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Posting links to a particular post
Posted: 15 Jan 16, 12:48

When posting in a forum thread you may want to point to another post within another forum's thread.
To link to a specific post find the next subsequent post that has the name of the poster in the field 'in response to'. Now click on either the blue 'up' arrow or the user's name and copy the link, then paste the link into your forum post example of link format <pre> </pre>

If you want to link to a post that has not had a reply then you need to do a two step process.
First, in the post you want to reference click and hold the blue up arrow or the name of the earlier poster and copy the url.
Now click and hold on the reply button, note the number at the end of the url. Finally, paste the url you copied earlier but replace the numbers at the end with the number you just noted.

Example, blue up arrow/earlier poster url:

Repy to url!reply.jspa?messageID=number2

Link to the post without a reply

Essentialy, the url to a message always starts with

And the reply to button always has the message ID.

Edited by: RobM on 17 Jan 2023, 19:08
Removed dead links and replaced with number1 and number2
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