We wouldn't be where we are today without our fantastic community of jAlbum users. Your contributions in the forum, skin development and donations is why we are still around. We still need support and there are many ways you can help.
Make a donation
Running jAlbum as a full time project is of course not without costs. We therefore appreciate if you want to support this project by donating on the jAlbum donate page. Donations from as little as 1% of the user community would be enough for this project to work out economically. Your support make a difference.
If you sign in to jalbum.net before donating you will get a heart badge next to your profile picture, showing everyone that you care.
Donate!Take part in our development
Make skins
Create and share skins on the jAlbum community. All that is needed is basic HTML skills. Upload your skins to jalbum.net.
Building the jAlbum application
jAlbum is an Open Source project. If you are a Java programmer, you may add new stuff to the jAlbum application. Contact us for more details.
Spread the word
Share your jAlbums on other sites and tell your friends about us.
Blog about the jAlbum application, skins or your albums.
Suggest and Vote for the jAlbum application in software listing sites like Download.com, ImagesPro.com, SofoTex.com.
This will put jAlbum higher on their lists so people can find it in the crowd of software out there.
A pat on the back
Send us an encouragement or enhancement suggestion at