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Permlink Replies: 6 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 13 Jul 23, 08:19 Last Post By: xili1234

Posts: 8
Registered: 15-Nov-2007
Processing bug around 2 albums with same source
Posted: 12 Jul 23, 08:27
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We using Jalbum since many years to manage 2 albums :

one for computer, another for mobile

We using jalbum 31.1.1 with skin tiger

The album for computer is here (name album)

The album for mobile is here (name albumXS)

The source image are the same only the processing is different.
We generate output in different directories for each album
Same source, distinct outputs

We have around 247 000 pictures / movies in each album

We using command line to generate the two album :

for albumXS it's
"C:\Program Files\jAlbum\jre64\bin\java.exe" -Xmx90G -Xms80G -jar "C:\Program Files\jAlbum\JAlbum.jar" -projectFile "E:\1G\archive\jap\albumXS.jap"

for album it's
"C:\Program Files\jAlbum\jre64\bin\java.exe" -Xmx90G -Xms80G -jar "C:\Program Files\jAlbum\JAlbum.jar" -projectFile "E:\1G\archive\jap\album normal.jap"

It's working perfectly fine since long time

Since some months the generation is good for albumXS but the modification are not processed with album

I'm obliged to make some change in the second album in order to obtain processing.

If I have a new directory in an album it's processed with the first command line but not the second.

We are two to manage these albums, with different command line (and jap) and we have the same trouble : the second process don't detect modification



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Registered: 4-Aug-2006
Re: Processing bug around 2 albums with same source
Posted: 12 Jul 23, 16:23   in response to: xili1234 in response to: xili1234
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Tiger skin produces responsive pages, so a single album will display fine on large or small devices.

Posts: 8
Registered: 15-Nov-2007
Re: Processing bug around 2 albums with same source
Posted: 12 Jul 23, 16:38   in response to: RobM in response to: RobM
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Sorry but it's not a response to the question.

We use two album for precise reasons, on mobile we want small picture, fast loading on computer we choose other picture size, another behavior ...

It's the same skin but with other parameters.

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Processing bug around 2 albums with same source
Posted: 12 Jul 23, 16:58   in response to: xili1234 in response to: xili1234
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The short answer is that jAlbum keeps track of what processing is needed for an album using the control files in the image directory (things like the .info file). If you have two different projects, but sharing a single image directory, it has no way of getting it straight.

Open each of these projects in jAlbum, and take a look at Settings > General > Image directory. If both projects are pointing to the same place, you will continue to have problems.

This is not to say the each project needs to have its own copy of the source images. The projects can just contain links to the source files, rather than keeping copies of them.

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Registered: 4-Aug-2006
Re: Processing bug around 2 albums with same source
Posted: 12 Jul 23, 17:40   in response to: xili1234 in response to: xili1234
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xili1234 wrote:
Sorry but it's not a response to the question.

We use two album for precise reasons, on mobile we want small picture, fast loading on computer we choose other picture size, another behavior ...

It's the same skin but with other parameters.

You could use jAlbum’s variants to generate images of both sizes, within a single project. The browser will load the small or larger image, which ever is the best fit for the device.

As Jeff says, linking to the images would avoid problems. There is a tool that will convert a project to a mirrored project.

Posts: 627
Registered: 13-Apr-2006
Re: Processing bug around 2 albums with same source
Posted: 12 Jul 23, 21:25   in response to: xili1234 in response to: xili1234
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xili1234 wrote:
We using Jalbum since many years to manage 2 albums :

one for computer, another for mobile

We using jalbum 31.1.1 with skin tiger

The album for computer is here (name album)

The album for mobile is here (name albumXS)

When I look at the album for the computer I saw for example this picture:

Its size: 234.629 Bytes. This is what I would call: small, tiny.

I for my self create slides (for computer and mobile) which are much bigger. Example:

Its size: 2.303.394 Bytes. This is what I call a size proper for a decent computer monitor.

In other words, I would stop handling two different albums, which both produce very small slides.

Just my 2 cents.

Posts: 8
Registered: 15-Nov-2007
Re: Processing bug around 2 albums with same source
Posted: 13 Jul 23, 08:19   in response to: MarkusD in response to: MarkusD
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Thank you all, we will test solutions based on your proposals.

Regarding these albums, the source images (about 600 GB) come from hundreds of different authors over time (for 20 years)

Best regards
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