trying to load up your album pages with extraneous stuff like banners and long-winded explanatory text, you're going to have problems" is your perception. It isn't mine and I don't buy into your explanation either.

I'm not the least bit surprised.
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