Peter Ellis

Peter Ellis

Peter Ellis

I particularly like architecture, (and steam engines!) but I will take photographs of anything that interests me.


Canon 90D, with a 70D as reserve. I mainly use the Canon 17-85 EFS lens, but I also have a Tamron super-zoom and a Sigma wide angle.

Market Bosworth, Leicestershire
United Kingdom


  • freddynaegels
  • sanglier13
  • nitten

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Peter Ellis

Peter Ellis updated India-2023 2 months ago

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Brendan 9 years ago

Hello Peter,

Some great photographs there of the stationary engines. I assume you have been to the museum in Straffon. I only recently visited and was very pleasntly surprised and the engines on disply and with live steam! Many thanks for posting the photos. My personal favourite is Kempton Park. Kempton was used in Chitty Chitty bang bang as the "sweet factory".

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freddynaegels 11 years ago

I am going to Sri Lanka beginning of February 2014. I was there already in the 80's. If you like Iceland you should try Alaska, it's Iceland but multiplied by 10. Also we found the weather there more friendly in the summer than in Iceland. The same goes for the people. Next year I hope to return to Great Britain, maybe Wales but I would also like to see the Tattoo in Edinburgh again.
Kind regards

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Iceland 2013

freddynaegels commented on Iceland 2013 11 years ago

I went to Iceland some years ago and I recognise some of your pictures. I really loved the Skogar Folk museum and the waterfall's in the south. The weather I had was more or less similar to the weather you had.

Peter Ellis

Peter Ellis 11 years ago

Hi Freddy - thanks for your comments. Our trip to Iceland earlier this year was our second attempt to see a good display of Northern Lights. In 2012 we went, and saw nothing (apart from waterfalls, stunning scenery etc!). Sri Lanka was fun - we were not really looking for wildlife, but there is so much of it about in places like the Yala Reserve that I found myself taking photos I would never have expected. I have been to several of the places you visited in India, but it was before I had a digital camera. Being a native of Yorkshire, I also know many of the sites you show on your Northern England Gallery.

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