
A skin with a powerful DISQUS integration, automatically producing a threaded forum for each of your images in the album. Also features;

- Lazy loading of thumbnails and images, supporting a large number of thumbnails in the album.
- A springy scroll of the current image/thread, making it follow the clicked thumb.
- Auto creates direct links to image/thread for easy sharing.
- Extremely simple setup / configuration.
- DISQUS will give you a very powerful admin system (for free), for managing comments and users. New comments for any image will be notified by email and easily findable, all in at one place.
- Turn your album into a miniature community!


Jan 23, 2012
Last updated
Jan 23, 2012

Commercial use is only allowed if you have a jAlbum Pro license.
No modifications of the skin are allowed.


1.0 Jan 23, 2012 (current)

Initial version, basic set of features. No customization.

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