Tiger skin is the successor of the popular Turtle skin, featuring a responsive layout and inherited numerous features from Photoblogger skin too.
IMPORTANT! Please read this:
Take precautions with any major release
- If you upgrade, preferably test it on a new, small album to see if it works
- Back up your important album(s) before applying the new version. Use "File -> Duplicate project"
- Note, some settings might not be imported to the new version, because they work differently.
- Make sure you refresh the browser in the Preview (F12) with Ctrl-F5 to get rid of the traces of the old version.
- Always test the local version with "Preferences / Use jAlbum's embedded server", and use "External browser".
- Upload the album only if the local preview looks and works fine
- Finally, if you can't get along with the new version you can always go back to the latest by clicking the "Latest stable major version" link on the left. You can revert to the old settings in the Image directory (Ctrl-Shift-I) by renaming the "-old" settings file as "jalbum-settings.jap".
Switching from Turtle:
Please note, as Tiger is based on a different language than Turtle, the function calls have changed too. Therefore custom pages might carry old code from Turtle skin, which might trigger errors.
Install this tool: to fix the old custom pages after switching from Turtle to Tiger skin!
- Created
- Jun 23, 2017
- Last updated
- Feb 4, 2025
- Homepage
- Usage
Commercial use is only allowed if you have a jAlbum Pro license.Modifications of the skin are allowed.
6.4.3 Feb 4, 2025 (current)
- The Search tooltip in the hero has been moved below the input box to avoid interfering with the page title
- Tapping the download button starts download immediately on iDevices, too
- The "Cart" button's label made translateable
- Some tooltip alignment options didn't work
- German translation using Google Translate
Want to discuss this skin?
Check out the skin forum here!Previous versions
6.4.2 Jan 30, 2025
- Added search help tooltip for the search box when moved to the Hero area, and made it stay longer (6s) at both places
- util.js:5687 ReferenceError: "ex" is not defined
6.4.1 Jan 28, 2025
- The skin might forget to close some of its JavScript files, which can inhibit its update after a Make album
6.4.0 Jan 28, 2025
- Threads and Bluesky sharing (experimental)
- Search for words containing "and" yields no results
- Slide pages are only generated when the sharing button is enabled in the Lightbox, i.e., individual image sharing is possible (or Sitemap is used)
- French and Polish translations
6.3.0 Jan 25, 2025
- In the tag cloud, you can avoid collecting tags from Folders, Pages, or Web Locations. Now, by default, the skin collects tags only from folders. Previously, it collected tags from every custom page, too.
- Tag search with "and" did not find the images containing both keywords
- Clicking a moving panorama didn't stop it; it continued from the start position. Now, it simply stops, and when you click a stopped panorama, it toggles the panels and starts the movement again.
6.2.2 Jan 23, 2025
- You can use the "&" character in search in place of "and". (E.g., 'cat & dog' - mind the spaces around!)
- Search with "and" or its localized version does not find all the images
6.2.1 Jan 22, 2025
- Multi-word tags cannot be found when using the URL (...#label=Jim%20Beam)
- Accessing external albums added as web locations might fail
- Single-character labels containing only a punctuation character were removed from the tag cloud. Letters and numbers are still allowed.
- Line-spacing in the tag cloud box made tighter when variable font size is used
- Dutch, French, and Polish translations
Known bugs:
- The originals don't load in the lightbox when linking to originals directly (no slides). jAlbum needs to be fixed.
6.2.0 Jan 9, 2025
- High-resolution hero background image for HiDpi devices. This option is now the default because the number of HiDpi devices keeps increasing.
- In the fixed-shape thumbnail layout, the slide images might get loaded as thumbnails if the thumbnail dimensions were manually edited and the given dimension was too small
- Panorama images not auto-started in some instances, or maybe not from the left side even if it was set that way
- Images larger than the lightbox can't be moved around with swipe movements because the previous/next image action took over
- Map overlay files (GPX) are not recognized on MacOS systems
6.1.2 Dec 18, 2024
Version 6.1.2
- Shopping cart does not work with simple "handling", e.g. "1.0", and this error might corrupt other functionality, like lightbox or sharing.
Version 6.1.1
- VR 360, PDF, and External content overlaid with a semi-transparent black layer when the shopping cart button is used on the image
- When using "Fit to screen" with "between panels", the image is placed at the wrong vertical position when the "Fit toggle" button is used
- 6 columns folder layout might result in 5/6 column jumping on Mac retina screens
- Dutch, French, and Polish translations (with 12/07 silent update)
Version 6.1
- You can mark shop options as "digital delivery" for items you don't want handling applied. Just add " D" at the end of the line! For example, "download=10.0 D". This works with the global and individual options in the Image data panel. It is useful when you have mixed physical and digital products and want to avoid adding handling to digital-only carts.
- Non-linear handling fee, depending on the number of items in the cart. It is useful if the products you sell are similar and can apply the same shipping fee to any item. Format: PerCart + PerItem + AfterFirst
- Resuming the slideshow also resets the zooming (fit to screen) to its default value
- 1 letter tags are now also displayed in the Tag cloud box
- Search box tooltip stays longer (4s) than other tooltips
- "Fit to lightbox" is ineffective; it always fits the image to the screen
- Too many results when using labels in the URLs, e.g. index.html#label=N
- Dutch, French, Hungarian, and Polish translations
6.0.0 Dec 6, 2024
- Pinch zoom support. The controls and other panels in the lightbox stay in place while pinch zooming, in contrast to the browser's zoom, which zooms the whole page.
- Google Maps is loaded asynchronously to match their requirements. It was asynchronous already, but Google did not understand that code.
- A few libraries were overwritten to unify image transforms. In the process, support for old Internet Explorers was removed. It was necessary to support pinch handling. This should result in smoother image handling in the lightbox.
- The default thumbnail size has changed to match the default style (Black).
- The skin now warns users when they try to open an album from the filesystem because doing so corrupts many of its functions. Always use jAlbum's Preview (F12) to test local albums!
- Double-click zooming did not zoom around the mouse position after the first time
- Can't swipe the main image after placing it into the cart or using the checkbox on the picture
- Autopanorama might kick in on too small images, too
- Map might grab the ".DS_Store" file on Macs as a map overlay by mistake, corrupting the map on the index page
- Too large zooming on mobiles (with a high DPI display) after double-tapping
- Tapping the lightbox picture to show the controls also fits the picture and centers unnecessarily
5.15.0 Nov 19, 2024
- Possibility to control the slideshow interval and transition speed for images independently, see Edit mode -> Image data panel
- Double-clicking or tapping the image zooms into the clicked / tapped area
- Polish and Hungarian translations
5.14.1 Oct 27, 2024
- Error during "Make album" when using empty folders
- French, Dutch, and Polish translation
5.14.0 Oct 26, 2024
- The mouse wheel in the lightbox can be used for Navigation, Zoom, or left for the browser to handle it
- Mosaic images can be added to folder thumbnails. 3-12 images selected randomly from the subfolder (and below). Moving the mouse over them displays the larger version on the main thumbnail. Please note, there are too many combinations possible with too many constraints, therefore the result is not always esthetical, especially when the caption is placed "Beside" the thumbnails.
- PDF files do not appear on IOS devices
5.13.1 Oct 16, 2024
Version 5.13.1
- HTML and CSS validation errors
- The fullscreen button behaves inconsistently after manual fullscreen toggling (F11)
- French and Dutch translations
Version 5.13
- You can optionally use the "Theme images" instead of the "Folder thumbnails" for the hero background, coming from subfolders. Use when "Folder thumbnails" won't fit as a Hero background.
- When you select a language in the skin's user interface different from the main jAlbum language (in the Preferences) the dates might still show the original month and weekday names
- The scroll-up button got slightly moved out of the page corner for easier clicking and a hover color is applied on the mouseover
5.12.1 Sep 19, 2024
- Very narrow thumbnails might not fill in the space in the lightbox's thumbnail strip
- Load animation was slightly off-center
- A minimum 3:4 aspect ratio is used for the thumbnails in the thumbnail strip
- The thumbnail strip images are preloaded left and right beyond the visible part, so they are instantly visible upon scrolling
- Dutch, French, and Hungarian translations
5.12.0 Sep 18, 2024
- 3 new autopano speeds: "very slow", "moderate" and "quick"
- Map type selector gets hidden on smaller screens
- The default style changed to Black, as with the previous Basic, selecting a theme image is ineffective
- Broken link to the (social) "share image"
5.11.3 Jul 31, 2024
- Caption boxes incorrectly initialized with "Empty" value, even though the skin is using the real thumbnail caption (visible when selecting "[Custom]")
5.11.2 Jul 30, 2024
- External videos are not loaded, and handled as ordinary images
- Feedback and Shopping cart boxes disappear after closing an overlay (e.g. search results) and no images are left, even though the "Show on pages with images only" is turned off
- Feedback and Shopping cart boxes might appear below the thumbnails on an overlay, even though they should be above due to the sections ordering
- Facebook commenting's background made always light, as Facebook has removed the light/dark theme support
- Dutch, French, and Polish translations
5.11.1 Jul 26, 2024
- Using "Auto-hide control bar" with "Fit between the panels and controls" results in an extra gap above the images
- Dutch and French translations
5.11.0 Jul 25, 2024
- The slide pages (made to help share individual images to Facebook) can avoid automatic redirection, to help search bots (SEO) find individual images
- Images in the lightbox fit below the control bar if "Auto-hide control bar" is not used
- The control strip is placed too low if the thumbnail strip is disabled
5.10.3 Jun 21, 2024
Version 5.10.3
- ScriptException in util.js:4393
Version 5.10.2
- Auto-pano movement might stop at the end of the first panning
- The top menu's 3rd level is not visible
- Dutch, French, Hungarian and Polish translations
5.10.1 Jun 13, 2024
- When labels were used on the control bar of the lightbox, the Play/Pause button didn't have any label
- When the slideshow has reached the last picture and returns to the index page, the last picture's reference remains instead of resetting to the first
5.10.0 Jun 12, 2024
- "Basic" style (default), for those who like to add features from ground up
- Slightly higher resolution images for the "Justified" layout for sharper thumbnails (It can cause the images to be regenerated, but it's worth the effort)
- Smoother mobile swiping experience
- "Settings / General / Address" is used to determine the upload path (takes precedence over the "Tiger / Advanced / Upload path")
- The "Start slideshow" button or the other buttons are aligned vertically with the title if that's placed in the middle of the hero
- Better button hover background color calculation
- Empty folders' icons are not aligned with other folders' thumbnails when "fixed grid" is used and the aspect ratio is not 1:1
- Panorama images fit horizontally, not vertically only
- 360VR initial view parameters passed as degrees instead of radians to the viewer, resulting in wrong Camera Tilt and Pan.
- Caption is always displayed in search results even with "Show only on hover" turned on
- Folder thumbnail caption and the lightbox caption might be hard to read
5.9.2 Jun 4, 2024
- No scrolling possibility on dropdown menus higher than the screen, when the top bar is set to "Stick to top"
- Empty folders' icons are not aligned with other folders' thumbnails
- Default image size changed to 1600x900
5.9.1 May 23, 2024
- Max. Folder columns is extended to 6
- jAlbum (35+) will not write out the GPS coordinates into the database if not used by the album
- New image search results are not ordered by date
- Dutch, French, and Polish translations
5.9.0 May 21, 2024
- Hero image slider timing setting
- The filtering box can be kept visible even if there's nothing left to filter
- Title, Folder, Thumbnail, and Lightbox caption templates might get overwritten with the defaults if the caption was customized
- Dutch, French, Polish, and Hungarian translations
5.8.0 May 14, 2024
- Title, Folder, Thumbnail, and Lightbox captions show only the simple presets, not the HTML code (which shows only when you select "Custom")
- Added two new options showing the folder modification date in the folder thumbnail caption presets
- Filtering box displays select boxes with a single option as if the visitors were able to choose otherwise; now these boxes are disabled
- After filtering for a keyword the relevant box will show this word instead of "Select"
- The logo in the top bar is aligned left when the search feature is used
5.7.2 Apr 26, 2024
- Lightbox might be broken if only one image exists in a folder or on an overlay
5.7.1 Apr 25, 2024
- Better handling of slideshow timing control on mobiles
- The search got smarter in cases where the keywords contained parentheses, dots, or dashes
- Slideshow progress indicator
- Dutch, French, and Polish translations
5.7.0 Apr 18, 2024
- Slideshow interval can be changed by the visitor (optionally)
- Search cannot find keywords containing dashes or spaces
- Better search overall
5.6.1 Apr 15, 2024
- Search checks for only the first keyword
- Photo data is always displayed with labels when using the popup window
- Dutch translation
- Added Japanese auto-translation
5.6.0 Apr 12, 2024
- Modal windows slightly redesigned, e.g. they can now display small icons in the title
- Favicon set has been slightly redesigned
- Load animation in the lightbox has a new design too
- Search did not find all the images, especially when started from the "Tag cloud" search box
- Photo data text formatting issues when used in the caption
5.5.2 Apr 11, 2024
- Search and random hero image is broken (and probably a few more database-related functions)
- Close overlay button has moved next to the title to make it easier to find
5.5.1 Apr 11, 2024
- Search is broken
- Photo data popup window made more flexible to cater to longer labels
- French and Polish translations
5.5.0 Apr 10, 2024
- Added 11px, 12px, and 20px font sizes to Base font size box. It could be useful for languages using kanjis for example.
- You can control if PDF, DOC, and XLS files will be displayed through the Google Document Viewer. Please ensure your site allows external access to these files! See the CORS settings (in the .htaccess file)!
- The Base font size setting did not change text sizes in several places
- Besides the Comment and Title fields all other variables are treated now as un-divisible, that is, the tag cloud will not contain every word from them separately. Previously, only these fields were un-divisible: creator, keywords, filename, and regions.
- Variables used in Tag cloud and Search are treated as arrays (multi-value variables) when using ';' semicolon(s), e.g. "foo;boo" will add both "foo" and "boo" to the Tag cloud. This doesn't apply to the Comment and Title fields.
- Hero slider images for the "Selected images" mode are picked from subfolders marked with right-click -> Tiger -> Use in hero slider. You can even Hide those folders you want to use only for these images.
- Selected images in the hero slider did not always load from the subfolders
- Web locations did not work in the hero slider
5.4.1 Mar 12, 2024
- Search cannot find words with uppercase letters
- French, Dutch, and Polish translations
5.4.0 Mar 11, 2024
- The buttons on the hero area can optionally have a semi-transparent background color, not just the normal button color
- Conjunctive search didn't find pictures when the matched terms came from different fields (e.g. Title=Boeing, Comment=737, Search=Boeing and 737)
- Video duration returned 0 in case the video contains non-standard time format, which resulted in missing video controls in the lightbox
- Conjunctive search works with the word "and" in the localized versions too (besides the native conjunction word)
- Dutch, French, and Hungarian translations
5.3.0 Mar 3, 2024
- You can stop the skin from using the original image if the slide image isn't big enough for the screen (and originals were uploaded)
- Besides "fit to window" and "fit between the top and bottom panels" in lightbox, you can also opt for "fit below the control bar and above the bottom panel"
- The darkening behind the title can be applied to image-type backgrounds too, even though it might become unreadable. Please pay attention to this setting!
- If no darkening is used, some drop shadow will be applied behind the text
- French and Dutch translations
5.2.0 Feb 17, 2024
- You can skip the top folders for the Tag cloud box feature when tags are collected using the "Subfolders included" method. This can speed up the loading of top-level folders.
- Darkening behind the hero title is made optional
- Improved link color readability on certain sections
5.1.3 Dec 12, 2023
- You can use tooltips (and even images) in the Shopping cart or the Feedback "Instructions" boxes, e.g. <span title="<img src='${resPath}/foo.png'>" data-tooltip>Hover me!</span>
- No background overlay color in the hero, when no image is used and the color is fully opaque
- Other files, audio, and videos are now ignored when using "Random images" as hero background
- ${resPath} variable is ignored in the shopping cart instructions
- When using "Selected images" as the hero background, the skin tries to find images in the subfolders too, if there are no, or max. 2 images found
- iPad and iPhone browse bar behavior improved
- If "Back to index" is selected as the last image action, the first image gets focus after reaching the end of a slideshow
5.1.2 Nov 29, 2023
- Feedback and Add to cart buttons display "HTML content" instead of the number of the selected items
- An empty box might appear in the header of the top-level page if the Title caption is empty
- French, Dutch, and Polish translations
5.1.1 Nov 24, 2023
- Hero overlay color or pattern was not applied when the hero background image was used at the same time
- The database loading has been made less picky about missing folders
- Range slider in filters might trigger JS error after returning from an overlay
- Keeping track of selected items might fail on overlays
- Reloading the album after the Slideshow timing has changed, might reset to its default value (4s).
- Autopano now takes the autopano speed into account when calculating the maximum duration; now it can take longer than 20 secs to pano through a very wide panorama
- Maximal zoom can be bigger on High DPi devices (retina)
- If no Zoom slider is used the Numpad + and - buttons can be used to toggle the thumbnails and/or the caption
- Slideshow delay is represented as milliseconds, not seconds
5.1.0 Oct 6, 2023
- Latin Extended character set can be added to Google Fonts when using English as album language. Useful when you want to support all European languages.
- 360° VR panorama images did not use the Edit mode -> 360° image panel settings
- Contents page had separate sections for accented letters, e.g.: "É", then "E", then "É" again.
- Enhanced folders' mosaic thumbnails might be broken when there were only subfolders in a folder
- The map fell back to "Developer mode" for search results on a page with no images
- French, Dutch, and Polish translations
5.0.0 Sep 20, 2023
- Hero slider images can be manually picked. Use "Selected images" in the "Tiger / Site / Hero / Background image" box. Select images and folders with right-click -> Tiger -> Use in hero slider. You can select multiple images at once.
- You can easily control the "Panorama" and the "Hide GPS location options" with right-click -> Tiger submenu
- New "Glossary" page, which helps to find certain skin settings
- PDF documents might not appear in some mobile browsers
4.4.0 Sep 7, 2023
- New Top menu alignment setting; from now it can be aligned center or right too
- The search icon color in the settings window might be wrong
- The title of the "New images" page is aligned extreme left
- Top menu alignment inconsistency on custom pages
- The "New images" custom page (if used as a standalone page) doesn't work
- Files with JPG extension might not appear on the "New images" page if "Force JPEG images" is on
- Two small errors on the Contact page's LinkedIn and Pinterest links
- Polish text
4.3.1 Aug 30, 2023
- The lightbox background color did not show in the instant preview
- The lightbox box colors are calculated based on the main background color, but not the lightbox background color
- Feedback button on the lightbox image appears (if the appropriate button is enabled), even though the feedback functionality isn't allowed
- Lightbox caption aligns better with the buttons
4.3.0 Aug 29, 2023
- You can add GPX paths to be displayed on the map by placing the GPX file in the Image directory (Ctrl-Shift-I)
4.2.3 Aug 16, 2023
- When using TIFF (or RAW) images and including the originals, the lightbox might try to load these files when the scaled image is too small for the available space. This fails, naturally, as browsers aren't capable of displaying such files.
- Tag cloud box search finds images from subfolders too, even though the function collects tags only from the "current" folder
4.2.2 Aug 14, 2023
- The date format of the "New marker" doesn't match the album language
- The map on the "New images" page is always displayed above the thumbnails regardless of the "Sections order"
- Better margins and alignment for the "New images" custom page
- Loading larger thumbnails or even the slide images unnecessarily with the "Grid" and "Fix grid" thumbnail layouts, slowing down the page load
- The keywords (and other text boxes) in the Filtering panel are ordered alphabetically from now on
- Better optimized "Flex grid" layout
4.2.1 Aug 2, 2023
- You can order the "New images" results in alphabetical order too (based on the Title or Filename)
- Sort by date in "New images" didn't work
- Files with a comma "," or multiple parentheses "()" in their names could not be found on the "New images" page
- The zoom slider gets unresponsive after reentering the lightbox
- Minimizing a section made "stick to top" might knock off the top menu
- French, Dutch, and Hungarian translations
4.2.0 Jul 29, 2023
- The folder title can be made linked too, not just the thumbnail image (made default)
- Minimal cart value in the shopping cart
- The skin removes the unnecessary files and folders made for the "Extra download sizes" feature, if you clear the box
- The "Start slideshow" button is hidden when no other control buttons to show
- When showing PNG images in the "New images" custom page along with "Force JPEG images" option, the lightbox gets broken
- French and Dutch translations
4.1.0 Jul 18, 2023
- Minimize/maximize controls for the sticky Shopping cart / Feedback / Filtering panels
- Hero image type "Album Image" is not imported into Tiger 4
- Top bar section's background gets transparent when it was not made sticky
- Italian translation
4.0.2 Jul 16, 2023
- The top menu might hang over the page bounds if no search or background music is used
- The mouseover effect "Black and white to color" is now reflected in the real-time preview
- The thumbnail dimensions never change during the project load to avoid minor calculation mismatches
- The thumbnail dimensions get only changed if the width or height needs at least 5% adjustment or the aspect ratio needs more than 1% adjustment
- Box padding "medium" and "large" has triggered slightly larger thumbnail dimensions than needed
4.0.1 Jul 15, 2023
- Thumbnail dimensions for the same settings might be 1px smaller, which has triggered unnecessary reprocessing
- Volume bar on audio clips gets hidden
- French, Dutch, and Polish translations
4.0.0 Jul 11, 2023
- Slideshow in the hero: the images are randomly picked from the current folder and its subfolder
- Swiping down in the lightbox will result in returning to the index page
- The hero background image can be made "Black and White"
- New patterns: Cross and Zebra
- New styles: Latte, Portfolio, Plain Ligh, Plain Dark and
- Feedback and Shopping cart using "Floating" buttons in case the cart is off-screen
- Links in custom content might result in unwanted line breaks
- Images in the lightbox sometimes appeared with no transition after a swipe gesture on mobile devices
- Sticky sections might not be aligned properly
- Many language files got updated with jAlbum's new Auto-translate tool. If your language has incorrect translations, you can fix them by using jAlbum's translator tool: Tools / Translate / Translate selected skin
3.31.1 Jun 7, 2023
- Swipe- and autopano-related glitches
- Autopano start position and speed sometimes got reset to Left/Slow
- Breadcrumb path does not appear when used as "tooltip"
- The old picture is not always removed after a left or right swipe
- French and Dutch translations
3.31.0 Jun 5, 2023
- Panorama images can be started from the left, center, or the right edge
- 3 speeds for panorama movement
- Auto-pano and swipe gestures didn't work together well; resulting in unnecessary/jerky moves
- After swiping a panorama image, the lightbox sometimes skipped a few pictures
- Tapping or clicking a panorama image currently in move didn't stop the movement
- After changing Facebook sharing or the sitemap's "Include slides" option, the slides were not generated (or unnecessarily generated) on the first Make album
- Linen and Dark fabric styles might have no background images
3.30.0 May 26, 2023
- You can omit the folder path from the item description sent to PayPal
- You can choose File name, Title, or Comment as item description sent to PayPal
- Pictures with regions or keywords could not find when the search is initiated from the URL (#label=John%20Doe) if multiple names used
- First and last names added as face tags appear separately in the tag cloud, e.g. "John", "Doe"
- French and Dutch translations
3.29.0 May 24, 2023
- Setting for background music's initial volume
- Sitemap contains video links too
- You can ask the skin to create separate slide pages, so the Google image search brings visitors to the image right in the lightbox. Please note, this will almost double the number of album files.
- Weblocations open in a new window from the top menu too, provided the related setting is turned on
- Contact page link color might blend into the background
- Disabled shopping cart buttons can be clicked
3.28.2 Apr 4, 2023
- Error during make album related to a "maxThumbHeightM" variable ... once again
3.28.1 Apr 4, 2023
- Error during make album related to a "maxThumbHeightM" variable
3.28.0 Apr 4, 2023
- Possibility to customize the email body in the social sharing options
- Top menu shows both Home (= external home) and Up (= top album page) icons if both are present (like in the older versions)
- Optimized Sitemap page layout, especially for small screens
- Box background image isn't applied to custom page contents and custom page links
- The current image in the horizontal (masonry) layout might not fill in the box
- Can't open the lightbox on iPads if "Switch to fullscreen while in lightbox" is on
- French, Dutch, Polish, and Hungarian translations
3.27.0 Mar 30, 2023
- You can provide alternative labels (or translations) for every album
- All keys related to the Feedback feature can be customized. Comes in handy when repurposing the feedback feature as photo ordering.
- Top menu rewritten for touch interfaces
- The "Click for next" functionality on mobiles has always brought up the previous image in the lightbox
- Missing tooltip on the Home link
- PayPal cart sends the file name unnecessarily
- Can't share the album link from mobile devices
- Background darkening is unnecessary when the hero title is placed over a flat background
- Up one level button and search box made centered when the title is centered too
- Less FOUC (Flash Of Unstyled Content) when using long captions in "justified" thumbnail layout with "captions below"
- Better lightbox caption arrangement for long captions
- Hungarian translation
3.26.2 Feb 24, 2023
- Better sticky top bar background color calculation
- Smoother sticky section transition between the static and the fixed position
3.26.1 Feb 21, 2023
- Sticky menu had the wrong background color with certain styles
- Sticky menu had background darkening even on the "Page wide" layout, where it was not needed
- Sticky menu got covered by sticky sections (Shop or Feedback)
- Uneven thumbnail height with justified thumbnail layout
- Icon thumbnails not properly sized
- French, Dutch, and Polish translations
3.26.0 Feb 18, 2023
- The slideshow stops on right-clicking the image
- Top menu is not aligned properly on mobiles, when a logo is used
3.25.2 Feb 15, 2023
- During a slideshow when a modal window came up, it didn't resume after pressing an action button
- Folder names weren't encoded in the sitemap.xml file
- Ampersand (&) characters weren't always properly encoded in the sitemap.xml file
3.25.1 Feb 9, 2023
- By tapping the image when both the thumbnails and the caption were hidden, shows both panels now
- French, Dutch, Polish, and Hungarian translations
3.25.0 Feb 7, 2023
- Top bar can be made sticky, i.e. it stays at the top when you scroll down
- Double-clicking the lightbox image changes the image zooming
- Double-clicking changes zoom incrementally when the zoom slider is enabled
- Single clicking can be used for toggling the controls and the caption (optional)
- New thumbnail layout: "Justified", which is similar to "Masonry", but this layout always justifies the thumbnail blocks to the column width, by using Javascript
- New hero overlay pattern: "hexagons"
- If the layout requires larger thumbnails than the original, the skin will pick the best resolution from the variants
- Search input box will not interfere with the menu, it will go over it
- Error on shop options having empty line(s)
- PayPal won't work if no global shop options are specified (only local)
- Slideshow goes on when PayPal or Feedback window is open
- "Don't allow the panels to cover the image ..." setting ineffective
3.24.0 Oct 31, 2022
- Added Feedback button to thumbnails next to the selection checkbox. This way visitors can add an image immediately to the cart.
- Added "Add to cart" (PayPal) and "Feedback" buttons next to the checkbox in the lightbox too.
- Visitor ratings remain for a week (doesn't work on search results)
- Added "Barlow" font family
- About and Contact custom pages might hinder Make album on jAlbum 29 and newer
3.23.1 Oct 18, 2022
- Google fonts were stored in the image directory's 'res' folder, which caused a ghost 'res' folder to appear in the album. They are now moved to the hidden '.jalbum' folder.
3.23.0 Oct 14, 2022
- Unique background music can be assigned to each folder (select the folder, right-click + Edit, Image data panel)
3.22.1 Sep 20, 2022
- The new features need at least jAlbum 24, therefore the compatibility requirement had to be bumped up
- French, Dutch, and Hungarian translations
3.22.0 Sep 16, 2022
- Selectable album language (if you'd like to use different from the application's language)
- Embedded pages are not included in the top navigation
- Embedded pages are not included in the bottom navigation
3.21.2 Sep 1, 2022
Version 3.21.2
- ScriptException: in util.js at line number 5063
Version 3.21.1
- Error on Make album when "Copy Google fonts" is ON, and no internet access
Version 3.21
- Google Fonts can be used locally, no need to access them from Google servers, which might arise GDPR concerns in the EU. See Tiger / Advanced / Copy Google fonts!
- Search box gets emptied after the search results get closed
- PNG files' thumbnails are broken in the Shopping cart
- Broken Twitter share button
3.20.0 Jul 21, 2022
- You can add a "Full screen" button to the index page (hero area) too
- Loading of thumbnails might be interrupted in rare cases
- Dutch translation
3.19.2 Jul 14, 2022
- Improved readability on custom pages, where the text and the page background color were both light or dark
- Better link colors on custom pages
- Removed underlining on Contact page buttons
3.19.1 Jul 5, 2022
Version 3.19.1
- Missing hero image in new albums
Version 3.19
- The skin generates a separate image in each folder optimized for social sharing. You can control its size on the Tiger / Advanced panel.
- Facebook sharing updated. Now you can share pages (and images) not only to your newsfeed but also in groups and events.
- Further lightbox caption optimizations
3.18.1 Jun 29, 2022
- Lightbox caption optimizations
- Search with quotes will find substrings, not only exact matches
- Dutch, French and Polish translations
3.18.0 Jun 21, 2022
- Selection boxes (checkmarks) also appear on the lightbox images
- Logo can be linked to the external home page too, besides the top-level page
- PayPal won't let visitors sign in when you made the album in "Debug mode"
- The buttons in the info panel in the lightbox might break into two lines unnecessary. The layout is optimized better now.
3.17.2 Jun 7, 2022
- The info panel's "fit to content" behavior (introduced lately) is made optional, and is off by default
3.17.1 Jun 3, 2022
- The Fotomoto "Buy / Share" button did bring up the wrong picture
- Actual image is not marked (no outline)
- Thumbnail is replaced by a higher resolution slide image (if needed) even if "Fixed shape grid" was selected, which spoils the grid layout
3.17.0 May 27, 2022
- The info panel at the bottom of the lightbox now occupies only the necessary space, not always 80% of the window width
- The space in the bottom info panel is distributed better between the caption and the comments
- Links in the custom pages get underlined (making apparent they are links)
- Clicking the Fotomoto button might bring up an empty window and Fotomoto never gets loaded
3.16.2 May 20, 2022
- Total album images (in the footer) also get updated when an external album (added as web location) has changed
- Audio clips won't play in search (and tag search) results
- Hero buttons have an unnecessary 2px extra gap in between them
- Slideshow doesn't continue in the next folder after clicking "Next folder" in the dialog
- Image counts in lightbox got smaller and set in the base font
3.16.1 May 12, 2022
- The photo data fields have no space in between them if they are displayed in the caption
- The Play audio clip button might have larger margins than other buttons
- Better utilization of the space in the lightbox's bottom "info" panel
- Dutch, French and Polish translations
3.16.0 May 9, 2022
Version 3.16
- Audio clip can be played right from the thumbnail
- Audio clips got volume control
- The last volume setting is remembered between folders and works both on the index page and in the lightbox
- Audio clip settings are gathered under the new "Site / Audio clips" tab
Version 3.15
- Face tags (area tags) can be set visible by default, so visitors don't have to click the button
- The hero's height is minimally set to 2/3rd of the desktop version, so it never gets too small
- The hero's width is limited to 70% of the available width on larger screens
- The number of the thumbnail columns might get larger than the maximum on smaller screens
- Face tag rectangles could not be swiped
3.14.1 Apr 28, 2022
- The slideshow gets suspended until the audio clip has finished
- Hungarian and Dutch translations
3.14.0 Apr 22, 2022
- Audio clips introduced in jAlbum 27.1 play in the lightbox. The skin's own "sound clip" functionality works too, but that was a lot harder to set up. Check "Settings / Tiger / Lightbox / Main image / Use sound clips" to enable the functionality.
- The sound clip button remains in playing state even after the clip has ended
- "Use sound clips" is now on by default for new projects
3.13.2 Apr 11, 2022
Version 3.13.2
- PayPal cart shows broken thumbnails for images with JPG (upper case) extension
Version 3.13.1
- Hidden custom pages appear on the page and in the menus
3.13.0 Apr 6, 2022
- Fotomoto "Buy / Share" button is placed onto the thumbnails too (provided there's no PayPal button)
- Fotomoto button shows the normal shopping cart icon unless PayPal is also used
3.12.0 Mar 17, 2022
- Image counts work for Web location thumbnails too. You can also let the album dynamically read the latest stats from the linked album with the "Gather information from linked albums" option.
- Labels for PalPal's "Add cart" and Fotomoto's "Buy/Share" buttons are not hidden on small screens
3.11.1 Mar 10, 2022
- New images page is broken if any of the new images' names contained parentheses
- New images page had trouble displaying 360° panoramas
- Polish, French and Dutch translations
3.11.0 Feb 22, 2022
- You can hide images from Fotomoto, see Edit mode -> Image data -> Hide from Fotomoto
- Photosphere viewer to 4.5.1; the nadir is rendered much nicer in this version
- Fotomoto integration was broken due to a bug introduced with the unannounced "Hide from fotomoto" feature
- New images section with multiple buttons might stretch the page on mobiles, resulting in unnecessary horizontal scrolling
3.10.0 Feb 1, 2022
- The custom page list with "Excerpt" setting looks similar to folders (fixed column width) now instead of using proportional width like before (and like "Links only").
- Custom pages have the same meta description tags as their parent folders'
- The "info window" button shows up in subdirectories even if "Top-level only" is turned on
- The Newimages.htt custom page is broken when PDF - or other non-image type items - got mixed into the results
- "Embed all" custom pages might embed only the first such page
3.9.0 Dec 17, 2021
- During the slideshow the album tries to avoid screen lock / sleep mode. Works in Chrome, Edge, FireFox, but no support in Safari and a bunch of mobile browsers yet.
- Auto-starting videos will start muted in the case the browser refuses to play them with sound
- Control bar button labels - when used - are misplaced for Previous/Next buttons in the lightbox
3.8.5 Dec 13, 2021
- ZIP-ped directories contain only the poster image of a movie file if the original is not included
- PayPal might truncate the shopped item's name if the path of the file name is too long
3.8.4 Dec 8, 2021
Version 3.8.4
- Skin UI loading
Version 3.8.3
- Video thumbnails might not show the play icon overlay
Version 3.8.2
- The search button is aligned left instead of right, if no top menu used
Version 3.8.1
Further optimized UI layout for smaller screens
Version 3.8.0
- When "Click beside to go back tpo index" is OFF, clicking beside the image, it will trigger the previous / next action
- Vertical tabs in the UI might flow into two columns
3.7.1 Nov 2, 2021
- Folders in search results don't have a thumbnail image
- Folders not marked as "new" in subfolders
- Menu is aligned right when a logo is used but search isn't
- Moving GIF's replaced by PNG (not moving) versions in the lightbox
- Video, audio, and other non-image types appear as JPG's in the PayPal cart
3.7.0 Oct 25, 2021
- Folders are not marked as "new"
- 360° panoramas ignored the "Field of View" and "Initial view" settings embedded in photos
- Folder info and bottom navigation is missing on custom pages
- View Feedback button is inactive even if there are some images in the cart
- Previous and Next buttons in Lightbox are redesigned to have the same line width as other icons
- PhotoSphere viewer to 4.3.0
3.6.3 Sep 30, 2021
- Various bugs
- Manually specified thumbnail size got overwritten when opening the project the next time
- Slimmer External content and Image data panels
3.6.1 Sep 19, 2021
- Double newlines in comments are replaced with HTML-formatted line breaks (<br>) in case no other HTML formatting is used
- Lazy loading folders still could result in massive server requests
- Dutch, Polish, French and Hungarian translations
3.6.0 Sep 13, 2021
This version comes with a deep rewrite of the database-handling library. This results in a quicker page load as the album loads only the necessary parts of the database.
- Search for folders did not find all the matching folders, or some folders don't have a thumbnail
- Custom pages in search results don't have a thumbnail, the caption shows "undefined"
- Starting the album with URL (e.g. index.html?#search=london) did not find all items
- Lazy loading folders might result in massive server requests
3.5.3 Aug 26, 2021
- Map doesn't show up in search results
- Exit full-screen button lingers on sometimes after returned from full-screen
3.5.2 Aug 24, 2021
- Map doesn't show up in the lightbox
- Map type is not taken into account (always using "roadmap")
3.5.1 Aug 24, 2021
Version 3.5.1
- Can't go into lightbox error when no maps are used
Version 3.5
- Placemarks (GPS locations) of search results or tag cloud search or filtering are displayed on a map
- Simplified formatting for the BLOCKQUOTE and HR tags
- Better default layout for the custom content section and footer's custom content
- Tag cloud does not always find all images in the whole album or shows some with a broken thumbnail
3.4.1 Aug 9, 2021
- Cross-fade transition does not work properly
- All lightbox image transitions
3.4.0 Jul 27, 2021
- You can choose if you want to use the same background image in the lightbox as on the index page, or use a plain color
- Initial "Fit to screen" does not take the "Max. zoom" setting into account
- Thumbnails in "Fixed grid" might not fill the card completely
- Styles with background image in the lightbox in v2 show no background image in v3
- Thumbnails might align wrong or sized wrong in the instant preview
- Footer text color is not always correct in the instant preview
- French, Dutch, and Hungarian translations
3.3.0 Jul 23, 2021
- Thumbnail layout - "Flexible grid" - in which the cards adapt to the thumbnails better but the caption positions are not aligned vertically.
- Added explanation for thumbnail layouts. Click the (i) icon!
- Top-level page link (up arrow) might be doubled when the top menu is used
- Adjusted Grid layout thumbnail sizes
- Adjusted Masonry layout thumbnail sizes
- Unordered list (UL) and Ordered list (OL) margins and padding restored
- Homepage link's tooltip text doesn't fall back to "Home", can be empty if you leave the corresponding box empty.
- French and Dutch translations
3.2.0 Jul 21, 2021
- Custom page content can have a background box. Useful when the text color is unreadable on the selected background. Works for both the embedded and separate custom pages.
- Help links point to the new v3+ help pages (not all pages are ready yet)
- Feedback email contains links to folders double-encoded (e.g. %2520 instead of %20)
- Inconsistent height for folder thumbnails after the 20th
- Thumbnail text might be hard to read when placed below the thumbnail
- Small images could be enlarged beyond the maximum allowed zoom level
- Sharing the URL is not possible on the index page
- Custom page links placed below each other instead of next
- Bottom navigation did not appear on custom pages
3.1.2 Jul 11, 2021
- Sharing individual images to Facebook didn't succeed when the file or folder name contains a non-web-safe character(s)
Note, even though the image preview does not always appear in the FB popup, it always appears in the newsfeed. Also, when you hit F5 (refresh) in the popup.
3.1.1 Jul 9, 2021
- Footer background color isn't applied
- The text on Previous/Next links might become hard-to-read
- Some of the texts are missing on the User Interface
- No hero background image is used in subfolders when "Album image" is selected
- Map displays in restricted mode for the lightbox image if no Map section is used
- Virtually empty select box or cropped text in the shopping cart when at least one of the options is too long
- Map settings moved under the Site tab because the map can be used both in the Sections and in the Lightbox
- Better handling and notification of skin or major version changes
3.1.0 Jul 8, 2021
- Zoom slider, Shopping cart, Feedback setting is also reflected in the Lightbox preview
- Panoramic images got scaled to fit only vertically (not both) when "Fit to screen" is selected
- Auto panorama is used by default
- The original GIF files are used instead of PNG's created by jAlbum (keeping animation)
- Too small images aligned improperly on the thumbnail cards
- Soundclip controls appear twice
- French and Dutch translations
3.0.16 Jul 6, 2021
- Folder thumbnails might be too small and can be cropped after the 20th with the non-fixed-shape variant
- Home icon in the top bar might be too small and not styled like other buttons
- Lightbox image won't load in certain cases when using the Fit toggle button
- Can't share individual images on Facebook
- Search for area tags is difficult; added "regions" as default option for Search and Tag cloud
- Some settings got cropped or hidden in some languages (e.g. Deutch)
- Compatibility has changed to jAlbum 18.0+
3.0.15 Jun 29, 2021
Version 3.0.15
- Folder thumbnail is not generated (folderthumb.jpg)
Version 3.0.14
- Thumbnails (the first 20) might jump during page load
- Full-screen button is added for Google maps on the index page
3.0.13 Jun 28, 2021
- Thumbnail size on "Masonry layout" got further optimized, most noticeably on small screens
- Custom content has been removed. You can use the "Custom section" for the same purpose.
- Hero area background is broken when "Album thumbnail" is chosen as "Type"
- Wrong cropping/justification of the hero background on small screens
- Apostrophe in folder name makes the page broken
- Custom section doesn't work
- Unnecessary backups of settings
3.0.12 Jun 25, 2021
- Better share title: if no title was given, the file name is used, cleaned up
- Smaller User Interface window, that supposed to fit into a laptop monitor as well
- Folder thumbnails are still improperly sized on small screens with "No limit" page width
- Loading too large thumbnails in Masonry layout (after the 20th)
- Sharing a folder with a changed folder thumb, the previously selected thumbnail remains
- Tooltips might linger on the screen after closing a dialog or the lightbox
- Top menu links of deep folders are not encoded
3.0.11 Jun 23, 2021
- Folder thumbnails are improperly sized on small screens when "No limit" is selected as "Max. page width"
- Share dialog can be too small to fit everything onto it
- Mark new files with the "Text" option looks bad
- Less obtrusive backlinks to jAlbum and the skin
- Removed <blockquote> preformatting
- French and Dutch translations
3.0.10 Jun 22, 2021
- "New images" custom page is broken
- Can't turn off background image on Previous/Next folder buttons
- Facebook and Twitter share turned OFF as default
- Default "Thumb padding": small -> none
- Default "Box gap": tiny -> small
- Cookie Policy agreement and Tracking consent turned OFF by default
3.0.9 Jun 17, 2021
- Full-screen mode has triggered an error on Safari for macOS
- Start slideshow button appears on pages without images too
- Oversized initial image on High DPI displays using image variants
- Difficulty bringing up the zoom slider panel on touch devices
- Toggling the control bar on touch devices has toggled the info panel too
- Skin change notification might appear more than once
3.0.8 Jun 15, 2021
- Feedback controls section might not show up if the shopping cart is not used
- Feedback popup doesn't show the items
- Better optimized background image for full-width hero layout
- Some styles didn't show the box background image
- Button text and background color in some styles
3.0.7 Jun 15, 2021
- Folder thumbnail might be too high and not always reflect the [Same as thumbnail size] setting
- Start slideshow readability
- Skin version in the footer is lagging behind
3.0.6 Jun 15, 2021
- Layout falls apart (sections get arranged horizontally) when any content is used in the "Top bar -> Custom content" box
3.0.5 Jun 14, 2021
- The skin warns about major version change and saves the old project file, so you can restore the old settings later if you'd like to go back
- Link added to the latest major skin version on the About page
- Feedback cart half off-screen
- Folder thumbnails (beyond the 20th) might grow too big in "Grid" layout
- Too tall folder thumbnails on iPad's
- Slideshow resumes after being stopped and used the prev/next button after that
Changed defaults:
- "Fit images by default" = ON
- "Zoom slider" = OFF
- "Max. zoom" = 1.2
- "Thumbnail layout" = Fixed grid
- Buttons on hero show button color right away and not only on mouseover
- Disabling full-screen button on iPad's and iPhone's due to missing support
3.0.4 Jun 11, 2021
- Wrong thumbnail title alignment
- Jumping directly into the lightbox doesn't work for audio/video
- Thumbnails appear smoother after loading
3.0.3 Jun 11, 2021
- Added back the 5 column option for folders (on user's demand)
- Added "Same as on thumbnails" for folder thumbnail aspect ratio
- Play button appears even though "Show Start/Stop" is disabled
- Fit toggle (zoom) button appears even though "Show fit toggle" is disabled
- Top "hamburger" menu button doesn't work on mobiles
- When started right within the lightbox, some thumbnails left unloaded after returning to the index page
- Could not start right in the lightbox on lazy loaded thumbnails (> 20)
- "Fit image by default" setting is ignored
- Does not display the lightbox image in the integrated browser (the load animation remains)
- Folder thumbnail aspect ratio might fall back to 1:2, which looks bad in most cases
- Selecting FixGrid as thumbnail layout might corrupt the instant preview, and results in wrong thumbnail aspect ratio
- Folder thumbnails won't load beyond the 20th (or whatever the "Preload thumbs" setting)
3.0.2 Jun 10, 2021
- The download button shows the file size
- The download button didn't show up with certain settings
- Zoom slider doesn't show the direction (zoom in, zoom out, or both)
- Zoom slider appears on content where it's not usable (e.g. external content)
- External content box is improperly sized and positioned
- Mouse scroll triggers image change on the external content
- Share to Facebook didn't work for individual images, i.e. from the lightbox
- Dutch translation
3.0.1 Jun 9, 2021
- The Download button doesn't show up on slide image with the original not present
- The Download button shows up on images with originals, even though the download button has been disabled
- Preset selectors do not match the template
- French translation
3.0.0 Jun 9, 2021
- Instant preview for the index page and the lightbox on the user interface
- Support for jAlbum v24's image variants
- New thumbnail layout type: masonry (variable width horizontal)
- New folder thumbnail layout: the text placed beside the image (like in Turtle)
- Removed Zurb Foundation framework, replaced with vanilla CSS flex layout
- 2 icon styles: fat (legacy) and thin
- Rounded borders are used universally
- Some sections can be made "sticky" - Filtering and Sort, Shopping cart, and Feedback - so users have always access to them
- Continuous zoom support (zoom slider), which also allows maximizing to the original (if included)
- Preloading the icon font and the hero background (before the page composition starts)
- 4 folder icon designs (displayed if no folder thumbnail found)
- Auto fullscreen mode for the lightbox
2.14.5 Mar 24, 2021
- Single or double quote (',") in comments might break the layout if ALT tags are used
- Polish translation by Mr.Gerard
2.14.4 Mar 23, 2021
- Hidden folders and web locations might push "new" marks to the wrong folders
2.14.3 Feb 1, 2021
- You can skip empty (no name) face regions
- "useRobotsTxt" is not defined
- Folder icon (when no folder thumbnail is used)
2.14.2 Jan 27, 2021
- Some pictures were not found (or just the first one) after clicking on tag cloud link
- jQuery 3.5.1 compatibility issues
- Full screen button won't trigger full screen mode
2.14.0 Jan 25, 2021
- Nicer scrollbars, matching the theme
- You can refer to metadata in templates by ${meta.metaName} format
- Unnecessary files (e.g. humns.txt or robots.txt) get removed if the option is turned off
- When "web location open in new window" is set, the subfolders open in new window too
- Cannot made folder, thumbnail and image captions empty, even if the template was emptied
- Can't jump to the next folder after the last photo if "Neighboring folders" was turned off
- Added missing translations
- Better formatting of non-ascii characters in Feedback
- Twitter sharing
- Google map marker indexing start form "0"
- Better date range formatting
- Better processing of area tags, especially if both Picasa and MS tags are present
- JQuery to 3.5.1
- Java 15 Javascript compatibility
2.13.6 Apr 3, 2020
- Unnecessary System console printouts
- About page text did not process jAlbum variables
- Improper alignment of tooltip nub (pointing triangle) in rare cases
- Make album error if Filtering box title is empty
2.13.4 Mar 11, 2020
- Further optimization of Filtering and Sort box, especially in case of a single box
2.13.3 Mar 10, 2020
- Date range formatting was wrong in languages separating the time with comma, e.g. 18.45
2.13.2 Mar 3, 2020
Version 2.13.2
- jAlbum ratings inherited even with "Use jAlbum rating" turned off
Version 2.13.1
- Rating can be based on jAlbum ratings or left uninitialized when "Visitor rating" is used
- Visitors can remove rating completely in visitor rating mode (= unrated)
- Improperly placed nub (pointing triangle) on tooltips
- French and Dutch translations
2.13.1 Mar 2, 2020
- Rating can be based on jAlbum ratings or left uninitialized when "Visitor rating" is used
- Visitors can remove rating completely in visitor rating mode (= unrated)
- Improperly placed nub (pointing triangle) on tooltips
- French and Dutch translations
2.13.0 Feb 20, 2020
- ${fileName} variable converted to human readable format in captions, e.g. 1.23 MB
- Added visitor rating
- Ability to use any camera data field in the Filtering and Sort panel; syntax: meta.fieldName, e.g. meta.Color Space
- Search box can be moved to the Hero area. It's also bigger here.
- Reset button in Filtering and Sort restores the original view. It's also red when used on an overlay.
- Start slideshow button doesn't work in the header
- Numerous fixes related to the Filtering and Sort functionality
- Duplicate fields in JSON files when metadata is used for Filtering or Sort
2.12.1 Feb 12, 2020
Version 2.12.1
- Sitemap XML always created
Version 2.12.0
- Sitemap in XML format for Google bots
2.11.0 Feb 5, 2020
- Optional full screen button in lightbox
- Option to start the slideshow from the index page always with the first image
- Currency sign got removed or shortened at various places in case of 'AU$' and 'CAN$' and similar currencies
- The "zoom in" button disappear when the slide image is larger than the availablbe space still smaller than the lightbox
- The current image is left at the last image when the slideshow ends and returns to the index page
- The External content size and zoomability might be improperly calculated
2.10.3 Feb 1, 2020
Version 2.10.3
- New features and fixes worked only in "Debug" mode. Sorry!
Version 2.10.2
- Can guess the dimensions of an external content (e.g. youtube or vimeo video) from the HTML code
- HiDpi images might be double sized
Version 2.10.1
- Customizable Subject line for sharing through email
- Twitter share button stopped working
2.10.0 Jan 30, 2020
- Optional "Radio button" format for shop options (instead of "Combo box")
2.9.8 Jan 21, 2020
Version 2.9.8
- Date format error ("TypeError: dateFormat.replace is not a function")
Version 2.9.7
- You can leave the labels empty in the Filtering box
- Date format corrected (when custom format is empty) on earlier versions too
- Time got removed from Date range, as it was unnecessary and often messed up the output
- Further optimized Filtering and Sort box layout
- Empty Filtering and Sort box might appear
2.9.6 Jan 16, 2020
- No need to press the Search button in the "Filtering" box if there's only one select box
- Reset button in Filtering box is dimmed if there's nothing to reset
- Filtering didn't always find images when using "keywords"
- Improved layout for "Filtering and Sort" box
- Comma in Date format triggers bad date range formatting
- Fall back to System date format instead of dd/MM//yy if the corresponding Setting box is empty (unfortunately jAlbum also gave back wrong System date format before v19.3)
2.9.5 Nov 21, 2019
- Tag cloud can use "thumbCaption" and "imageCaption" too as source
- Custom fields - e.g. "creator" - can be used in the Tag cloud box and Search
- Difficulties searching in HTML formatted fields, e.g. comment
- "breadcrumbPath" error
2.9.4 Nov 16, 2019
- ZIP button generated unnecessarily
- "Alla" instead of "Liten" in Swedish translation of the select button
2.9.3 Nov 14, 2019
- Up link from custom pages might bring to the upper level folder
- Diacritics (accented letters) in words cause them to be ignored or chunked in tag cloud
2.9.2 Oct 25, 2019
- Upload path can include index.html: (more convenient)
2.9.1 Oct 10, 2019
- Search finds fragments in filenames too
- Shopping cart doesn't send filenames twice (JPG and PNG) to PayPal in case of PNG originals
- Better "responsive" embedding. Note, this still in not a good idea to embed a responsive page into another web page, because this way the responsiveness goes away
- Pinch zoom enabled on main image. Beware, using this visitors might zoom important controls out of the mobile screen. They should zoom out to get the full page again.
2.9.0 Sep 4, 2019
- Individual Price (see Edit mode -> Description) can be used as single shop option
- Added spinners to shopping cart quantity boxes
- Financial data type in Filtering and sort fell back to string type, resulting in wrong ordering
- Visiting the same album again, items already removed or checked out migh reappear in the shopping cart
2.8.5 Aug 21, 2019
- Face tags do not appear
- Instead of the deep database (deep-data.json) the per-folder (data1.json) databases got loaded, e.g. with search and gathering new images.
2.8.4 Jul 30, 2019
Version 2.8.4
- Odd scaling of lightbox images
- Autopano applied to images unnecessarily
- Default poster for audio files
- Autopano starts at the same direction as the slideshow progressing
Version 2.8.3
- Added maximum zoom control for lightbox images to avoid pixelated images in scale up mode
- Added "Panorama" setting in Edit mode -> Image data panel for marking images as panoramas
- If "Auto pano" is off in the "Lightbox panel" you can manually designate images as panoramas
- Folder's datarange is not always simplified: e.g. 2019/07/25-2019/07/28 instead of 2019/07/25-28
- Auto pano unnecessarily run in some cases
2.8.1 Jul 13, 2019
- Images don't show up in the lightbox with "Cross-fade and Zoom" transition
- French and Dutch translations
2.8.0 Jul 13, 2019
- Auto pano option for both horizontal and vertical panoramas
- French and Dutch translations
2.7.3 Jul 8, 2019
- The following 4 characters are still triggered the bug fixed in 2.7.2: ' ( ) and !
- Javascript error (missing thumbnails) with IE11 and below and some older Android browsers
2.7.2 Jul 5, 2019
- The album can't go to lightbox directly when the file name contains extra characters (e.g. punctuation, diacritics) after copy/paste URL2 or refresh
- '<span>' appears on the Download button in lightbox
- Help pages with the new features:
2.7.1 Jun 28, 2019
Version 2.7.1
- Price range on "Buy" buttons might trigger Javascript error
- Number formatting for prices follow the visitor's language
- French translation by Henri Spagnolo
Version 2.7.0
- "Filtering and Sort" section
- Google Map works in the localhost too (provided you've added localhost/* to the API key's allowed domains)
- Shopping cart: both the "Add to cart" button on the index page and the one in the lightbox can display the minimal price or the price range
- Added icons for buttons in the Lightbox
- Cookie / Localstorage management. E.g. shopping cart items might got infiltrated into other albums on the same site.
- Map button doesn't show up in the lightbox
2.7.0 Jun 27, 2019
- "Filtering and Sort" section
- Google Map works in the localhost too (provided you've added localhost/* to the API key's allowed domains)
- Shopping cart: both the "Add to cart" button on the index page and the one in the lightbox can display the minimal price or the price range
- Added icons for buttons in the Lightbox
- Cookie / Localstorage management. E.g. shopping cart items might got infiltrated into other albums on the same site.
- Map button doesn't show up in the lightbox
2.6.2 May 30, 2019
Version 2.6.2
- No tooltip on desktop on some browsers only after the user has clicked with the mouse
- "Mark folders new" marks older folders too with "Added date" and "Modified date" setting
Version 2.6.1
- Disabling the Play/Pause button in Lightbox results in JS error
- When importing Turtle albums the hero height might get impossible to modify if the value was below 110px
- The zoom-in effect on thumbnails doesn't work even if the corresponding setting is on
- German translation
- Underlying ZURB foundation to 6.5.1
2.6.0 May 17, 2019
- You can turn off the mouseover zoom-in animations on buttons
- Added control for the maximum horizontal and vertical aspect ratio on thumbnails when not in "Fixed shape" mode
- When the search field is set to be visible by default it will stay put after a search too
- Stop slideshow button does not change back to start button when clicked
- Music can't be stopped (or hard to stop) on touch devices
- German translation
2.5.5 May 2, 2019
Version 2.5.5
- ALT text broken
Version 2.5.4
- Search, Tag cloud search missing results
- HTML entities might show up in Tag cloud
- HTML tags in Titles cause the ALT text broken
- Hungarian, French and Dutch translations
2.5.3 Apr 26, 2019
Version 2.5.3
- Mandatory fields are marked with red asterisk
- 360° panorama viewer is used on other than "equirectangular" projections too, resulting distorted panoramas
- Search for strings containing special characters ".+-()[]" triggers error or no search results
- Fotomoto integration broken
Version 2.5.2
- PgUp and PgDn buttons can also be used to move between images in the lightbox
- Empty folder title didn't work, always showing the folder name
- Folder thumbnails in 1 column layout were too small
2.5.1 Apr 17, 2019
- "Keep only selected" button: filtering for the selected thumbs when using the shopping cart or feedback
- Mp3 sound clips can be played along images. Use the same base name and place the mp3 in the same folder as the source image.
- Tag cloud is missing some tags from images tagged with multiple words
- Share buttons invisible
- Debug prints on the System console
- Incoherently disabled "Select all" and "None" buttons
- Removed IMG tag from comments
2.5.0 Apr 11, 2019
- Feedback cart can copy the form to the clipboard for use with web mails
- Better Shopping cart and Feedback user experience
- Additional SEO text for Title and Meta description tags
- Can hide Web locations in the Folders section
- HTML text encoding can be other than UTF-8, still UTF-8 is strongly recommended
- Fixed search issues
2.4.4 Dec 19, 2018
- ${resPath} does not work in comments or folder descriptions when used in a caption template
- Lightroom style facetags didn't work
2.4.3 Oct 30, 2018
Version 2.4.3
- Deep data (for large albums) isn't loaded
- Where the Shop/Feedback section was hidden on pages with folders only, it didn't show up even after a Search or Label search. Now the section shows up if there are selectable thumbnails.
Version 2.4.2
- The focus is automatically set to the first newly added element in the feedback box
- The contents of the Feedback cart does not kept after changing folders
Version 2.4.1
- Using the feedback (without PayPal) the lightbox comes up when clicking the selection box
- French and Dutch translations
2.4.0 Oct 19, 2018
- Option to display feedback only on pages with images (by default on)
- The float buttons changes to "Add to cart" / "Add comment" when at least one thumb is selected
- Float button shows the number of selected thumbnails (also nicer number styling)
- Shopping cart (and feedback) floating button always on, not only after adding an item
- Float button position when only shopping cart is present
2.3.5 Oct 11, 2018
Version 2.3.5
- Added link to the image's original folder on search and label search results
- Smooth audio transitions (in Lightbox and the background music)
- Added option to mute background music during audio/video playback (on by default)
- Background music play position isn't kept after folder change
- Larger "select" and "Add to cart" buttons on thumbnails to conform to Google Mobile Usability guidelines
Version 2.3.4
- Empty author image on the About page results in a broken image
- When the page is initialized by a parameter (e.g. search results) the original thumbnail layout is not refreshed after closing the overlay
- Added 1.5s delay for the first photo when the "Start slideshow" button is pressed
Version 2.3.3
- Feedback got different labels from the shopping cart (e.g. "Add comment" instead of "Add to cart") so visitors will not afraid they have to pay
2.3.2 Sep 26, 2018
Version 2.3.2
- Always used <HTML lang="en"> whatever language was selected.
Version 2.3.1
- The folder thumbnail caption might get cropped at the bottom
2.3.0 Sep 10, 2018
- You can select to hide/show the "Download" button independently of the "Right-click protect" setting on "Site / Extra" panel.
- Added option for loading jQuery from the site instead of Google CDN
- Sitemap works in subfolders too
- Only one set is made of the "Extra sizes" at the top level
- Download button isn't generated on videos when "Allow download of non-images" is selected
- IE11 displays the search box out of screen
- On touch devices tapping the main image most of the time didn't bring back the control bar
2.2.6 Aug 20, 2018
- Can't select crop focus on the file properties panel, only through right-click -> Set crop focus
- Dutch translation (by Ron van Rossum)
2.2.5 Aug 16, 2018
Version 2.2.5
- Just empty frame shows on mobile phones when viewing PDF files
Version 2.2.4
- PDF files are displayed in the Lightbox in full size, not just a link. Browsers not capable of displaying PDF files are showing the link as before.
- Background music player button forced to a separate line instead of staying next to the search button
- When auto-starting, the thumbnail strip doesn't align the thumbnails properly during the first image
- French translation, thanks Daniel!
2.2.2 Aug 3, 2018
(Fixed update warning loop)
Version 2.2.2
- Regions tagged with MS Live Photo Gallery doesn't show up in the album
- Date formatting error when the first and last date is of same year/month and same day of week
Version 2.2.1
- Thumbnail rows of images or folders might get slip over each in fixed shape thumbnails mode, with captions below or above
- Slightly bigger gap below the Hero area
2.2.0 Jul 30, 2018
- Context sensitive help: click the blue "?" to get help with Tiger settings
- PayPal notification contains album name and path
- Tax amount was not added to the cart
- PayPal notification encoded file names replaced with simple
- Removed title in the PayPal cart if that's the same as file name
2.1.0 Jul 24, 2018
- If "Home page address" is defined the top menu will contain a home link besides the "Album start page" (top level page) link
- Top menu, bottom menu and breadcrumb path shows only short titles (max 32 chars)
- Starting a video by tapping the video area will hide the info panel but never show if it was already hidden
- Invalid shop options - e.g. missing price - triggers JS errors
- Bottom menu moves to left on medim screen size, even if there's no Facebook or Google box
- Link in comment can trigger layout errors with "tooltip" type captions
- Custom shop options for subfolders get overwritten by the global options
Version 2.0.4
- APIs not loaded if no GDPR consent was asked
- Unnecessary Google API load attempt when no Google Box is used
2.0.2 Jun 4, 2018
- Cookie policy link didn't work if there was any API affecting GDPR policy
- Cookie consent didn't show up if GDPR was on but there were no API's that fall into the GDPR law
2.0.1 Jun 1, 2018
Version 2.0.1
- Local preview won't work when offline
Version 2.0.0
- Support for "deep data": loads the database from one single file, "deep-data.json" (requires jAlbum 15.5+), instead of loading data from all folders separately. Can speed up search significantly. The skin is still backwards compatible with older jAlbum versions, falls back using the separate folder data.
- Optimized performance and accessibility
- Upgraded Zurb Framework to 6.4.3
- Upgraded jQuery to 3.3.1
- Extreme wide image's thumbnails (panoramic) are not properly aligned vertically
1.10.1 May 24, 2018
- Google Analytics "Global Site Tag" (gtag.js) added
- GDPR compliance warning appears even if no external API's used
- Refusing new API's added recently until cookies get cleared
1.9.1 Apr 20, 2018
- Sharing lightbox image through email might generate broken link if the file name contains spaces or other non-websafe characters
- Email feedback links are not URL-encoded
1.9.0 Apr 13, 2018
Version 1.9
- Optional text labels on lighbox control buttons
Version 1.8.4
- jAlbum widget bar covers part of the caption below the images
Version 1.8.3
- Going beyond the last photo in "Ask what to do next" mode, the navigation becomes broken
1.8.3 Apr 13, 2018
Version 1.9
- Optional text labels on lighbox control buttons
Version 1.8.4
- jAlbum widget bar covers part of the caption below the images
Version 1.8.3
- Going beyond the last photo in "Ask what to do next" mode, the navigation becomes broken
1.8.1 Mar 12, 2018
- Font size setting has influenced the page width
- Turkish translation thanks to Osman Oz
1.7.1 Jan 17, 2018
- Added "External links" on folders
- Better formatting of keywords in Photo data
- Empty "Custom section" in subfolders
- Facebook Share might not use the Javascript API (which works better on mobiles) even if FB commenting or FB box is used
1.7.0 Dec 22, 2017
- Fotomoto integration
- Share through email might produce broken links
- Now the Advent calendar is using a fixed 7-coloumn layout to match the days of the week
1.6.4 Dec 19, 2017
- Too small images in lightbox on HiDpi screens
- "Variable 's' is undefined" error
- Advent calendar uses more calendar-like layout, day of month is in big instead of the serial number
1.6.3 Dec 8, 2017
Version 1.6.3
- Advent calendar JS error before start date
- Advent calendar didn't follow global preferences (e.g. fit screen, or thumbs visibility)
- Pixelated User Interface icons
Version 1.6.2
- Several improvements on the feedback feature, e.g. customized button labels
- Feedback on top level folder didn't work
- Feedback formatting does not follow the settings
- Removing items in feedback cart doesn't remove them completely
- Some html entities (&, ndash, copy, ...) are improperly converted in social share descriptions
- Lightbox images appear twice as big on HiDpi screens
1.6.1 Dec 4, 2017
- Advent calendar custom page (or any calendar with surprise photos that can be opened day-by-day)
- "rep.getPathFrom" error on jAlbum 14
- Underscores in the title triggered underlining when "Preformat" was on
1.6.0 Nov 28, 2017
Version 1.6.0
- Feedback feature (visitors can select photos and send feedback on them). Can be used also to order photos through email.
- Folder thumbnail isn't generated, the hero image is in low resolution
- After switching back and forth the full screen mode in VR viewer the frame might get positioned off center
Version 1.5.0
- You can select different folder thumbnail image and "hero"/theme image (needs jAlbum 14.3+)
- Broken folder thumbnail if the selected image was in camera RAW format
- Place marks not clickable beyond nr. 10 if "Link to originals" was selected
- Too small folder thumbnails with portrait images and fixed shape = OFF
- Some cropped or bleeding thumbnails (in the first dozen) when refreshing the page
- VR 360 images has ground to a halt in the integrated browser
- Broken links to Weblocations from Top menu, Sitemap and Contents pages
- With no folder thumbnail selected the folder icon is missing in subfolders
- Header/Footer Custom content's "Top level only" setting is not respected
1.4.1 Oct 18, 2017
- Date range with double separating chars (e.g. ". ") ends up in wrong formatting
- VR library is included in the skin, so no CORS error appears in the absence of proper headers
1.4.0 Sep 29, 2017
Version 1.4
- Separately sized folder thumbnails
- Folder thumbnails can be fixed shape independent of image thumbnails and vica-versa
- Selectable aspect ratio for fixed shaped thumbnails. The dimensions are calculated automatically based on the column count.
- New vector-based folder icon for folders with no selected folder thumbnail
- Support for 360 VR files (Experimental)
- Javascript error if no folder thumbnail was selected (e.g. empty folders)
- Equalizing folder thumbnails didn't always succeed
- Web location thumbnails different from other folder thumbnails
- External content's empty HTML tags get stripped
- "Fixed shape thumbnails" setting moved to "Sections / Images" as now it applies only to images
- Swedish translation
1.3.12 Sep 12, 2017
Version 1.3.12
- Background image doesn't reach out to the page bottom
- IE11 and Edge: audio/video controls disappear
Version 1.3.11
- Option to open web locations in new window
- IE11 Javascript error
- Other files' (PDF, XLS) icon is not centered in Lightbox
- Audio files' poster image doesn't fit in Fit to window mode
- Empty line in shop options leads to broken cart
- Hungarian translation
1.3.10 Aug 31, 2017
- Mixed content error: "http:" links on secure sites
- Print button missing
1.3.9 Aug 29, 2017
- Slow scrolling due to high CPU usage
- Deepest folder level isn't marked as "New"
- Missing tags from the "Tag cloud box" in some folders
1.3.7 Aug 25, 2017
- Added option for the number of thumbnail rows to be preloaded
- Smaller H5 and H6 fonts in the captions
- SVG type added in web.config for IIS servers
- Google Box "Type" added because previously not all URL's were recognized
- Turtle -> Tiger transition: thumbnail caption template gets replaced by Tiger's default + image number
Version 1.3.6
- Google maps pins show image number / title / caption as tooltip
1.3.5 Aug 21, 2017
- ${imageNum} missing from captions
- "Start slideshow" isn't translated
- Download original (or HiRes) doesn't work on images from search results or tag cloud search
- Blurry folder thumbnails if folder columns is 1 or 2
1.3.4 Aug 18, 2017
- External content missing if it's a simple <iframe> tag
- Modal windows theme 'Dark' isn't dark on light styles
- Headline sizes "200%" and "400%" doesn't stick, falls back to "120%" after loading the album again
- Search box placeholder "Search..." isn't translated
- Hero image's pattern background is too large and blurred
- Shopping Cart coupons doesn't work
- Seller instructions doesn't work
- Map on the index page didn't respect the "Type" and "Zoom" seeting
- Top menu: custom pages don't get marked as actual when you're on the page
- Top menu: 2nd+ level arrow different color than the rest
- Height-matching on thumbnail rows fails sometimes
- Top menu with submenus triggers flash during page rendering
- Duplicate results in Search if the keyword is found in more than one places (e.g. keywords and filename)
- Facebook share button is disabled on individual images because Facebook has stopped supporting this type of sharing :(
- When you click a share button, the popup will disappear automatically
- Bigger Help graphics
- Removed Full screen button from the lightbox maps
1.3.2 Aug 16, 2017
- "null" appears below web location thumbnails if "Show image count" is on
- Top navigation depth isn't used on custom pages
- No height matching on folders when the page has first loaded with a parameter (e.g. tags=)
- In "tag cloud search" and "search" resulting in mixed results (e.g. folders) clicking a thumbnail might open the wrong image
- Font samples didn't show the fallback font
- Box backgrounds on sections are different from thumbnails: Brushed, Shine, Techno styles
- Unnecessary box border in Facebook commenting section
- Top navigation depth = 1 means no subfolders
- Added warning when testing local albums in browsers that block the database access
- Search box has been removed from custom pages because no lightbox exists on these pages
1.3.1 Aug 9, 2017
Version 1.3.1
- Selectable top menu depth (1-5)
- Google Maps "Api key missing" error
- Tag cloud, search doesn't work on keywords
- Accented characters cause broken entries in the tag cloud box
- Tag cloud search box doesn't work
- Tag cloud box now collects tags by words from comments and titles
- Smaller line height in dropdown menus
- Custom content remains visible after search
Version 1.3.0
- Added "External content" feature. (Edit mode -> External content panel) You can add a link, HTML code or <iframe>.
- Added "Help" window
- Headline font = "Same as base font"
- Design / Font size resets to default
- Design / Headline font size resets to default
- Tag cloud box: duplicate findings
- IE11, Edge: last image sticks to cursor after swiping
1.2.1 Jul 28, 2017
- Added type-specific fields to search and Tag cloud: e.g. folder:title or webPage:name
- Start slideshow = Auto doesn't work
- When slideshow is set to "Auto start" upon clicking the "Start slideshow" wrong navigation happens
- Tag cloud search finds irrelevant results
1.2.0 Jul 27, 2017
- Added Folders, Custom pages, Web locations to Search results and Tag cloud search
- "Use thumbnail strip" = OFF + "Thumbnails visible by default" = ON caused broken lightbox
- ${folderModDate} isn't removed on some places if its source is set to "None"
1.1.2 Jul 26, 2017
- Sitemap contains broken links below level 2
- Stacked folder thumbnails when scrolled quick
- Top menu missing on Custom pages
- Broken links in top menu in deep folders
- "Scroll to top button" tooltip
- Headline font to "Oswald" (default) - it has more code pages
- Lightbox / Fit image to "Both" (default)
- French translation
1.1.0 Jul 21, 2017
- Instead of preprocessing the whole tree upfront, the skin generates variables per folder, which results in much quicker album builds, and allows creating huge albums (> 50 000)
- Added text to the "Scroll to top" button, reading "Top"
- Date range simplification, e.g. 2017/06/15-2017/06/21 -> 2017/06/15-21
- Missing pages from 2nd level and below on Contents page
- "Mark new images" and "Search new images" working only on "Date taken" date
- "Offer download as ZIP" creates broken files
1.0.10 Jul 17, 2017
- Folder fails if name is containing , & ' ( ) @ and similar characters
- Folder fails if name is containing space(s) and "URL-encode links" is OFF
- Click for previous image works only on the far left side of the image
- New link for Google Maps API key generation
- Explanation added for API key usage
1.0.9 Jul 6, 2017
- Attempting to write out XMP (GPS) info when "Write XMP..." is OFF
- Background music "Controlled by slideshow" ignored
- Start slideshow doesn't start slideshow just opens lightbox
- IE11/Edge picture sticks to mouse when clicked
1.0.8 Jul 5, 2017
- Shopping cart discount rate, individual discount rate problems
- Auto-hide control bar setting ignored
- Better Auto hide controls behavior
- Cookie-related Javascript error
- Added View cart button in the Lightbox
- Changed text "View cart (3)" instead of "3 items".
- Controls automatically hidden after 1.5 second not 3
1.0.7 Jul 4, 2017
Version 1.0.7
- Tiger now writes the GPS coordinates back in jAlbum's format previously geotagged in Turtle skin. Gets activated on the first Make album.
- xmp.aux:Lens field added to the Photo data template
- Full screen mode
- Click for next - can't disable
- Click beside to get back to index page - can't disable
- Auto-start slideshow
- Added scrollbars for User Interface panels for using on smaller screens
- Printed pages look disturbed
- Shop Discount missing
- Safer custom page templates: when changing skins won't break the calls to skin-specific functions
Version 1.0.6
- "folderModDate missing" error when using custom pages
- No top menu if only "custom pages" selected
- Number folder names caused the folder to be broken
1.0.5 Jun 30, 2017
- Lens Information added for Canon cameras
- Added button to reset the "Photo data template". Can come handy when migrating from Turtle skin.
- No checkbox on thumbnails which you can't place into the shopping cart
- Preformatting did not work on comments (e.g. respecting line breaks)
1.0.4 Jun 28, 2017
- Image number doesn't show up in the Lightbox
- Image caption might become empty when switched from Turtle
1.0.3 Jun 28, 2017
- Some Lightbox settings and defaults ignored, like thumbnail strip, caption, buttons visibility
- "Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null" (map)
- Empty caption box displayed
- Double-encoded URL in the case of Video and Audio files
- Unnecessary theme image generation
1.0.2 Jun 27, 2017
- IE11 error
- Broken page beyond the 3rd level
- Broken Google+ link on Contact.htt
- Can't hide album modification date and image count in the footer
- Thumbnail caption's "flyover" at page load in "tooltip" mode
- Set Crop Focus tool now picks up the Hero image dimensions
- Changed many defaults to match Turtle's defaults
- Intelligent mapping of Turtle variables to Tiger variables
1.0.1 Jun 23, 2017
- Sitemap.htt and Contents.htt page errors
- More sensible default settings (less used features got turned off)