Category: How-To

  • Master Your Photography Workflow

    A solid photography workflow is key to maximizing your time, maintaining consistency, and delivering high-quality results. By optimizing every step, from planning to final delivery, you can focus more on your creative work and grow your business effectively. Here’s how to master your photography workflow. 1. Plan and Prepare Before the Shoot Every great photoshoot…

  • How to Grow Your Photography Business

    Standing out and growing a successful photography business takes more than just an eye for great shots. It requires strategic planning, a strong online presence, and leveraging the right tools to streamline your workflow and reach potential clients. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by utilizing platforms like jAlbum, which offers…

  • How To Share Photos With Clients: A Beginner’s Guide

    How To Share Photos With Clients: A Beginner’s Guide

    As a photographer, delivering photos to your clients is one of the most crucial steps in your workflow. How you present and share your work can have a lasting impact on your client’s experience and your professional reputation. Whether you’re showcasing your work through a website for photography portfolio or directly sharing individual collections, it’s…

  • Sell prints, downloads through Fotomoto

    Sell prints, downloads through Fotomoto

    With the Fotomoto shopping cart integration, you can sell your photos as prints, cards, and downloads in a fully customizable, stylish way. While there are lots of photo sites and printing services around, few offer as many options for the seller. Fotomoto offers professional printing of your high-resolution images via jAlbum and will deliver orders…