You can run jAlbum on a standard Java installation which includes java.sql.Time.
The OpenJDK doesn't come with a JRE at all. Unless I'm missing something, you can't just point jAlbum at the JDK. Somehow, you have to create a JRE. Most of us have no idea how to go about doing that.
I'll soon put together updated JREs. Here's the shell script I use to build the slimmed-down JREs. I've added java.sql to it now:
echo compressing
rm -rf ${JREPATH}
${JDKPATH}/bin/jlink --strip-debug --module-path ${JDKPATH}/jmods:javafx-jmods-${VER} --add-modules java.base,java.compiler,java.sql,java.datatransfer,java.desktop,java.logging,java.prefs,java.scripting,java.xml,javafx.base,javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,,,javafx.swing,javafx.web,jdk.dynalink,jdk.internal.le,jdk.jsobject,,jdk.scripting.nashorn,jdk.xml.dom,jdk.unsupported.desktop,jdk.charsets,jdk.localedata,jdk.crypto.cryptoki,, --output ${JREPATH}
For JRE 14, put this script next to the "jdk-14.0.2.jdk" folder and "javafx-jmods-14.0.2" folders. It will then generate a jre-14.0.2-mini folder that jAlbum can use. This script is made for Mac. For Linux and Windows, remove the "Contents/Home" part on line 2, and on Windows, change ${variable} to %variable% and dump the 1:st line