Make your first album
Below you will find a few pointers to get you started with the jAlbum application.
- Drag and drop some photos onto jAlbum
- Choose layout (skin and style)
- Make the album
- Upload to your jAlbum storage or your own site That's all you need to know to create an album. Further spots of interest include:
- The list of recent Album projects
- The Edit view where you can edit your photos (crop, straighten, etc.) and play with metadata
- The Add captions area below the thumbnails
- The Settings window were you change settings and skin features
- The Preview button which lets you preview your album locally in your browser
Download jAlbum app
jAlbum is an extremely powerful tool, so there's of course a lot more that you can do. When you are ready, visit our Help section for more manuals and tutorials.
Get started with your homepage
By signing up for a jAlbum account you also get your very own user profile. Make yourself at home!
- Edit your Welcome message. Move the mouse over it click the "Edit" icon. Click outside the box to finish editing.
- Upload your Profile picture and fill in the Bio box with the details you want to share.
- Your Albums. Move the mouse over the thumbnail to Edit, Delete or Share them. You can change privacy settings for your albums on the Edit page.
- Your Fans, the people who like your albums. Invite your friends to join.
- The Groups you've joined. Find more groups to join in the Explore section.
- Your Guestbook, where visitors can leave you messages or comments on your albums. You can remove any unwanted posts by moving the mouse over a post and clicking the "Delete" button.
- Change the appearance of your homepage, connect your jAlbum account with your Facebook or Twitter account and change your e-mail notification settings on the Settings page.
- If you are using our storage you can Create albums straight from your browser by clicking the "Create new album" button.
Go to your homepage
Track your activity
On your "Activity" tab you'll find all updates regarding your albums, people you are following, albums you like, and groups you have joined.
- News: Activity and notifications
Groups: Groups you've joined, start new groups
Likes: The albums you favored
Follows: Users you follow and users that are following you
- Recently Liked albums. Albums that other users have liked.
- Notifications area. Click your Inbox to read incoming messages.
- Activity around your albums and people that you follow.
Go to your activity page