
IMPORTANT: BEFORE any skin update save the current album! AFTER a skin update you'll have to reopen the current album or reload the skin with CTRL-R before "Make" in order the new version loaded completely. Also make sure to reprocess all the subfolders: read the "NEW SKIN VERSIONS" paragraph below!

TURTLE is an HTML5 / CSS3 dynamic album template with transition effects, slideshow, map, shopping cart, videos, background music, full site navigation and many more. Works on touch devices too. Has 27 separate styles plus tons of customization options.

There are 2 basic operation modes for Turtle: "Single page" and "Separate slide page" mode. Use the "Settings / Pages / Make slides" to select.

In SINGLE PAGE MODE all the images are placed on the same html page, and the skin replaces them dynamically as you navigate through the album. In this mode you can have continuous background music, smooth transition effects, and lower server load.

In the SEPARATE SLIDE PAGES MODE your album will show every image on a separate html page, which enables Facebook or other social sites to Like, comment and share the images separately and search engines can find your photos easier as well. It will not allow as smooth transitions as single, no background music and results in almost doubled server load.

If you plan to add MORE THAN 500 photos in a single folder I'd suggest to use the separate slide pages mode to avoid memory leak with less robustly written browsers.

About the two modes please refer to:

You can add CUSTOM PAGES too: right-click -> New page -> Empty or from template: About, Contact, Sitemap.

To choose the HEADER IMAGE (a.k.a theme image) use the right-click -> "Use as folder thumbnail" menu. You can exlude this photo from the album at the same time with right-click -> "Exlcude".

NEW SKIN VERSIONS are not guaranteed to be backwards compatible with older versions, thus after a skin upgrade you'll need to regenerate the whole album with "Settings / Advanced / Process subdirectories" = ON and "Process only updated subdirectories" = OFF! This will not reprocess all the JPG's, only the HTML pages, which is a lot faster, particularly in single page mode.

SEARCH feature also needs reprocessing all the subfolders (see above!) every time.

In order the FACEBOOK LIKE, share, comment and similar social functions work properly you need to specify the Upload Path in "Settings / Turtle / Advanced / Upload path" before album Make as absolute URL to album base. (Normally you can upload the album to any site after the album is made but these sites require this information within the album, which can't be changed later.) Turtle can also sniff out the proper upload path, but only after the album has been uploaded once.

Your comments are welcome - write a comment on the right, but PLEASE POST BUG REPORTS, feature requests IN THE TURTLE FORUM, see below.



Search within albumTheme image supportSupports foldersHas slideshowIntegrated shopping cartBackground musicDisplays EXIF/IPTC dataDisplays mapPlays audio filesjAlbum widget supportTransition effect(s)Touch interface supportPlays video filesWeb page supportFreeware
Mar 17, 2010
Last updated
Jan 21, 2020

Commercial use is only allowed if you have a jAlbum Pro license.
Modifications of the skin are allowed.
To get rid of the nag screen you have to pay for a jAlbum license.


5.6.7 Jan 21, 2020 (current)

- PayPal error when adding a single image from the lightbox. PayPal has recently disabled returning to URL's containing '#' character, effectively to all slide images in dynamic mode.

- Turtle skin's successor - Tiger - offers much better overall shopping experience.

5.6.6 Apr 17, 2018 (previous)
4.5.3 Nov 7, 2013 (previous main version)
Show all

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