This is a small HTML5 compliant skin which gives maximum attention to your photos, because it will fill your screen with your photo, by adapting the image size to the screen size of your tablet or computer.
The focus is not lead away by other small pictures or text.
This skin is the successor of the 'Improved Slide Show 3' skin. In this version there are no separate slide pages, the slide page html code in now also in the index html file. This makes the space required for the album smaller, but more important because there are no page changes, it removes the flashes you see sometimes in the slide show on a Windows PC with IE or Chrome.
Navigation and control is possible via the keyboard on a PC and via one finger swipes on the iPhone or iPad and other touch screen devices. If a viewer prefers that type of interface, he/she can hide all buttons on the screen to get even more emphasis on the photo.
This skin has extended possibilities for the display of (360panorama pictures and GPS locations in Google Maps.
This skin is adapted for the iPhone / iPad and other mobile devices: large buttons for the navigation and background music via html5 instead of a flash player. So if your album is hosted on the jAlbum server, do not forget to check the check-mark 'Disable the automatic mobile version for this album' after the upload of your album.
The skin has a responsive layout of the thumbnails gallery: you can choose for an elastic table where the thumbnails grow or change if the window size changes or you can choose to reduce the number of thumbnails per row if the window width is reduced or make an elegant image gallery with the Justified Gallery plugin. A Justified Image Grid respects the original aspect ratio, no detail is lost due to cropping.
You can choose for fixed shape thumbnails or for thumbnails with the full aspect ratio (no part of the picture cropped, but showing everything).
An album may contain a mix of photos and movies. A movie is automatically started, except on mobile devices which do not allow an automatic start. If the movie is finished, the slide show continues automatically. For thumbnails of movies on the index page a special border color may be selected.
This skin allows you to use one central resources folder for all your albums.
Slide-show transitions can be chosen out of 8 transition effects (also selectable by the viewer)
Several settings can be changed by the viewer like the button size and the font size, which is is useful for small devices like an iPhone and in case you have troubles reading small letters.
You can display the slide show embedded in your web page with an iframe and you can start the slide show from a link on your web page without displaying the index page with thumb-nails.
You can choose for fixed shape thumbnails or for thumbnails with the full aspect ratio (no part of the picture cropped, but showing everything).
You can use plain text or html code both in the album description and in the slide descriptions.
Via 7 optional links on the index page, displayed as standard text buttons, as icon buttons, in a tool-bar or in the menu-bar at the top of the index page, you can add links to other albums or web-pages in a new window or in the same window. You can also display a web-page in a frame on the index page. The optional responsive menu-bar can be replaced by a Hamburger button on small devices.
Optional Google Maps location, Download image, Show EXIF data, Facebook or email 'Share' button on the index page and for each slide.
Help text in the language of the viewer and the comments in the albums can be translated to every language with the Google translation plug-in..
Use my program MakeMap to display the photos in a Google Maps or Google Earth map or OpenStreetMap with links to the slide pages.
If the album contains wide (panorama-) pictures, an expand icon is added above the image on the slide page, if check-mark 'Spherical Panoramic image' or 'Cylindrical Panoramic image'in the Panoramic image panel for an image has been set. For a 360° cylindrical panorama, you should set also set check-mark '360° panorama', in that case you can endless scroll through the panorama. If you set the 'Spherical Panoramic image' check-mark, the panorama can be viewed in Jérémys Photo Sphere Viewer.
It is also possible to view your panoramic pictures on external pages like the site or with Google Street View.
jAlbums 14 web-locations are supported:
You can make a top album of albums or display the web-location in the slide page as an image with a link to open the website in a new tab or you can display the website instead of a slide image. Via extra buttons you can navigate to other parts of the album. You can use this mode to display YouTube videos and/or external panorama pages in-line in the album.
With jAlbum 15 it is now also possible to define a theme image by dragging an image to the Theme Image box in the new Folder panel. This theme image can be used as background image or as a normal (responsive-) image, defined on the Theme image tab
For a full description of this skin and for more info of my programs MakeMap and EditPhotoInfo click on the HOMEPAGE link below.
- Created
- Nov 22, 2012
- Last updated
- Apr 22, 2024
- Homepage
- Usage
Commercial use is allowed only if you pay a 3rd party license and have a jAlbum Pro license.Modifications of the skin are allowed.
5.4.2 Apr 22, 2024 (current)
If an iPhone was rotated, the slidepage was showed incorrectly.
This has been solved in this version
openstreetmap.svg icon added.
It is now possible to replace a button icon with another icon with the same name in the optional root res directory in the image directory.
If the Google Earth link is not equal to "map.kml" the openstreetmap.svg icon wil be showed.
Previous versions
5.4.1 Nov 7, 2023
5.4.0 May 30, 2023
The pop-up dialog "You should re-arrange ..." is now displayed as notification, but the console window shows this message for folders with folders before or in between images.
if the skipcomment field on the 'Slide page' tab was empty, no captions were showed.
5.3.8 May 10, 2023
Problem in the home button of a menu corrected.
mkdirs() added and res destination changed, see
5.3.7 Apr 18, 2023
About template file improved: Max-width is now adjustable and it displays now better on smart phones
Small corrections in other templates to satisfy the HTML validator.
5.3.6 Nov 1, 2022
OpenStreetMap template page added.
Full screen button added to the Google Maps template page.
5.3.5 Oct 22, 2022
Bug fix: If the location was displayed, the 'Zoom level' parameter on the Map page was not used.
5.3.4 Oct 15, 2022
Like in the FancyBox and my other skins, all files in an 'out' folder in the image directory will be copied to the output directory.
5.3.3 Oct 1, 2022
New version of the screenfull.js library v5.1.0 - 2020-12-24 which works also on an iPad with the Safari browser.
If the predefined theme image could not be read, a warning is given in the console window.
The link to the history.txt file was no longer working with jAlbum 29, so file history.txt has been removed.
At several places code inserted so that template variables like ${currentDate} can be used in user texts: In the 3 footer fields, in the description and in the html code field.
Middle footer field moved below the optional audio control. You can set the font-size for text in this field with this extra css code:
#footer_middle { font-size: 12px; }
Bug fix: Home and next button in toolbar did open two windows.
5.3.2 Nov 27, 2020
If no Google Maps API key is defined, the location will be shown in Google Maps in a new browser tab.
If a web page, like the About page, is hidden, it is not showed in the menu, but you can still view that page if you implements a link to that web page in the Links tab. This requires jAlbum version 22.2b12 or later version.
New check-mark "Reverse title color based on Background color" on the Index page / Theme image tab, to make the title readable in all type of theme images.
5.3.1 Sep 23, 2020
New check-box "Use left-aligned text (recommended for HTML editor)" for album description.
Album title items grouped in a panel on the Index page / General tab.
Album description items grouped in a new panel on the Index page / General tab.
The HTML editor can now be used in the About, About Album, Music and Empty Page template files and also for the Skin Footer field (requires jAlbum 22).
Video overlay icon video-icon.svg was missing, added again.
5.3.0 Sep 2, 2020
New check-mark "Replace Up-arrow button by Home button" on the Links tab for replacing the Up-arrow button by the Home button on the top page of the album.
Some buttons redesigned, like download GPS track and Download photo.
New check-boxes "Use left-aligned text" for the middle footer text
Template files About.htt, About_album.htt, empty-page.htt and Music.htt are changed so that the spellings-checker can be used.
Multiple [link text](URL) code in the text block before the profile image is now processed.
New text area field on the 'Web page' tab for code to be inserted at the end of the”HEAD” section of the main index page (Only HTML).
Some bug fixes.
5.2.0 Aug 3, 2020
The 'Vertical position' on the 'Index page' / 'Theme image' tab refers now to the bottom of the folder / album title, if the value is > 50%.
This improves the display of a title near the bottom of a responsive theme image in albums with folders and variable theme heights.
It might be required to adapt the vertical position if you did use already a value > 50% in a previous version.
For values <= 50% the vertical position still refers to the top of the folder / album title.
5.1.2 Jul 4, 2020
Bug fix: after refresh of a local album with the title in the theme image, the title did sometimes disappear.
5.1.1 Jul 2, 2020
It is now possible to define the font size of the title in the theme image, not only in absolute pixel units, but also in relative ‰ units. The font size is in that case a ‰ of the view port width, so the title shrinks if the view port shrinks.
To avoid problems with very long album titles on small devices, the position value of the Title refers now to the top of the Title. .
If you update an album which displays the title in the theme image, you have to update the Font-size and the vertical position.
Some svg icons improved.
5.1.0 Jun 30, 2020
It is now possible to define the font size of the title in the theme image, not only in absolute pixel units, but also in relative ‰ units. The font size is in that case a ‰ of the view port width, so the title shrinks if the view port shrinks.
To avoid problems with very long album titles on small devices, the position value of the Title refers now to the top of the Title. .
If you update an album which displays the title in the theme image, you have to update the Font-size and the vertical position.
5.0.0 Jun 23, 2020
In this version the possibilities of the theme image has been extended and improved:
New layout of the Index page / Theme image tab where more properties of the album title in the theme image are defined on this tab, like the title font-size,
the title color and possibility to apply shadows in the title.
The algorithm of the position calculation both for the title has been improved. The position values of both the Title and the Theme button icon refers now to the middle of the Title and the Theme button icon.
If you update an existing album with this new version, it might be required to adapt the position and/or font-size values and/or the color settings.
New combo-box "Horizontal alignment:" added to position the title centered, left or right in the theme image.
Checking the new check-box "Move title above theme image if view-port width <" makes it now possible to prevent that the title in the theme image is unreadable in small view-ports. Notice that in that case the title font-size, the color and the shadow is defined on the General tab and on Index page /
General tab.
If you change the Font size in the Viewer settings window, the album title font size is no longer changed.
4.5.6 Jun 4, 2020
The close button in the Google Maps window is moved 50px lower on an iPhone in landscape mode.
The panorama navigation buttons are moved to the bottom on an iPhone in landscape mode.
The size of the text in Justified-Gallery thumbnails changes now too if the Font size in the Viewer settings window is changed.
File name of Empty_page.htt changed into empty-page.htt to prevent double entries in the Explorer 'New page' context menu.
Justified-Gallery version 3.8.1 is now used.
jquery-3.5.1 is now used.
There was a crash if in an album description a text '(...)' was in front of a link '[link text](link URL)'.
4.5.5 May 2, 2020
Bug fix:
Due to a problem introduced in the previous version 4.5.4 a theme image was sometimes only visible after a manual Refresh (F5).
4.5.4 Apr 29, 2020
Default Google font 'Quicksand' replaced by 'Roboto'.
The coded links [link text](link url) in Facebook text are now replaced by just the link text.
If the theme image is not used as background image, it is now never displayed with a width larger as the natural width of the theme image.
4.5.3 Dec 17, 2019
New manual and some texts are changed.
More Thumbnail parameters disabled if Justfied Gallery is used.
4.5.2 Dec 5, 2019
It is now possible to select thickness and type of Google fonts by adding parameters after ':' like 'Open Sans:300i' for Open Sanse type Light 300 Italic and 'Raleway:100' for Raleway type Thin 100.
If '</' is detected in a description, the whole description is seen as html code so no <br> codes are inserted.
The spherical panorama images in a 'panslides' directory were not used, this has been corrected in this version.
4.5.1 Nov 28, 2019
It is now possible to define the font-size of descriptions below the thumbnails on the index page.
The thumbnail in a folder tile was deformed if the folder width was undefined.
Problem with thumbnail in a folder tile solved for gallery with table tags.
The folder thumbnail margin is no longer controlled by the 'Thumbnails horizontal margins' field on the Index page / Thumbnails tab, but by the new field 'Folder thumbnails horizontal margins' on the Index page / Folders tab.
This does not work for table with DIV or TABLE tags if folder box width is >0 and folder box height = 0. So if you re-make an existing album with folders, do check whether you have to adapt the folder tile parameters!
If an 'Elastic table with <table> tags' has been selected the folder tiles will now shrink if the view-port shrinks.
The folder tiles are now responsive for all gallery types.
Problem with links in comment in the thumbnails of a justified gallery solved.
4.5.0 Oct 29, 2019
The Cylindrical panorama viewer of Evgeny Likov is now used. This viewer supports also automatic scrolling on a PC, but you can also use the mouse-wheel and for a 360° panorama endless scrolling is also supported on mobile devices.
Check-mark "Image should use the whole view-port height if the image height is larger" has been removed, because it does not work on mobile devices.
New check-mark "Hide tool bar on iPhone in landscape mode" on the slide options tab.
If check-mark "Expand Spherical panorama automatically" has been set, clicking the close button in a spherical panorama will close the light-box.
New text box "Audio tooltip:" on the audio tab, for displaying music info in a tootip for the audio controller.
If check-mark "Expand Spherical panorama automatically" has been set, a possible description is showed at the bottom of the spherical panorama viewer.
Fixed: resize problem on an iPad after orientation change.
In the settings window is the question 'Use full screen for a picture' on an iPhone no longer visible.
Fixed: an Android issue because this device was indicated as a PC.
If a thumbnail hint did contain a link, it was with a Justified gallery not possible to open the corresponding light-box. Solved by removing the links in hints.
4.4.8 Oct 3, 2019
Some text and layout changes on the skin 'General' tab to make it better understandable.
It is now also possible to use a normal font for the title, differently from font for normal text.
New lines in comment replaced by html tag <br> if the comment contains no <br> or <p> tags.
You can now use text without html tags in the Info window and in the Footer text box.
New check-mark "Image should use the whole view-port height if the image height is larger" on the Slide page tab. If set, panorama and other wide images are expanded in the view-port (Example: No panorama expansion buttons are displayed, but you should still set the panoramic image check-marks in the 'Panoramic image' user panel, or even better select an image size of for instance 20000x1080 instead of the usual 1920x1080. A spherical panorama is automatically expanded.
Spell-checking added to selected input fields (requires jAlbum 19 or better).
Bug fixed if code [text](link) was preceded by one or more '(xxx)' groups.
Resize problem with a video and iframe contents solved.
4.4.7 Sep 6, 2019
The video camera overlay icon was sometimes outside the thumbnail if gallery type Elastic table was selected.
New check-mark "Enable vertical swipes on the index page" allows you to prevent that an index page is closed if you moves the thumbnails down.
4.4.6 Aug 15, 2019
If 'Variable # thumbnails / row' has been selected as type of thumbnails gallery, you can now also use as row height a percentage of the screen-height in landscape mode. This makes this gallery type more responsive on small smart phone screens
4.4.5 Aug 7, 2019
Margin added to the text below the thumbs on the index page if check-mark 'Show shadows of panels on the index page' has been set.
Images with space between border and image better centered on a folder panel.
Predefined styles improved.
If 'Show Album title In the theme image' has been selected and check-mark 'Use Theme image as background' has been cleared, the album title could mostly not been displayed correctly on a smart phone in portrait mode. This is now improved.
The vertical position of the album title in the theme image on the Index page / Theme image tab is now in % instead of pixels, which gives a better responsive behavior.
4.4.4 Jul 24, 2019
File jquery.js replaced by file jquery-3.4.1.min.js
Google+ field removed from contact.htt template.
The Max. width field in the Panoramic image custom panel has been removed. The maxImageWidth property is now always 50000 for a panoramic image; the real width is determined by the selected image height.
Some code improvements for the Panoramic image custom panel.
With jAlbum 18.4 it is now possible to show the video creation time with the EXIF data.
GPS location of a video can now be displayed if GPS tool "Tool to get GPS link from video with GPS metadata" (see is used.
If the video contains no GPS information, you can add the location manually via this tool: open the Google Earth program, select in the Google Earth preferences for the Latitude/Longitude display format 'Decimal degrees' if that is not done earlier and set a way-point on the location where the video is recorded. Copy the values via the clipboard and enter the values in the Latitude and Longitude fields of the GPS tool, but the GPS tool requires that you add a + sign for positive values and only 4 of the 6 decimals are processed by the GPS tool. After you added GPS data to videos via this tool, it is best to close jAlbum and open it again before you open the edit window of a video or image otherwise is the image not visible in the edit window.
You can also use my modified version of this tool( in which case it is not required to add + signs in manual data, 6 instead of 4 decimals are processed and you can open an edit window immediately without closing jAlbum first.
4.4.3 Jul 4, 2019
Variables used for the Folder box width and height were not defined in file which could result in a crash. This has been corrected, but now empty fields are no longer possible for the 'Folder box width' and 'Folder box height' fields. Enter now a value 0 if the system should calculated the best width and/or height.
The Title color selector has been moved from the 'Theme image' tab to the 'General' tab and is now also used if the title is displayed outside the theme image.
Some svg icons optimized.
Links are now displayed as bold.
Optimized home svg-icon used in the menu and the color is equal to the menu text color.
4.4.1 Apr 19, 2019
If check-mark 'Open first slide automatically' has been set, no thumbs are generated and a possible old thumbs directory is deleted
Problem with Fullscreen button in Resize function if index page was skipped solved.
The arrow navigation buttons on mobile devices are now hidden, unless check-mark "Hide navigation arrows on mobile devices" on the Options tab of the Slide page settings is cleared.
4.4.0 Mar 6, 2019
Check-mark "Clicking the up-arrow button returns to the previous page" has been removed, because it was not correctly working for albums with folders and you can get the same effect by entering 'javascript:history.back()' in the Parent page URL field.
If check-mark 'Show shadows of panels on the index page' has been set, the thumbnails on the folder panels show no longer shadows.
If the new check-mark "Compress panorama thumbnails" is set the ConstrainRatioFilter is used to compress the thumbnails of panorama photos.
The Show location function shows now only the address information if the new check-mark "Show location address (Geocoding API required)" has been checked.
The Full screen button on the index page was no longer working with the latest Google Chrome browser. This has been repaired with a new version of the ScreenFull library
4.3.9 Dec 7, 2018
Two new inc-files enties are added:
File inserts code in the <head> section directly after the title and before the link to the common.css file.
File inserts code just before the </body> tag, can be used for links to js-libraries.
If in the skin was selected for the top row of buttons 'Show initially' or 'Hide initially' and the viewer did click one or more times in the theme image or the Title, the last type of display is remembered.
If the description contains link code, the converted link is now shown in a thumbnail hint and in a possible description below the thumbnail on the index page.
Corrected: If an album did contain only web locations, a start slide show button was missing, although the slide show was enabled.
It is now possible to replace on small devices the menu-bar by a Hamburger button, via the new check-mark 'Replace menu bar by Hamburger button, if view-port width <' on the 'General' tab.
It is now also possible to define a maximum width for the profile image.
4.3.8 Oct 30, 2018
New code for Theme image: theme image size should now be set in the Set Cropping window. The Theme Width and Theme Height fields on the Theme Image tab are removed.
A folder image is now reduced in height if the image is larger as the folderbox.
If you click the Facebook Share button, the URL of the image and the URL of the web page are copied to the clipboard. This makes it easy to share the image and page in the native Facebook app and other apps.
Facebook Share code changed because of problems with the Facebook share function under iOS.
If the album shows no theme image, the Facebook share function shows now another photo.
New check-box ''Keep the common.css file locally' in the 'Fixed res path' group of the 'Web page' tab; only used if the 'Fixed res path' is not empty. This allows you for example to use another background image as used in the global res directory.
New check-marks on the Index page / General: "Use as background color for the album description:" and "Fill box around the description". If both check-boxes and check-box "Show shadows on index page" have been checked, the Album description panel shows a shadow.
It is now possible to set the width of the the Album description panel.
Check-mark 'Show shadow in title' has been moved to the Index page / General tab and is now also used if the title is outside the theme image. The title gets no longer automatically a shadow if check-mark 'Show shadows of panels on the index page' has been set.
New check-mark and color selector on the Index page / General: "Use as background color for the album title:".
4.3.7 Oct 17, 2018
It is now again possible to work with empty Folder box width / height fields.
It is now possible to use empty height / width fields for the theme image:
If 'Use Theme image as background with minimum height:' is checked and the next field is empty, the Theme image height is used as minimum height.
If the Theme image height field is also empty, the Max image height as set by user is used as minimum height instead of 400px.
If a Folder box width was defined, the folder image could be distorted, this has been corrected.
Problems with invalid transition type, view-time and transit-time solved.
4.3.6 Oct 5, 2018
The Music.htt template accepts now also ogg audio files.
With an include file it is now possible to add extra js-code at the end of the $(document).ready(function().
New check-box 'Show info window if you open the album'. In the Info window group on the link tab. If set, the Info window is opened immediately if you open the album.
If this Info window is opened, it scrolls now automatically in view.
This Info window has now an optional title and a close button.
You make a link in this info window title with the [link text](link URL) code.
Support for pdf files added: add it via web location . You can also use a pdf-file as extra Info window or open a pdf-file via a button on the index page.
With check-mark 'Replace web location slide image by web site and add navigation buttons' set, comment can now be displayed above the web page. You can use this too to make extra space above a web page to avoid overlapping buttons. Enter in that case "<br><br>" as comment.
To prevent empty tool-tips, all spaces around a comment are now removed.
It is now possible to use as row height for the justified-gallery a percentage of the screen-height in landscape mode.
Problem with pdf file in iframe in Info window solved.
Problems with invalid viewing time and transition time solved.
4.3.5 Aug 30, 2018
Two new fields to add a border around the Justfied-Gallery thumbsnails.
You can now use also ogg files as background music.
If the theme image is used as background, the theme image hint is now also 'Click to show or hide the top-buttons' if these buttons are initially hidden or shown.
Minor bug fix.
4.3.4 Aug 8, 2018
New check-mark "Disable Right Click and Long Tap context menu, to prevent 'Save as..'"
Some code changes to please HTML code validators.
If 'Show shadows on index page' is set, the thumbnails do get now also shadow.
HTML code tab moved to the Footer tab.
A CSS code panel has been added to the Web page tab, to insert custom CSS code at the end of the standard CSS code.
4.3.3 Aug 2, 2018
If the slide page is opened in the Bridge projector index page, it returns now to the Bridge projector index page if the slide page is closed.
Dead-zone and most special css tricks for the iPhone removed, because it did give problems with Chrome on the iPhone. You have now to shift the contents a little bit down on an iPhone in full screen landscape mode, before you click on a top-button or you should rotate the iPhone in portrait mode before you click a top-button.
The Google Maps close button is shifted down on an iPhone.
Check-mark 'Use slides images in gallery removed'; to avoid problems with folder thumbnails.
justifiedGallery - v3.7.0 files are now used.
Top empty line removed if folders menu was selected, but screen height was too small.
The theme-image hint is now 'Click to show or hide the top-buttons' if these buttons are initially hidden or shown.
The arrow buttons on the slide page have been moved from the upper right corner to the left and right side of the slide image as was already used in the PhotoSwipe and FancyBox skin.
4.3.2 Jul 26, 2018
Context menu slide page suppressed to prevent Save as etc.
Code optimization with play button on index page.
Several problems solved if you open a spherical panorama after a cylindrical panorama and visa versa.
Swipes are no longer processed in the panorama viewers, because the bottom buttons in the spherical viewer were not working on a mobile device.
A video camera icon can now also be imposed on YouTube and Vimeo videos added via web locations and on the thumbnails of a Justified Gallery.
If the slide page is opened in the Bridge projector index page, it returns now to the Bridge projector index page if the slide page is closed.
4.3.1 Jul 5, 2018
If in group 'Show in thumbnail tooltip' both 'Nbr + File name' and 'Comment' have been selected, the Comment starts on a new line.
Download option on the audio control removed for Chrome.
If Viewer setting are disabled, music start only automatically on a PC only if check-mark "Start the music automatically ..." has been set.
If Viewer setting are enabled, the combo-box "Disable music autoplay" will only be visible in the Viewer settings if check-mark “Start the music automatically ...” has been set.
With the default settings of the Chrome browser ( see and on mobile devices an automatic start of the music is not possible.
In Chrome 61 or later version Autoplay is default blocked.
To enable autoplay in Chrome, open chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy and select in the Autoplay policy window 'No user gesture is required".
4.3.0 Jun 13, 2018
Updated for jAlbum 16: themeImageSuppor set true for versions 15 and 16
4.2.9 Jun 1, 2018
If check-mark 'Show first slide automatically' is set or a Justfied Gallery has been selected and "Use Slide image" has been checked, no thumbnails are created and existing thumbnails are removed.
Code of yellow tooltip hint for thumbnails for mobile devices has been removed and replaced by new code which allows you to select tooltips for the thumbnails and the buttons on PCs and on touch screen devices, where the text and background color of these tooltips can be selected by the user. You see these tooltips on a PC if you hover the mouse over a button or thumbnail. On touch screens you see these tooltips if you tap on a button or thumbnail; to prevent a click action you should move your finger over the screen outside the button or thumbnail en release there your finger from the screen.
Several changes in the skin settings pages to make the required vertical area smaller:
New main tab 'Web page', new tab 'Folders' on the index page and 'Slide page' tab divided in two sub tabs 'Layout' and 'Options'. Some fields moved from the index or General page to other tabs.
4.2.8 May 1, 2018
You can now set the desired transparency of the captions in a justified gallery.
The value of the 'Thumbnails radius' is no longer used for a justified gallery.
It is now possible to define the max. row height for a justified gallery in %.
The captions in a Justified gallery use now the same font-family and font-size as used for the normal text in the album.
Clicking on a caption in a Justified gallery did not open the slide page.
Some html validation service warnings removed by adapting the html code.
The panorama viewer navigation buttons did not show the pointer cursor on a PC.
4.2.7 Apr 25, 2018
With a new check-mark on the Index page / General settings tab is now possible to hide the vertical scrollbar and use the mouse wheel only for scrolling. Use this to solve the colored border problem for a Justified gallery on a PC..
If you use a transparent background color with the Justified Gallery, you can, if you wish, clear that option, but in that case you should set the Justified Gallery Border parameter to 20 to avoid a jumpy window if a scrollbar is just visible.
4.2.6 Apr 24, 2018
Changes of the Justified Gallery:
You can now select a border width; the default value is -1 in which case the border width is equal to the selected margin.
The justified Gallery captions are now animated and faintly visible if a caption has been selected for a thumbnail.
You can now optionally use the slides images instead of the thumbs images in a justified gallery.
The 'Folder thumbnails border color' is now again working.
Justified Gallery parameter 'Background color' is now again working.
Layout of the Index page / Thumbnails tab changed to enable the thumbnails settings for a folder thumbnail if a Justified Gallery is selected.
Other changes:
Support for jAlbum Bridge added.
A spherical panoramic picture is now automatically expanded in the slide page if check-mark 'Expand Spherical panorama automatically' is checked.
Facebook share function for the index page improved.
4.2.5 Mar 27, 2018
Links made via []() are now also visible in descriptions below thumbnails on the index page, however that link is not visible if the Justified Gallery is used.
A swipe up or down no longer closes the Google Maps route map.
The new version Justified Gallery - v3.6.5 is now used and plug-in screenfull v3.0.0 is replaced by v3.3.2 – 2017-10-27
It is now also possible to hide the title on a folder-tile by clearing option 'Show title in folder-tile'on the Index page / Thumbnails tab.
4.2.4 Mar 1, 2018
Bug fixes: crash with empty folder removed and problem in files about.htt, about_album.htt and contact.htt solved.
4.2.3 Dec 7, 2017
If a folder contains another folder and not all images are before this folder in the jAlbum Explorer, you get an error message. The folder name is now showed in this message and also logged in the System console window.
If the Profile image on the Index page / Footer tab ends with ".", the next file extensions are checked: first "png", next "gif" and finally "jpg".
Non-used theme image files generated via the folder panel are now automatically removed.
The Facebook share function for the thumbnails page was no longer correctly working. This is repaired now with new code using Open Graph Markup for sharing. If a theme image is used the theme image will also be shown on the Facebook page, else the slide corresponding with the thumbnail showed on the Folder panel will be used. Option 'Use secure links' should be set if your album is uploaded to a secure site (starting with 'https:') like the server.
The F key opens now on a PC the Facebook share dialog, if the index page is shown and also if a slide is shown.
The mouse cursor hint of a theme image used as foreground image on a PC shows now the album title if the album title is in the image or if the title is hidden. So without title or if the color combinations makes it difficult to read the album title you can always read it via the mouse cursor hint.
Clicking in the Theme image used as background image, toggles now also the top buttons, if these are not fixed.
The panorama expansion buttons are now hidden if all next options are set: 'Start slide show automatically', 'Disable viewer settings' and 'Hide slide buttons: yes'. This is done to hide these buttons in embedded slide shows.
4.2.2 Nov 20, 2017
You can now use Google Fonts for normal text.
Two new check-marks for background image: "Auto-size background image" and "Don't scroll background image". The effects of these check-marks are only visible on a PC.
Added to the skinproperties: separateThemeImage=true, so with jAlbum 15 it is now also possible to define a theme image by dragging an image to the Theme Image box in the new Folder panel.
The are now 4 ways to generate a theme image, see the ‘Theme image’ tab on the ‘Index page’ tab:
1. Via the ‘Theme image:’ text box.
2. Via include file
By setting the new check-mark ‘If this field is blank or the Theme image is not found, use the Theme Image on the Folder panel’:
3. If ‘Create Theme image ...’ check-mark is cleared, the corresponding image in the slides folder is used. If a folder album has no slides directory this method does not work.
4. If ‘Create Theme image ...’ check-mark is set, a theme image folderimage.jpg is created in the output folder. You can define both a width and a height for the created theme image.
If method 1 is used, methods 3 and 4 are ignored.
If method 3 or 4 is used, the use of include file is excluded.
You can now use the theme image also as background image with fixed height, but if the Folder panel is not used, you should first remove all possible files otherwise it will not work.
4.2.1 Oct 30, 2017
You can’t display a spherical panorama locally; this version gives a warning message if you try to do this.
4.2.0 Oct 28, 2017
It is now possible to use always the whole window for a slide image, if you set new check-mark ‘Image should fill the whole view-port if the view-port is smaller as the image’ on trhe Slide page tab.
New option button 'Justified Gallery' added to the 'Type of thumbnails gallery' panel on the 'Index page' / 'Thumbnails' tab. If this option is selected, a compact thumbnail gallery is implemented with the justified Gallery plug-in, see Notice that the slide border and shadow parameters are not used if that option is selected.
In panel 'Show in thumbnail tooltip' is the text 'File name' replaced by 'Nbr + File name'.
If 'Show shadows on index page' has been set, the top menu shows also a shadow.
Margins added for folder boxes and footer.
If the folder box width is used, the folder box image css has now a max-width to prevent that the images is wider as the box.
Spherical viewer of Jérémy Heleine added.
In the Panoramic image panel you can now choose for a spherical panorama or a spherical panorama.
Bug fixed.
4.1.5 Oct 13, 2017
If no new window is selected for the Google Maps route link on the Links tab and a kml or kmz file is entered in the URL field, the map will be displayed in a section of the index page like the map for a slide location and a panorama expansion page. So background music is not stopped, but if a html file is entered, the index file is replaced by the html file and the background music stops if no new window is selected.
On a touch screen device, a map page is closed both by a swipe up and by a swipe down. Use two fingers to scroll a map.
Google Map full-screen button removed from the location window.
Text in the link panel corrected
Problem with Google Maps apiKey solved.
Several http links replaced by https links.
Bug fix in Music.htt.
It is now possible to use for the custom link icon for links 6 an absolute URL starting with http.
4.1.4 Sep 14, 2017
All text behind "..." in a comment is displayed at the bottom of the slide page if you click on the "More info" link at the end of the displayed comment. This extended comment is not displayed on the index page.
New colored set/reset Full screen icons.
If check-mark 'Open first slide automatically' was set, a panorama could not be expanded. This has been corrected.
Order of .inc files changed: First and as last
The Google Maps window shows no longer a full-screen button after the close button.
4.1.3 Aug 14, 2017
The name of variable which remembers the setting of checkbox 'Start slide show automatically' is changed, so if you use that setting, you have to set it again.
If checkbox 'Start slide show automatically' is set, clicking the Close slide button will skip the index page again and open the link given at the top of the Links settings page.
New check-mark 'Disable close slide page' to remove the close button for embedded slide shows. It is only enabled if check-mark 'Start slide show automatically' is set.
The skin gives now a warning message if after a folder a video or image is detected.
If 'Start slide show automatically is set' and 'Stop after the last slide is set', the Slide shows stops and the first slide page is displayed, so clicking the Play button will repeat the slide show in that case.
4.1.2 Aug 10, 2017
The full screen options and the automatic scrolling of an expanded panorama works now also under Linux.
It is no longer possible to show in a Facebook Share action, the slide image and as link the slide page, see
The correct slide image is now shown, but the link goes to the same image.
The special characters in the Copyright and Author fields are now correctly displayed if there are xmp metadata available.
New include file just above the navigation section which replaces the wrongly positioned 2nd insert of file
New include file at same position as
A new button 'Move the help button to the settings window' has been added on the Index page / General tab. If you set this check-mark, you get space to add extra buttons like the AddThis Share buttons via inc files.
If the file name is displayed on the slide page, the encode characters are now removed.
With embedded album code like index.html?2 the slide show could not be started by clicking the image. This has been corrected.
The Slide Show did not start if the play button was clicked from an album opened by clicking a camera icon on a Google Earth / Maps window. This has been repaired..
File embed.htt added, which detects which kind of page should be embedded.
Bug in the focal length removed.
4.1.1 Jul 17, 2017
The full screen options are now also enabled on Android systems.
Navigation buttons on the expanded panorama page moved to the middle of the window.
The 'Next slide' button is now the most right button in the upper right corner.
Code improvements
Expanded panorama function was not correctly working on windows PC with touch screen support.
Resize problem with expanded panorama page solved.
Problem with too high videos solved.
4.1.0 Jun 24, 2017
The PhotoSwipe and the Slide Show 4 skin belong now to the same skinFamily.
'Web location' object implemented for jAlbum version 14.
New option "Replace web location image by the web site and add navigation buttons" on the Slide Page settings. If set, the web location slide image is replaced by the opened web location and navigation buttons are showed in the upper right corner.
If not set, the web location is opened in a new tab by clicking the 'More info' button above the web location slide image.
New option "This is an album of albums" on the Slide Page settings.
If set, clicking a thumbnail of a web location on the index page will open the corresponding web-page directly, so the corresponding slide page is skipped.
New option on the Links tab: "Clicking the up-arrow button returns to the previous page" (works only if the album has been uploaded to the server).
It is now possible to show keywords below a slide image, if the corresponding option on the Slide Page settings has been set.
In the previous version no optional titles were displayed in the slide description, this has been corrected.
4.0.3 May 2, 2017
If on a link in the slide description was clicked, the description was hidden. This has been corrected in this version.
4.0.2 Apr 28, 2017
If folder albums were used, but none of these folders had a title, the index page in a folder was skipped and the thumb picture was shown as slide image. That has been corrected in this version.
4.0.1 Apr 25, 2017
A new check-box 'Show folder icons' enables you to hide the folder tiles.
Check-box 'Show links to folders in the menu bar' moved to a more logical place, to the top of the Index page / General settings.
If a viewer opens a Slide Show 4 album for the first time, a slide is no longer opened full screen.
A bug in the list of GPS locations has been corrected.
4.0.0 Apr 8, 2017
The display of expanded panorama pictures has been improved.
It is now possible, via user variable 'pan360' or via a new 'Panoramic image' panel, to indicate that a panorama is a 360° panorama. You can in that case endless scroll through the panoramic picture.
The video camera icon onto video thumbnails and all button icons are now svg-files leading to sharper images on the buttons, both in the smallest and largest button size.
The location of the photo is now displayed in-line, no longer is a pop-up opened.
A new 'Map' settings tab allows you to define the map type, the zoom level and the API key to be used for the display of the location in case the image contains GPS data.
The Play button on top of the index page is no longer showed if the current album page contains only folders.
3.4.6 Mar 27, 2017
The scrolling bars are no longer visible if the top buttons on the index page are hidden.
3.4.5 Mar 23, 2017
Visible changes in this version:
If an external page is displayed, no comment is displayed on that page, to prevent that possible buttons are below the comment.
New full-screen icon on the index page; it changes in full-screen mode.
The arrow down key on a PC keyboard enlarges a panorama if an expansion button is visible. If that is not possible, it shows the picture location if GPS info was available.
The buttons and image on the slide page are no longer moving with up/down touches on an iPad/iPhone. As a result, depending on the width/height ratio of the image, the optional camera data displayed with description type 'Below image in the border' in landscape mode, are sometimes not fully readable. Rotate the iPad/iPhone in that case in portrait mode or select another type of slide description.
The buttons on an expanded panorama page are no longer moving on an iPad/iPhone if you scroll horizontal through the image. These buttons are now displayed in the upper right corner.
In Google Chrome version 55 and next, the audio control did show a download button. This button is hidden in this version.
Solved bugs:
The viewer settings button was incorrectly aligned if the home/parent button was absent.
Slide description type 'below image with or without shadow' shows no longer a gap at the right site.
Problems with show/hide EXIF data solved.
Code optimization:
Empty arrays are removed.
Better code to fetch the orientation of mobile devices.
jquery TouchSwipe version 1.6.18 is now used.
3.4.4 Dec 14, 2016
Check-mark 'Disable Viewer Settings' added, if set, the default settings cannot be changed by the viewer.
It is recommended to set that check-mark for embedded albums.
3.4.3 Dec 5, 2016
More recent jquery lib version used: jquery-3.1.1.min
Minified version jQuery UI v1.12.1 used
Automatic scroll actions to the top of the index file removed.
The default value for Allow swipes on the index page is now On the theme image only for all screen sizes.
It is now possible to use a Google Font for the album title.
3.4.2 Nov 24, 2016
Several integer fields are better validated in this version.
The Full screen button works now too for Chrome and Safari on a PC.
A slide page can now automatically be opened in full screen mode if selected by the viewer in the viewer settings window.
Viewer setting 'Enable over-sized images' removed.
Minimum device screen height removed for the theme image.
3.4.1 Nov 11, 2016
Problem with spaces in folder box height and folder box width solved.
Problem with quotes in a thumbnail tooltip solved.
If the video width on the Slide page settings page is empty, the natural width of the video is used instead of the full window width.
The image title may now also contain links.
It is now possible to show a description on the slide page of a movie.
It is now possible to show a description on the slide page with an external page.
You can now select 0, 1 or 2 line breaks after a file name and/or title in the image description.
It is now possible to show folder-tiles without thumbnails, to make more space for text.
Exif info contents and layout improved.
Problem with an empty description below the image in a box solved.
3.4.0 Nov 2, 2016
The Exif data are now displayed below the slide description. Clicking the Exif data will hide the EXIF data. If Show Exif Info via EXIF button has been selected, an EXIF button is displayed in the upper left corner and if this button is clicked, the Exif info is showed below the image. Clicking the button again will hide the Exif Info.
Because the Exif data are no longer displayed in a window, the menu button and menu strip have been removed on the slide page: the slide page buttons are again showed in the upper left corner and the info and panorama expansion button is displayed in the middle above the panorama.
Exif Info can now be showed/hidden via the letter E on a keyboard
More compact focal length reported and 'Manual' removed from WB if a light source is available.
It is no longer possible to display the image description above the image and it is no longer possible to limit the image description initially to two lines.
Comment font-size can now be set on the Slide Settings page.
The slide image description background color is now applied to all description types except 'below image in the border'.
The slide description can now be composed of the file name and/or title and/or comment, the image title is no longer showed in the browser tab.
Clicking outside the slide image will now hide/show the image description and/or the slide buttons in the 2 corners (only if Hide buttons No has been selected in the viewer settings window). The same action is possible with H key on a keyboard.
Better names for button sets and some button images changed.
Panorama page code improved: expansion button is now near the image top, except if combined with info button, in which case it is at the top of the window.
Improved layout of tall settings pages. Layout adapted to allow the use of horizontal and vertical scroll bars on the settings tabs on small screens.
Two new group panels on the Index general panel: "Show below thumbnail" and "Show in thumbnail tooltip" which allows you to select for these items, the filename and/or the image title and/or description (comment). Thumbnails maximal vertical margins enlarged to 99px to make more space for long text below the thumbnails.
It is now possible to select different colors for the folder tile background and the folder tile border.
It is also possible to show optionally also comment below a folder thumbnail if the new check box "Show comment in folder-tile" is set.
In case of shadows on the index page, the folder thumbnail gets no shadow now; it stays in the folder tile.
3.3.9 Oct 22, 2016
No functional changes, just 2 changes to make the jAlbum vs 13.6b1 parser happy.
3.3.8 Oct 13, 2016
Problem with an extended panorama on a mobile device like the iPad solved.
3.3.7 Oct 11, 2016
If a sub-album index page was published on Facebook, the title was equal to the root album title, this is changed into the sub album h1 title.
Links made with []() are now also visible in comments below thumbnails.
For an iPhone, the top buttons are moved 40 pixels from the top now only in landscape mode.
The default transition effect "Compress" effect was not saved, this is now corrected.
3.3.6 Aug 26, 2016
New include files for folders only:,,,
New variable webPageTitle introduced which can be defined on the General tab. Used to set the contents of the title tag in the head section of the web-page.
The layout of the General page improved.
It is now possible to insert css code at the begin and/or at the end of the common.css file by placing a file inc_at_begin.css and/or inc_at_end.css in the root image directory.
Max width for the theme image added.
If the Link panel was open and jAlbum was closed or another project was opened, there was a crash. This has been solved in this version.
You see now the scale effect also on touch screens, even if 'Enable yellow information pop-ups on touch screens' is false.
EXIF problem with an image that did not contain EXIF data solved.
3.3.5 Aug 13, 2016
Maptype removed from Slide page settings.
Shadow code for theme image corrected. If you select shadow for the theme image, don't use a width of 100% because in that case you see no shadow at the right side; use 98% instead.
If the 'Show never' option is selected in the 'Top row of buttons' on the Index page / General tab, the top buttons are always hidden and no longer used code of the #nav bar html- and css-code will be removed. The settings window code is also omitted. This is done to avoid problems in embedded albums.
The Index page / Footer tab has been extended with a new check-mark 'Remove footer code, to avoid conflicts in embedded albums.
You can now select an hover scale effect for the thumbnails, by selecting a 'Thumbnail hover scale factor' on the 'Index page' / 'Thumbnails' tab.
It is now possible to hide the footer fields in folder albums.
Footer fields put in a group-panel.
It is now possible to enter one link in a footer field with code: [link text](link URL).
If the link URL is followed by a '^' character, like '...NL.html^)' the link is opened in a new window.
You can use this code too to enter one link in the image description.
Use this code too in the album description to enter one or more links in the album description.
If 'Hide Buttons while playing' is selected, the menu button is also hidden.
Expanded panorama were shifted to the right, this has been corrected.
It is now also possible to define the Hyper text mouse over color.
3.3.4 Jul 27, 2016
Link panel of an image extended so that it is possible to replace the slide image by a web-page. This can be used to view panorama presentations made by other programs or to display YouTube or Vimeo videos.
If the slide page is used for a movie or an external web-page, no Camera data are displayed if the menu strip is opened, the extra buttons are in that case displayed next to the menu button.
Problem with invalid entered video width solved.
A number of text boxes for integers have been replaced by spinners.
The equivalent 35mm focal length is now also displayed in the EXIF data (if available) and text "Flash did not fire" replaced by "no".
New display and code for viewing the location in Google Maps. The map type has been removed, because it was no longer working in the new Google Maps SDK.
The Facebook check-mark on the General settings has been removed and a Facebook check-mark has been added to the index/General settings page and to the Slide settings page.
The menu button on the slide page can now be hidden with a new 'Show Menu button in the upper left corner' check-mark on the Slide page settings tab. If no menu button is displayed, it is still possible to open the menu via the M key or swipe-up gesture. You can also execute the menu function directly via a fast key, like the L key to show the location or the F key to share the foto on Facebook.
Problem with Facebook share link on an iPad solved. Facebook SDK updated to version v2.7
The slide description is now also showed in the Facebook dialog window for a slide.
3.3.3 May 6, 2016
A mailto: link was not possible as link, this has been corrected.
3.3.2 May 3, 2016
Bug fix: if the photo description did contain a link and the description was displayed on the index page, the link was not working
3.3.0 Apr 17, 2016
JW-Player video drives removed, video is now played by the browser only.
Video-icon.png added as overlay for videos, to be used instead of the too big standard video overlay.
It is used if check-mark "Superimpose video camera icon onto video thumbnails" is set on the Index page / Thumbnails tab.
Some parameters moved from the Slide Show 4 General tab to the Index / Thumbnails tab and to the Slide page tab.
3.2.9 Mar 25, 2016
#title_out_image moved to index.htt, so that with a fixed res path, title in or out theme image can be selected.
The viewer setting 'Hide slide navigation buttons' was not correctly processed, this has been corrected.
All skin text are now also translated to the German language in the German text file.
It is now possible to change the vertical position of the title in the theme image.
3.2.9 Mar 25, 2016
#title_out_image moved to index.htt, so that with a fixed res path, title in or out theme image can be selected.
The viewer setting 'Hide slide navigation buttons' was not correctly processed, this has been corrected.
All skin text are now also translated to the German language in the German text file.
It is now possible to change the vertical position of the title in the theme image.
3.2.8 Mar 20, 2016
The text 'Use slide show embedded' on the General tab is changed into 'Start slide show automatically'. If this check-mark is set and the album does not contain only folders, the initial display of the index page is skipped and the slide show starts playing with the first slide if the album is opened. The menu button and the panorama expansion button will be hidden in this state.
Flickering removed if field 'Hide theme image if screen height <' is empty.
Vertical position of Title in theme image changed.
Check-mark 'Download image' added to the slide page.
Non-printable char (Hex: E280A8) in the image description replaced by "<br>"
Old non-used code removed and some code improved.
On the index page you can now choose for the top buttons bar: Show Always, Show initially, Hide initially, Hide always. If Show initially or Hide initially is chosen, clicking in the theme image or on the album title will toggle the display of the row of buttons. Option 'Hide always' has been added for use in embedded albums
The selected swipe area is now also valid if the following screen height text box is empty.
On the index page you can now choose for the album title: Show above theme image, Show in theme image, Hide album title. The last option is added to compose embedded image galleries.
New layout of the Index page settings tab and of the Slide page settings.
hfill problem on the Music page corrected.
User manual updated and links made to the new index panels.
3.2.6 Jan 10, 2016
Bug fixes: spelling error in The Viewport change and old help code removed from css file.
Include file was not seen by jAlbum because a preceding </ja:else> had no close bracket.
3.2.5 Dec 23, 2015
The 'Browse for html 'button was no longer visible for link 6. This has been corrected
The minimum swipe threshold is reduced from 200 to 75 pixels, but to avoid that a panoramic slide is closed if you scroll not perfectly horizontal with your finger, the swipe threshold for a panoramic picture is still 200.
If 'Show Facebook buttons' is cleared on the General settings tab, the Facebook button is also no longer visible in the menu strip of a slide.
The Album title color defined on the index tab is only used if the title is shown in the theme image, if there is no theme image or if the title is displayed above the theme image, the color defined on the general page is used.
It is now possible to show text shadow behind the album title: the same shadow as used for the other controls on the index page or if the album title is shown in the theme image it is also possible to use a blur shadow defined in a new color selection box on the index page tab.
3.2.4 Dec 16, 2015
It is now possible to display a shadow around the theme images and around thumbnails and controls on the index page and/or around the slide image.
The width of the shadow and the transparency is defined by two new fields on the General tab.
For slide image is now also a 'Space to border' and a 'Slide image radius' field available as was already available for the theme image and the thumbnails.
The theme image radius is also used for the profile image, which can also be used as a 2nd theme image.
A new include file '' has been added to define extra css styles for the root album and the folder albums.
All upper left slide buttons are now hidden in embedded albums.
The 'Hide slide navigation buttons' combo-box has been moved to the top of the Viewer settings window.
The layout of the Slide Show 4 settings pages has been improved.
3.2.3 Dec 12, 2015
This version makes it possible to use transparent colors for the backgrounds and the borders.
The background color of slide text in the box is may now be selected by the user and of course is here also a transparent color allowed. The position of this box is now also correct if you used thick borders.
The position of text in the theme image is now also correctly positioned if thick borders are used.
The viewer settings window will now also close if you click somewhere in this window outside the combo boxes.
The display of the information you see in the menu strip if the menu button is clicked, has been improved.
This menu strip will now also close if you click somewhere in the text in this strip outside the buttons.
Non-fixed ratio thumbs are now vertically aligned in the middle if the number of thumbs / row is variable.
The display of embedded albums has been improved, also due to the possibility to use transparent background.
3.2.2 Dec 8, 2015
* Next button added to the slide page.
* If a thumbnail was clicked and 'Hide navigation buttons while playing' was selected, the buttons were hidden. That has been corrected.
* Panorama extension buttons moved to the upper left corner, because there was an overlap of buttons on the iPhone
* The minimum swipe threshold is enlarged from 75 to 200 pixels to avoid that a panoramic slide is closed if you sroll not perfectly horizontal with your finger.
3.2.1 Dec 1, 2015
The box with the thumbnail or folder icon and folder title to open a folder album displays now optionally a border, a background color and the folder title text color is now selectable. The word breaking has been improved in these links to folder albums for small devices like the iPhone.
The initial-scale for the iPhone is now 1 as already was used for the iPad, so you will see larger text and buttons on the iPhone, but the viewer can still change the sizes via the viewer settings.
If the theme image and/or folder menu is not hidden on a device, the initial display state is no longer none, so you see the theme image and/or folder menu in that case immediately.
3.2.0 Nov 28, 2015
Include file added at the end of the navigation bar. This include file is automatically added to folder albums if defined for the root album. It can be used to include the Google Translate plug-in.
If the slide description is longer as 3 lines ( or if the slide description is at the top of the page and the the height is > 50 pixels) the system shows initially a vertical scroll bar and not all text is displayed. These scrollbars are not visible on mobile devices like an iPhone or iPad, but you can still scroll on these devices with 2 fingers. It is also possible to expand the full description by clicking the into description. If a description can be expanded it is shown in italic font on a mobile device; on a PC you see a scroll bar at the right site of the description. You can enable/disable the limitation of long descriptions to 3 lines with check-box "Show initially only 3 lines of long descriptions" on the Slide page settings tab.
A Movie is now like a picture absolute positioned in the middle of the window.
If the Slide Show was not running if we start a video, the state stay so after the video is ready.
The buttons tool-bar height, the album title font-size and the button font-size is now also adapted if the viewer changes the font-size factor, this is convenient for small devices like the iPhone or if the viewer has troubles reading small text on a device.
If the buttons are enlarged/reduced in the viewer settings, the buttons in the tool-bar are now also enlarged/reduced.
It is now possible to disable swipes on the index page or allow swipes only on the theme image if the screen width is below a certain value. This makes it easier to scroll the index page.
The new check-mark "Enable yellow information pop-ups on mobile devices if a thumbnail is tapped" on the index page tab allows you hide to yellow information pop-ups, to make it easier to scroll the index page.
The 360Cities icon is now also a square icon like all other icons.
If the theme image and/or folder menu is hidden on small screens, you see it no longer shortly.
3.1.3 Nov 17, 2015
Margins below the theme image, above the profile image and under the album description adapted.
The size of an icon in a buttons tool bar is no longer changed if the viewer chooses another button size.
The 7 links on the Links tab are now more universal: for each link it is possible to open the link in a new page or in the same page.
Icons in the tool-bar better centered.
The swipe area for a slide is now enlarged to the whole window.
If you click a thumbnail, the slide show is no longer automatically started.
To start the slide show from the index page: hit the enter key or click the play button in the upper left corner. To start the slide show from the slide page: hit the space key or click on the image or click the play button in the upper right corner (if visible).
The setting 'Disable music autoplay' on the viewer settings page is now always shown on PC's.
The button for the extra frame page moved from the top to the other links buttons and the frame height can now be set at the links tab.
The icon for the link 6 (More info button) can now be selected by the user.
For embedded albums, the slide expansion button will be hidden and opening the menu strip is also not possible with an embedded album.
3.1.2 Nov 7, 2015
If check-mark "Show these links in the menu bar" on the Links tab is set, the links are now appended to the menu of web pages and / or possible folders.
3.1.1 Nov 5, 2015
You can now display the links in an buttons tool bar, by checking option 'Show these links in a button tool bar' on the links tab.
The Home button to go back to the top, was shown in a folder album if the folder menu was disabled, This has been corrected in this version.
3.1.0 Oct 29, 2015
In previous versions, a folder album was opened in a new window, so that the background music in the root album did continue in the folder album. This method is abandoned in this version, a folder album replaces now the root album.
There are now 4 methods to play background music:
1. By selecting the mp3 track on the music tab. If you use this in an album with folders, the music stops if a folder album is opened.
2. You can also use the new Music.htt web-page to start the background music. In that case the music continues if a folder album is opened.
3. You can also set the new check-box 'Use this file name as default MP3 file in the root and folder output directories'. Each output directory should in that case contain an MP3 file of the same name, but the contents may be different. The root and folder album play in that case each his own track.
4. It is also possible to indicate the background music in file, which should contain in that case the html5 code of an audio control.
The 'Hide Facebook Share button' combo-box on the viewer settings window is replaced by a 'Disable music autoplay' combo-box, but this combo-box is only displayed on a PC if the index page contains an audio controller.
A folders menu as used in the Base skin can now be selected (thanks Laza!).
The folder menu and user links are not showed on the music web-page.
EXIF info more compressed, like "Flash did not fire, auto" replaced by "No", Lens and Author information added.
In many cases the original file does not show the Lens information, but if you select xmp as comment source and you edit the picture in a program like PhotoShop Elements, the lens information will be visible after the edit. In case of Manual White Balance is the manual setting displayed.
Check-boxes added to show copyright and/or exposure data with or without the rest of the camera information.
JW player buttons are now centered (thanks jGromit!).
Field "Index page window name:" is removed from the General tab and also field "Parent page window name:" is removed from the Index page tab.
The video code is adapted for use in jAlbum version 13.
3.0.4 Oct 12, 2015
The font-size of slide description type 'below image with shadow large' was not changed if the viewer changes the font-size factor in the settings window.
This has been corrected.
3.0.3 Oct 11, 2015
Layout of the menu-bar is improved.
The menu-bar text and background color can now be selected in the Slide Show 4 "General" settings.
It is now possible to draw optionally a border around a menu-item.
Links to folders in the menu-bar may be hidden for small screens like an iPhone.
The CSS code of the menu-bar can also be used in .inc files to create another horizontal menu bar.
The links in folder albums below the thumbnails are no longer displayed as buttons, if these links are also displayed in the menu-bar on top of the index page.
The area for the slide description above the photo has been enlarged from 60% to 80%; this reduces the probability that the text is hidden by the photo if the description is very long.
Two extra values for the font-size added in the settings window: 125% and 175%.
If there are no user links, the unused area is removed to make the index page smaller.
Web-page template file Map.htt is improved: the optional Google Earth button is now moved to the upper right corner of the map.
To all template files the MoreInfo link has been added.
The file was not showed if links were displayed in the menu bar; this has been corrected.
3.0.2 Oct 4, 2015
In the previous version there was no difference between comment with shadow large and small, that has been corrected.
The shadow color is now selectable on the Slide Show 4 settings Slide Page tab.
With iOS 9 on an iPhone, the menu and address bar on a slide page were again visible if you rotate the iPhone from Portrait to Landscape mode. This problem has been solved, the slide page uses now again the full screen in Landscape mode without the menu and address bar.
If 'Stop after last slide' is true and the last slide is closed, there will be scrolled to the end of the index page, if at least one link is used and that link is displayed below the thumbnails; in all other cases there will be scrolled to the top of the index page after the last slide is closed.
The delay time before the yellow info message appears above a thumbnail on the index page on a touch device has been enlarged from 400 ms to 1000 ms.
The slide page touch area has been changed so that swipes work also for videos.
If you close now an expanded panorama, you see the same panorama but not expanded.
Several code optimizations and some small bugs removed.
3.0.1 Sep 16, 2015
On the general tab it is now possible to define a Favicon URL for the album.
A new include file in the root image directory is now include just like, but this file is also included in the index files in the folder (can be used for Google AdSense).
If an info link exists for a slide, the info button in the upper left corner above a slide is now always visible, independent of the 'Hide slide navigation buttons' setting.
Icons and buttons for links on the index page are better aligned.
It is now also possible to show the album description and the links both below or above the thumbnails on the index page.
The height of the settings window is now automatically adjusted to the correct height.
Order of meta tags 'description' and 'keywords' changed, 'contents' is now at the end of the meta tag.
3.0.0 Sep 13, 2015
The buttons in the upper left corner above a slide are replaced by a menu button.
If you click the menu button, the file name will be displayed above the slide and next the other buttons which were in the previous versions in the upper left corner.
The Slide settings tab is extended with a check-box to show Camera data in the menu strip.
For a slide page is M now the fast key to open/close the menu strip and L is the fast key for showing the location in Google Maps.
The panorama expansion button is now on the top unless that area is used for the description.
A quick swipe up over a slide image opens now the expanded panorama if an expansion button is visible else it will open the menu. If the menu is already open, a quick swipe up will show the location in Google Maps, if a Google Maps button is visible.
A new button 'Font size' has been added to the viewer settings page, which allows to reduce or enlarge the font size for the descriptions.
Embedded albums and albums with hidden index pages did not read the settings, this has been corrected.
On the iPad and iPhone you had to click twice before an action was started, this has been corrected.
Function Conversion of colored buttons to gray buttons has been removed.
2.9.0 Sep 3, 2015
The responsive Slide Show 4 skin is now even more responsive, because the viewer can select his preferred button size in the settings window.
The performance of the skin on an iPhone has been improved and some bugs have been removed.
The font-size used in the settings window is changed to make it easier to handle on small devices.
The local storage code used to save the viewer settings has been optimized.
The font-size of the yellow hints changed from 24px to 12px for screen-width>500.
All comments do have now the font-size as defined on the General tab.
Slide info button moved to the upper left corner and the slide buttons are now closer to each others.
Swipe Threshold lowered from 200 to 75 pixels.
All special windows (about, settings, yellow hints) on the index page are now closed if you tap in the swipe area, so on or below the theme image.
The optional integrated about page has now a vertical scroll bar and the about button size is also determined by the viewer.
Known bugs removed and some small improvements added.
2.8.6 Aug 20, 2015
Problem with the yellow message with filename and description above a thumbnail on tablets solved by adding again CSS code to disable copy.
This large yellow message is no longer visible on a PC, because the same information is displayed if you hover with the mouse over a thumbnail.
2.8.5 Aug 17, 2015
Page loading speed improved.
Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8. is no longer supported, because the new version 2.1.4 of the jquery lib is now used.
The new version 1.6.9 of the touchSwipe software is now used.
The problem with the handling of music with the new Microsoft Edge browser has been solved.
To open the slide show or to open the next album you have to click the thumbnail image;
clicking the filename, comment or title of a thumbnail will no longer do that.
If the index page was made as a fixed number of rows without table tags, the alignment was incorrect if the English language was not selected in the preferences.
Each movie did show a download button, even if option "Link to scaled-down images only" was set. This has been corrected.
You can now close a yellow message window with the filename (and description) by clicking a key on the keyboard or by clicking somewhere on the index page, but not on a thumbnail.
2.8.4 Aug 6, 2015
The meta field with the name "description" in the header of folder album did contain always the album description of the root album. This is now corrected, the description of the folder album is now displayed in that meta field.
The text in a comment field of a folder album is now used as description of a folder album.
The contents of file can still be used as description of an album.
2.8.3 Aug 3, 2015
If the new check-box 'Hide index pages in subdirectories' on the Slide Show 4 General tab is set, the index pages in subdirectories are skipped and the slide show start immediately with the first slide if you click a folder thumbnail.
This version hides JW Player logo in video's.
Adapted for the new Windows 10 Edge browser: horizontal scrollbar hidden.
A Full screen button has been added to the index page which solves the missing F11 key function in the Windows 10 Edge browser. It works for the Edge and Firefox browsers, other browsers should use the Full screen key shortcut.
Spaces removed in the theme image URL
2.8.2 Jul 25, 2015
Language code added to the html tag in the heading.
Gray buttons are now again visible in Firefox, but the gray conversion does not work on a PC with IE11 or Safari.
If in the jAlbum Pages settings the option “Link to hi-res via scaled images” has been selected, a Download button will be added in the upper left corner of a slide to download the hi-res image to your disk. This Download button is also visible if option “Link to originals via scaled images” is selected and check-box “Copy originals” is set.
If you click on this Download button on a PC, a 'Save as...' dialog box is opened and you can save the picture directly on your disk. On a PC you can also use the 'D' key on the keyboard to start this action.
If you click the Download button on a tablet, the picture will be opened in a new tab. Select that tab, press long in the displayed picture and select 'Save picture' in the pop-up menu to save the picture on the tablet.
Preferred size of the settings window set to ( 840,800).
2.8.0 May 24, 2015
A new file dialog window for images shows now the thumbnails if the file dialog option (large) icons has been selected by the user. This requires jAlbum 2.6.1 or later version.
An mp3 file is now also selected via the new file dialog window
The new file dialog window is now also used in the extra About, Contact and About_album pages.
Yellow hint 'profile' removed from the profile image, because it can also be used for a 2nd theme image.
No Track download button is showed if the track-log file does not exist.
No Google Maps button is showed if the corresponding relative html file does not exist.
No Google Earth button is showed if the corresponding relative kml or kmz file does not exist.
These links buttons are always showed if an absolute URL (starting with http) is used.
It is now possible to add optionally a Google Earth button to the map.htt extra page.
If the output directory for a relative path is not known in jAlbum it is asked.
With the help of Heinz-Peter Bader (Dschuwi), the author of the Clasic Aligned 2 skin, a custom Link panel for an image has been created. It is used to define a link to another page via a button at the top of the slide window. You can use it to show an external panorama page or an information page.
Depending on what has been selected in the Link panel, the link button is displayed as a panorama expansion icon, as a panorama expansion icon for the site, as an 'Info' icon or as a button with the text defined in the Link panel.
If the link URL contains the substring '' a 360 cities expand icon will be showed.
If the link URL starts with 'http', a new window will be opened via else the URL is changed via the window.location property.
It is now possible to define a short text in the left footer.
Statement <ja:include page="" /> moved to just after the ThemeImage location, so that it can be used to define a Theme Image in a sub-folder album.
A new "More Info" icon or button can now be added to the index page to link to an other page.
If the URL field of Next / Previous or Home link contains a valid relative path, it is only showed at the top index page.
New version 6.12 of the JWPlayer installed.
New version of the jQuery files:
jquery.js jQuery JavaScript Library v1.10.2
jquery-ui.js jQuery UI - v1.11.4 – 2015-04-11
It is now also possible to use the video support of the browser instead of the JWPlayer video functions.
The box width for a folder and its title can now be set by the user.
The keyboard "I" key is used to open the "More Info" page if such an icon is visible on the index or slide page.
2.7.0 Mar 23, 2015
Buttons to compose relative links added behind URL fields.
Layout of the links settings page improved.
The color of the title text is now defined in the index file, so if you use a fixed central res directory, the color of the title can be different for each album that uses the central res folder.
More font-sizes added.
Vertical margins for buttons added.
The width of the text below a folder is now never wider as the folder image and its horizontal margin, unless table tags are used.
A play button or text is now also visible on folder sub-albums.
If the tracklog link is equal to '' and this file does not exist in the output directory, no tracklog button is displayed.
Bug fix: a movie thumbnails shows now again the movie border color
2.6.4 Mar 2, 2015
Bug in the email link of a slide repaired.
The layout of the thumbnails table made without <table> tags was wrong in countries like The Netherlands, where a comma is used as decimal number separator.
2.6.2 Feb 19, 2015
If an album did contain subdirectories and one of the sub-albums was split in several index pages, the links in the second and next index pages did not work correctly.
2.6.1 Dec 16, 2014
New elastic thumbnails table design added which do not use <table> tags, but only floating divs.
The new structure works also correct in Firefox and the Internet Explorer.
See the sample album for a survey of the available thumbnails presentations.
CSS errors corrected.
Audio-player adapted in size for the iPhone
Audio-player is no longer semi-transparent.
Problem with he function 'Hide Theme image if screen height < ..' solved.
2.6.0 Dec 16, 2014
New elastic thumbnails table design added which do not use <table> tags, but only floating divs.
The new structure works also correct in Firefox and the Internet Explorer.
See the sample album for a survey of the available thumbnails presentations.
CSS errors corrected.
Audio-player adapted in size for the iPhone
Audio-player is no longer semi-transparent.
2.5.0 Dec 2, 2014
Added to the skin properties: fullSiteSupport=true.
You can now compose the Contact, About, About_album and Map web-page templates in a form, see my 'Web page support with the Slide Show 4 skin' note:
Layout Contact page changed.
It is possible to hide the menu, in case a template web-page should be opened with a button or other link.
The Google Maps Javascript API v3 interface is now used to show Google Earth KML-files in the browser via the Map.htt
template page or via a GoogleMap.html page made by my program EditPhotoInfo, see my 'How to add a map to a Slide Show 4 album' note:
Online help added to the Slide Show 4 settings pages (requires jAlbum 12.3).
2.4.7 Nov 6, 2014
Problem with the music control and Internet Explorer solved.
You can now chose one of the next 5 sets of buttons:
Colored buttons, which were the standard buttons up to this software version.
Black buttons on a white background.
Black buttons on a transparent background.
White buttons on a transparent background.
Special buttons.
The last group Special buttons contain now round black buttons on a white background which a saved in the Slide Show 4 skin directory res_Special.
If you like to define your own buttons, you should replace the buttons in directory res_Special by png images of your choice. You should use the same names and make a copy of this directory elsewhere, because the contents of this directory is overwritten if you install a new version.
The appearance of all buttons can still be changed by changing the transparency of the buttons on the Slide Show 4 General settings tab.
2.4.6 Nov 1, 2014
Quotes and double quotes in email subject converted, but problem with spaces and CR/LF in mail on Android tablet not yet solved
Music control moved to the bottom of the index page and old position used for Facebook and email button.
If Facebook and/or email buttons are selected, these buttons are now visible on all index pages of an album.
Smaller text in the footer.
2.4.5 Oct 30, 2014
You can now add a mail button, both to the index page and to each slide page.
If a viewer clicks this button his mail program will be opened to send the email.
In the Slide Show 4 settings you can define default values for the Addressee, the Subject and the email body text. The first line of the email body text contains the URL of the album or for an email started on a slide page, the URL of the slide page or the URL of the picture.
You can use this for two purposes:
1. To share the album or slide page. Leave in that case the Addressee field empty.
2. To sell a photo or the goods on the photo or to collect comment on your photo. Fill in that case your email address in the Addressee field.
Problem with mail button positioning on an iPad solved.
If in the Settings the Facebook button is hidden, it is also removed from the index page.
2.4.4 Oct 30, 2014
You can now add a mail button, both to the index page and to each slide page.
If a viewer clicks this button his mail program will be opened to send the email.
In the Slide Show 4 settings you can define default values for the Addressee, the Subject and the email body text. The first line of the email body text contains the URL of the album or for an email started on a slide page, the URL of the slide page or the URL of the picture.
You can use this for two purposes:
1. To share the album or slide page. Leave in that case the Addressee field empty.
2. To sell a photo or the goods on the photo or to collect comment on your photo. Fill in that case your email address in the Addressee field.
2.4.3 Oct 27, 2014
Bugfix: if a movie was running and the next slide was selected or the slide was closed, the sound of the movie did not stop.
Transparency of buttons extended with values 95% and 100%.
It is now possible to show a hint text 'Click thumbnail' or to show a Play button or to show no hint at all.
2.4.2 Oct 25, 2014
If a variable number of thumbnails per row has been selected, the space between the thumbnails is now minimal, because there in no longer a table structure used. To see this effect use thumbnail with a large width for instance 1000x100. For an example see
The local preview of an album with a Facebook share link on the index page is now faster loaded.
If no 'Click on a thumbnail' hint is selected, a play button is displayed instead.
2.4.1 Oct 17, 2014
Position of the audio control improved for the Internet Explorer
The settings button is on some devices no longer hidden by the audio control.
If 'Show links to folders in the menu bar' is false, the menu bar is now also hidden in the folder albums.
The links defined at the 'Links' tab do work now too in the template pages, if these links are displayed in the menu bar.
If a template page opens another template page, no new window is opened, only the index page opens a template page in a new window.
2.4.0 Oct 14, 2014
The Slide Show 4 skin is now 'Site aware'.
If you add a template page, the corresponding link is automatically showed in the menu bar at the top of the index page.
In the Slide Show 4 settings you can:
Choose the background color of the menu bar,
choose to show also the links to the folders in the menu bar,
choose to show also the links defined on the links tab in the menu bar.
More information in this note: Web page support with the Slide Show 4 skin, see
Mouse capture is now done for Windows and the MacOS.
2.3.3 Oct 5, 2014
View-port handling adapted for an Android system: panorama's do expand now correctly.
Mouse-capture is switched off for mobile devices.
It is now possible to show the description below the thumbnails.
2.3.2 Sep 30, 2014
If filenames were displayed below the thumbnails and the number of thumbnails per row was fixed,
the table was not elastic. This has been corrected.
The implementation of a thumbnail gallery with a variable number of thumbnails per row has been improved.
Thumbnails are now always aligned to the top.
2.3.1 Sep 28, 2014
I made a mistake with the version numbers with the previous upload.
vs 2.20, 2.30 and 2.31 do have all the same functionality, no changes except the version number.
Changes with respect to version 2.1.3:
The index page shows now first a table of the images and next a table of the folders.
It is the users responsibility that the folders are situated after all images in the jAlbum Explore.
You can select another color for the folder thumbnail borders as for normal thumbnails.
A new responsive layout of the thumbnails has been added, where the number of thumbnails per row depends on the available screen area. A description is given in this note:
2.3.0 Sep 27, 2014
The index page shows now first a table of the images and next a table of the folders.
It is the users responsibility that the folders are situated after all images in the jAlbum Explore.
You can select another color for the folder thumbnail borders as for normal thumbnails.
A new responsive layout of the thumbnails has been added, where the number of thumbnails per row depends on the available screen area. A description is given in this note:
2.3.0 Sep 28, 2014
The index page shows now first a table of the images and next a table of the folders.
It is the users responsibility that the folders are situated after all images in the jAlbum Explore.
You can select another color for the folder thumbnail borders as for normal thumbnails.
A new responsive layout of the thumbnails has been added, where the number of thumbnails per row depends on the available screen area. A description is given in this note:
2.1.3 Sep 24, 2014
The JWPlayer video player files are now always available in the res folder if there are folder albums,
but in single level albums without movies, they are deleted
2.1.2 Sep 23, 2014
On the iPhone the tool-bars were displayed with a movie, because the location.hash was updated.
The theme image can now have a border.
The 'Click on a thumbnail' hint can be hidden.
The JW-Player video player files are now always available in the res folder., so the problem with videos in folders has been solved.
Adapted for iOS-8
2.1.1 Sep 15, 2014
The theme image is now also centered in Firefox.
A horizontal scroll bar is now added if a row of thumbnails is to wide for FF or IE
If the index page is showed after the last slide is closed, the index page scrolls to the bottom
Bug fixes:
A folder icon is no longer showed in a slide show.
Music is no longer restarted after the last slide.
On the iPhone the tool-bars were displayed while a slide was changed in iOS version < 7.1
2.1.0 Aug 28, 2014
A theme image can be inserted at the top index page and on index pages of subdirectories. The width of the theme image can be set by the album creator
The Album title can be displayed above the theme image, in the theme image or if the title is already drawn on the theme image the album title may be hidden.
The theme image can be hidden on small devices like an iPhone, but if the title was hidden, because it was drawn in the theme image, the title is not hidden.
An extra (height profile) image can be inserted at the end of the top index page and on index pages of subdirectories. For more information read next note:
Buttons can optionally also be showed on albums in subdirectories.
Chaining is now supported, requires jAlbum version 12.2
For more information how to process pictures in subdirectories, read this note:
The whole index page is now shifted down 40 pixels on an iPhone.
Property minimal-ui has been added for the viewport meta tag, which minimizes the top and bottom bars on the iPhone if iOS version 7.1 is installed.
Tapping the top bar brings both iPhone bars back, tapping in the content dismisses them again. This is an big improvement of the user interface on an iPhone, so if the iPhone is an important device for you it is advised to remake old albums.
De Facebook slide Share button, starts the Slide Show automatically at the selected slide.
You can now select the Font-family to be used. The color and the font-size of the title on the index page can now be set independent of the other colors and sizes
The Title is now used as folder name and as album title of an album in a subdirectory.
Problem with fixed resource in albums with subdirectories solved.
Upper margin audioplayer reduced for IE.
<h2> tags added around the middle footer text.
New version 6.9 of the JWPlayer installed.
2.0.0 Jul 22, 2014
The user interface of the Slide Show 4 skin settings pages has been improved by adding 2 new tabs: 'Index page' and 'Slide page'.
A new user manual has been made, see
The navigation buttons can now be made transparent and / or gray. For an example, see this album:
New version version 1.6.6 of the ToucheSwipe plugin.
2.0.0 Jul 22, 2014
The user interface of the Slide Show 4 skin settings pages has been improved by adding 2 new tabs: 'Index page' and 'Slide page'.
A new user manual has been made, see
The navigation buttons can now be made transparent and / or gray. For an example, see this album:
New version version 1.6.6 of the ToucheSwipe plugin.
1.9.13 Jun 10, 2014
Bug fix: The panorama expansion button is now moved after an orientation change of a tablet or smart phone.
1.9.12 May 28, 2014
The panorama expansion button is moved to the middle of the screen, just above a panorama photo. This button is now always visible if the panorama can be expanded.
1.9.11 May 19, 2014
This version repairs the jAlbum website Facebook bug as described in thread and it fixes a bug in the generation of an album with folders: the topwindow is now no longer duplicated.
1.9.10 May 8, 2014
Autoplay can now be enabled or disabled on the Music tab.
Bug fix: problem with refresh window solved.
1.9.8 May 5, 2014
Because of the extremely badly documented widget interface, the code had to be adapted again to handle comment notification emails.
1.9.7 May 3, 2014
Problems with Facebook sharing solved.
Sharing buttons are only be visible if check-mark 'Show Facebook buttons' on the General settings tab has been checked. The share button on the index page is in that case always visible on the first index page. The Like button on index page is replaced by the same FB hare icon as used on a slide page. The share button on a slide page can still be hidden by the viewer.
If you share the index page of a Slide Show 4 album, the image selected for the albums index page on the jAlbum server (the image with the red heart in the jAlbum explore) is showed in Facebook next to the text from the index page. If such an image is not selected in the jAlbum explore, the first image is used.
You should use the share buttons only if the album has been uploaded to the server, otherwise you see an error message!
Fast keys are now disabled while you input comment in the widget.
For slides a # followed by the slide index is now showed in the location field of the browser. This is done to support the interface to the jAlbum widget (which can only used if the album is hosted on the jAlbum server).
1.9.6 Apr 25, 2014
The image title or filename is now showed in the browser window title field if a slide is displayed.
The possible Home / Up links have been adapted:
If in the Settings / Pages Link to homepage group an URL is given, this link is displayed at the bottom of the index page, as a button if text has been entered in the Text field and as a Home icon if that field is empty.
If on the Slide Show 4 settings Link tab an URL is given in field 'Parent page URL' an up arrow is displayed at the top of the index page.
The hints for the icons at the bottom of the index page are now equal to the text of the corresponding buttons if no icons were used.
1.9.5 Apr 11, 2014
Next to the already existing possibility to completely hide or always show the slide navigation buttons, it is now possible to hide the slide buttons while the slide show plays and show the button after you pause the slide show by tapping on on slide. Select your preferred method by clicking the settings button on the index page.
To prevent that the Safari tool-bars pop-up if you display the album on an iPhone running iOS 7, the top buttons on the index and slide page are moved 40 pixels from the top if the album is displayed on an iPhone. Although you see now that the buttons may overlap a little bit the first thumbs on the index page, I think this is a small disadvantage compared by the improved touch interface on an iPhone.
Bux fix: If there were folders, the slide show did not start if a thumb in a folder was clicked.
1.9.4 Apr 3, 2014
No functional changes, just removed the quotes in the skin name as given in the skin properties to avoid possible problems with jAlbum 12.
1.9.3 Mar 26, 2014
Bug fix: the Settings button did not operate after the slide page was closed.
1.9.2 Mar 25, 2014
If a normal slide show album (check-mark embedded unchecked) was started without an index page, the slide show could not be re-started after it was closed. This has been corrected in this version. Now you can show a normal album without index page in an iframe as is done in my website and you can start the same album with an index page from the album menu:
1.9.1 Mar 11, 2014
Bux fix: If there were 2 or more index pages, the link from the thumb to the slide was wrong on the 2nd and next pages.
1.9.0 Nov 7, 2013
With panoramic pictures generated by my program EditPhotoInfo version 4.3 or later version, the panoramic pictures are now initially wider as the standard pictures.
The swipe-up function tries first to expand a slide and if that is not allowed, it opens Google Maps.
The possibility to show a middle footer text block has been added.
An extra page with information ( about, contact etc.) can now be added.
1.8.0 Oct 29, 2013
Preload of all images is now optional
Folders are now supported.
Optional is the resized image now larger as the natural size
Body font-size is no adjustable on the general tab
Display of panorama pictures in normal mode improved.
Help is no longer displayed in a frame, but in the browser.
Bug fixes
1.7.1 Oct 7, 2013
You can now use html code both in the album description and in the slide descriptions.
Use this for instance to add hyper-links in a description.
Top/bottom slide border height is adapted if it contains > 1 description line.
Slide description box is enlarged if it contains contains > 2 description lines.
A " character in the album description gives no longer problems.
Thumb height/width removed if there was comment.
1.7.0 Oct 2, 2013
Adapted for iOS7 on the iPad and iPhone.
Now with elastic thumbs which grow or shrink if you change the size of the index page. This is tested on mobile devices with Android and iOS operating system. It works also on PCs with the Safari and Chrome browser, but in IE and FF the dimensions are fixed.
Hint to F11 key added if Windows PC.
Image dimensions of videos corrected.
Height of expanded image adapted if the height is > window height.
1.6.5 Sep 24, 2013
Resizing of expanded pictures improved.
The iPhone-iOS 7 fix has been changed: the slide buttons are no longer moved to the center of the picture after the slide show has been stopped. Instead the buttons are placed 20 pixels from the top.
1.6.4 Sep 23, 2013
The iPhone-iOS 7 fix has been improved:
The slide buttons are moved to the center of the picture after the slide show has been stopped by a tap of the viewer.
Pre-loading and resizing improved.
1.6.3 Sep 20, 2013
This version contains a fix for iOS 7:
With an iPhone and iPod touch running in full screen mode under iOS 7, the top part of the canvas is not interactive anymore, if you click there the Safari navigation bar will appear.
This means you can not use the Slide Show 4 buttons above a slide. Most of these button functions can also be done with swipes, but there are no swipes for the panorama expand function and the Facebook Share function. To repair this these buttons will be moved down on these devices if there is room above the slide.
To get a complete full screen display of your album in iOS 7, turn your iPhone first in portrait orientation and next back in landscape orientation
1.6.2 Sep 15, 2013
The language of the help text depends now on the language of the viewer, not on the language of the album creator. Supported languages: NL, EN, DE, FR, ES, SV
Spaces in thumbs and image path replaced by %20
Optional Facebook 'Like' button moved to the left on the index page and changed so that there is no W3C validation error.
Facebook 'Share' button for each slide added, may be hidden in the Settings by the viewer.
1.6.0 Aug 31, 2013
If the album contains wide (panorama-) pictures, an expand icon is now automatically added in the upper left corner of the slide page, if (image width > 2.4 * image height) and (image natural height > 1.4 * initially displayed image height).
For panorama pictures it is advised to enlarge the slide pictures, after the generation of the album, to a height of for example 800 pixels with my program EditPhotoInfo (Function 'Make web page for panorama photo') or with a program like Photoshop Elements (Save for web...).
Facebook code changed to Facebook XFBMTL code scheme.
Bugs removed and some code improvements.
1.5.6 Aug 16, 2013
The file-name and if available the image description, is now displayed in a small window just above the thumbnail on the index page if you put your finger with a mobile device like the iPhone or iPad 0,4 second or longer on a thumbnail. You see the same effect on a PC if you hold down left mouse button on a thumbnail. The information window is removed if you release the thumbnail.
1.5.5 Aug 14, 2013
The file-name and if available the image description, is now displayed in a smaller window just above the thumbnail on the index page after a long tap on that thumbnail.
The viewing time of this window depends on the length of the information in this window.
1.5.4 Aug 13, 2013
The Copy and Save image message which was displayed on the iPad and iPhone if you tap long on a (thumbnail) image is now disabled.
The file-name and if available the image description, is now displayed on an iPad or iPhone on top of the index page if you put your finger 2 seconds or longer on a thumbnail.
1.5.3 Aug 7, 2013
Face-book link position changed and only showed on the first index page.
The margins, padding and radius of the thumbnails on the index page are now adjustable on the General tab page of the skin settings.
Problem with " chars in slide descriptions solved.
Leading and trailing spaces in slide descriptions removed.
1.5.2 Aug 5, 2013
Home icon changed.
Code for links under the thumbnails changed so that it works too with Chrome on the iPhone and iPad..
Swipe threshold enlarged from 40 to 200 pixels.
To allow better vertical scrolling of the index page on an iPhone, the up-swipe for Google Maps has been removed.
The Compress transition effect has been improved.
Code added to hide the Address Bar within Mobile Web Applications
You can now select a fixed thumbnail shape on the General tab.
1.5.1 Jul 28, 2013
A problem with the "Show English Help page" button has been solved.
Invisible control characters in the image description fields, which did cause crashes, are now automatically removed.
Some icons have been changed.
1.5.0 Jul 25, 2013
The layout of the index page has been adapted for small devices like an iPhone:
Settings are now only visible if you click the new Settings button. The selection boxes in this settings window are now larger for a better touch interface on an iPhone. Clicking the Settings button again will hide the Settings.
The Help windows shows up if you click the help button and it disappears if you click the Help button again.
Buttons below the thumbnails may optionally be replaced by icons. The size of a button can now be changed by adapting the font-size of button text on the general tab of the Slide Show 4 settings page.
1.4.7 Jul 11, 2013
File common.css corrected, so that all styles are working, not only Gray-textile
1.4.6 Jul 3, 2013
Some improvements made for a better user interface on an iPhone.
Margins around the sides of swipe area of the index page, to enable vertical scrolling on smart phones.
Swipes do no longer have an effect in the help window.
Facebook like button is now appended to the Album title.
Link to replaced by because did add </html> and </body> tags.
Footer text no longer fixed in the lower screen corners.
Help text corrected.
1.4.5 Jun 23, 2013
You can now force a fixed top position of the slide image.
To do that enter a position after "Used fixed slide top at:".
This position should be >= 0. Leave this field empty if you do not use it.
You can use this fixed position in albums embedded in an iFrame, where the frame height may exceed the screen height.
If the URL of a panoramic expansion page contains '', the expand icon is replaced by a 360Cities icon. These links can be added with my program EditPhotoInfo.
Some hints for buttons were always in Dutch, that is now corrected in a language dependent text.
1.4.4 May 29, 2013
Optional include file in the <head> section to include links and/or css code and/or js code can now be added.
If the URL of a panoramic expansion page contains '', the page is opened in a new window.
1.4.2 Apr 25, 2013
If an image description field contains only spaces, it is not displayed.
1.4.1 Mar 26, 2013
This version introduces the use of the following optional include files: in the <head> section to include links and/or css code and/or js code, in top of the <body> index page section for extra html for example a navigation menu, above the caption of the index page for extra html code, between the description and the optional buttons on the index page for extra html code, at the bottom of the index page for extra html code, at the top of a slide page and
slidepage-footer at the bottom of a slide page.
If you require a special inc page for a specific album, put the inc file in the images directory. If you like to use an inc file for all your albums, put the inc file in the Slide Show 4 skin directory.
For an example of the effect of these include files, see
1.4.0 Mar 18, 2013
Support for video added.
To use this skin for movies, select video support via Tools / Preferences, link only with scaled images and use jAlbum 11 or later version.
Example of a combined photo and video album:
1.3.2 Mar 4, 2013
Bug fixes:
The following problems have been solved:
1. The Help window was empty.
2. The thumbs cell width parameter had no effect.
3.The were problems if a slide show was started from a Face-book link created by the “Like” button on the index page.
1.3.1 Dec 22, 2012
Bug fix: Google Maps link in slide and swipes in the index page repaired.
1.3.0 Dec 19, 2012
More compact code: all html code is now in the index.html file.
New slide caption type: above image in the border.
The Audio control is now semi-transparent.
1.2.0 Dec 12, 2012
The Help button shows now a pointer cursor.
Problem with audio controls in IE on a PC solved.
The slide is now faster displayed, because the loading of the next image starts after the display of the current slide. Pre-loading in the index page has been improved.
Bug in case of 2 or more index pages solved.
You can now use my program EditPhotoInfo to add web pages for panoramic photos and to display the photos in Google Maps or Google Earth.
More info of my program EditPhotoInfo:
1.1.1 Dec 8, 2012
Small changes so that the html code was was successfully checked as HTML5 by the W3C Markup Validation Service.
1.1.0 Nov 24, 2012
Bug fix: problem with the handling of the last slide with the Internet Explorer solved.