I don't think I'm "still confused". The reason being the information which is written in the jAlbum directions on how to use the Advanced area. Ref:
http://jalbum.net/help/en/jAlbum/Settings/Advanced it is written for "Notes
SettingsAdvancedNotes.png" (image reference)
"Notes" (Title)
"This is a text area for making notes or reminders on the project. The text field is plain text, no bold, italics or underline etc.
"There is a single option, 'Notify on project load', of having a notification message appear when the project is loaded, provided there is content in the notes field. Uncheck the notify box if you do want to keep some notes but don’t want to see the reminder message. Clicking on the message’s 'notes' link, after 'This project has', will open the notes window."
My interpretation is that once an Album was made and uploaded to the server, then anyone opening the Album (project) would see those notes. Obviously, my misinterpretation is just that, not confused though interpreted incorrectly. Oddly, on earlier version of jAlbum, I actually had popups being displayed for less than ten seconds, on published albums, which bugged me but not to the extent to report it because I perceived it to be something like an operating system caching causing the problem. Now, I get a "Flag" tag which when opened says "this project has
notes". It never dawned on me that it was the Notes section under Advanced because I have files in the project directories which have a suffix in the file name such as "notes.txt" which I perceived being picked up from the editor. Keep in mind that there is a sub-section of Advanced titled "Metadata" in which Comment sources for jAlbum is a Text file such as "notes.txt" which easily throws a wrench into the differences between what you understand and what I perceive that "Notes" flag is indicating within the Editor. I think the issue may be because I think like a user you think as a developer. I'm not a developer of jAlbum albums. If I was, I'd create exactly what I need instead of having to use what is available in the best way possible; which is why I do live tests on new skins. Another reason why I moved from the Saturn skin for my albums to the Projector skin. Though I continue to use the Saturn skin for my shopping carts because Projector isn't the skin to do that process. Lucid looked promising, for my next Project phase, though I'm not sure when it will evolve to the point I can use it in my next phase of Album creation.