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Permlink Replies: 6 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 19 Feb 21, 21:00 Last Post By: cselwyn

Posts: 11
Registered: 3-Jan-2014
"Flip the image horizontally or vertically" broken in jAlbum 23.2.2
Posted: 18 Feb 21, 23:36
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I have just downloaded the new 23.2.2 version of jAlbum and I am finding that hitting the ""Flip the image horizontally or vertically" button causes an exception to be logged.
I am using Tiger skin 2.14.3

Could I also ask : What is the difference between the new "Flip camera (mirror)" button (which looks like it works) and the horizontal flip option of the "Flip the image..." button (which throws the exception)?

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't locate icon "icons/flip-vertical.svg"
	at se.datadosen.component.DeferredSVGIcon.ensureLoaded(
	at se.datadosen.component.DeferredSVGIcon.paintIcon(
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI.paintIcon(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI.paint(Unknown Source)
	at com.formdev.flatlaf.ui.FlatButtonUI.update(
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintComponent(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JViewport.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JSplitPane.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintToOffscreen(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager$PaintManager.paintDoubleBufferedImpl(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager$PaintManager.paintDoubleBuffered(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager$PaintManager.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager.paint(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent._paintImmediately(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.paintImmediately(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager$ Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager$ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager.prePaintDirtyRegions(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.RepaintManager$ Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
	at java.desktop/ Source)

Posts: 8,209
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: "Flip the image horizontally or vertically" broken in jAlbum 23.2.2
Posted: 18 Feb 21, 23:49   in response to: cselwyn in response to: cselwyn
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Looks like another missing icon (David recently cleared out a bunch of unused icon images).

Not sure about the difference between the image flippers.

Posts: 11
Registered: 3-Jan-2014
Re: "Flip the image horizontally or vertically" broken in jAlbum 23.2.2
Posted: 19 Feb 21, 12:48   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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I have taken my life in my hands and copied the flip-vertical.svg icon from the tiger/icon folder in the Tiger.jar file of the Tiger skin to the se/datadosen/jalbum/icons folder of the jalbum-core.jar file and the button now works again as expected.

So I am not in a hurry for a fix but it would be good if I did not have to do it again! Please?


Posts: 8,209
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: "Flip the image horizontally or vertically" broken in jAlbum 23.2.2
Posted: 19 Feb 21, 14:48   in response to: cselwyn in response to: cselwyn
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You're very brave! I'm sure David will patch this quickly. He's probably off snowboarding somewhere....

Posts: 3,473
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: "Flip the image horizontally or vertically" broken in jAlbum 23.2.2
Posted: 19 Feb 21, 18:02   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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Snowboarding is for tomorrow! :-)

Thanks for reporting. I've now addressed this. To get the patch, select Tools->External tools->"jAlbum core update" and restart jAlbum when prompted.

Posts: 3,473
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: "Flip the image horizontally or vertically" broken in jAlbum 23.2.2
Posted: 19 Feb 21, 18:05   in response to: cselwyn in response to: cselwyn
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cselwyn wrote:

Could I also ask : What is the difference between the new "Flip camera (mirror)" button (which looks like it works) and the horizontal flip option of the "Flip the image..." button (which throws the exception)?

The flipping under the ordinary Edit view location rearranges the physical pixels of the generated image while the flipping you do with the new flip button simply instructs aware image readers to flip/orient the image as instructed.

Posts: 11
Registered: 3-Jan-2014
Re: "Flip the image horizontally or vertically" broken in jAlbum 23.2.2
Posted: 19 Feb 21, 21:00   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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I was thinking it was likely to be something like that.
I have another issue that occurs with flipping that I shall report in a separate thread.

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